Part 38

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"Mahir bhai... " Yuvi ran to mahir.
Bela who was shocked by these all to ran up to him.
"Mahir ji...please stop this fight." She pleaded
"Stop this fight? Don't you have common sense , I thought you had that. The one who killed my kuhu is standing in front of me and you are asking me to stop all these." Mahir pushed away bela again.
Vikrant:You are mad , mahir. I didn't killed anyone. Stop this nonsense.
Mahir:You didn't killed her but you made her die. She loved you and you killed her.
Mahir went to punch vikrant but bela came in between pushing both of them away.
"Why this nonsense? Please stop! Kuhu is dead. That's all. Now you both are going to kill each other for someone who's already dead" bela shouted

"You don't give values to relations because your mother didn't taught you that. But my mom taught the value of relations. Your mother was a bad lady and that is shown by both of you and your brother." Mahir said
Those words thumped on her heart directly. Ever in her life she didn't expected that from her mahir. For the first time , mahir insulted her by her night mare. He promised her once he won't ever do that but now that mahir insulted her.

"Who the hell are you to talk bad about my mom! I'll bear anything , but not this. If your sister is dead , she deserved that. Why insulting me and my brother! Vikrant told me everything. She had another affair and she was pregnant too not because of my brother but because of someone else." Bela's pain turned into words.

Those words hitted mahir in the most disturbing manner. Raising his hand , he slapped bela roughly.  The cheeks once he used to kiss was now slapped by him.

"You slapped me right? Where's your ideals now? Tell me" bela asked boldly suppressing her tears.

"Why should I show my ideals to a lady like you who don't even know what is ideals?" He asked back

Between this time police came and arrested vikrant.

"Bela , get out from sehgal house. You too are responsible for this death. Get out" sumitra roared
Mahir ever didn't expected this as even though he's showing hatred towards bela he knew the fact that he couldn't live without her.

"Why should I be here? I'm going" bela said. Going to her room , packing her dress she came to the living room.

In the way on seeing mahir she said , "I loved you a lot. But the moment you embarrassed and insulted me telling the past of me...from that moment the love for you turned into hatred for you."
Coming down , she went out of sehgal house.

Months before when sumitra insulted bela due to her past , bela went out of sehgal house ...not alone but with mahir. That day he promised that he'll be with her forever and now breaking that promise both parted the way. On reaching the gate , she turned back to see Sehgal house for the last time.

 On reaching the gate , she turned back to see Sehgal house for the last time

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