Part 21

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Behir love confession 💜

Precap : "Mahir ji , I...".bela hesitated
"I... Tell me bela , tell me bravely" mahir encouraged her
"I...I love you... I'm quite late in admitting my feelings, I know. I didn't knew actually what love felt like. But now I know. My heart burnt when I saw you close with Pragati , my heart skipped a beat when you touched me , I had butterflies in my stomach whenever your gaze was on me , I started seeing my reflection on you. Yeah that's love...I love you. Maybe you may not accept it. But I won't hesitate from expressing my feeling now. I LOVE YOU to infinity." Bela said emotionally with eyes flooded with tears.

Like this some days passed without anything significant happening. Bela was constantly irritated by mahir's closeness to pragati and his attitude towards her.

The day before wedding of kuhu and vikrant ( sangeet day)

"Viku , from tomorrow you are going to start a new life. I know you are more mature than me but let me tell something , don't ever hurt your wife. Kuhu , is a sweet soul... Don't ever hurt or break her heart. You know our mother's and father's relation. Don't ever make your relation with your wife bitter like that...okey.." Bela told vikrant caressing his hair
"Dii , I know how bitter it is when you are hurting your better half. I won't ever do that , I'll always be there with her. I assure you that" Vikrant said holding bela's hands tightly. Then he went out as andy called him for something.

"I'm advising him of relations when I'm broken. It's been days since mahir ji even talked to me. Why? Anyway , I can't tolerate it anymore. Today I'll bring an end to this." Bela said to herself and went out

All were busy in wedding decorations.

Bela's sari

Bela's POV

All are happy except me.
"Beta , please bring the garland from the room."Maa told me
I went to the room to take the garland and there I saw mahir ji making garlands with Pragati. Without showing any interest in them , "Maa told to bring the garland" I told them while pragati gave me the garland. Taking the garland I went to sumi maa.

Going to my room , I shut close the door. My heart was aching. The only treasure I had is mahir ji and now I'm loosing him too. What an unlucky soul I'm! But no , I don't want to blame my destiny on everything. I'm going to do something , I'm going to tell him everything. My love to him... I'm already late , but no problem. Let's see his reaction and decide the future things. Maybe he may reject me , okay...But anyway I'll open up my mind tonight.

I took a note and wrote something and placed it on the table and went out.

Pov ends

Mahir's POV

It's been 5 days since I talked to my albela. I have been hurting her a lot. But it's needed. Bela should realise and admit her feelings instead of playing this hide and seek. Till now , she has been cold. Hope everything goes good. "Mahir , have you ate breakfast?" Sumi maa asked me
"Yeah" I lied.  It's been 5 days since I ate something properly. How can I eat something , when my love is depressed? I know I'm the reason for her depression , but I have no way. Suddenly I noticed a note on the table.

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