Part 40

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As you guys completed the target within time , I'm posting next part.
Love you all♥

"Yuvi , I want to tell you something. Very urgent." Pragati was overwhelmed
Yuvi:What? Tell me
Pragati:I got an information about bela's whereabouts. She gave delivery in a hospital where my friend is working as doctor. Moreover my friend took the delivery. I called her. Today we can meet her in a cafe. If you don't mind will you come with me?
Yuvi:Sure , I'll come.

"Yuvi , where are you going?" Devo was irritated
"To a work related meeting" yuvi lied
"When you started working with pragati?" Devo smirked
Devo:You are going out with Pragati right? I don't know for what you are going for but as you are lying I can sense that something is wrong. If you ever dare to cheat me....
Yuvi:Why overthinking? And stop always following me. You know how I'm feeling like for the past few years. You changed even my mindset. You changed a lot after our marriage. So stop this.
Yuvi stormed out of the room.
"Eh!!! What he's doing?" Devo said to herself hitting her hands on table.

Scene: Cafe

"So tell us , what happened then?" Pragati asked
"That day , she was brought to hosp by a guy and a girl. You may know the girl. Bela's pregnancy had some complications but because of god's grace everything went well. After 1 week of delivery they went from hosp" the doctor friend said
Yuvi: Who's the girl?
Doctor:Associate director Romy
Pragati:Romy! What? I can't believe this!
Yuvi: I think romy took bela from Ms. Goyal's place to their place. Maybe she's with them.
Doctor:After few months she came to meet me once for a check up. She was working as a choreographer then.

"So we are getting more and more clues. I feel like we are near bela now. We could prove her innocence to mahir and make them unite again" pragati  was determined.
"Yeah , we both together can do anything" Yuvi said clasping her hands.


"Mumma , who's this person? Is he my dad?" Bunty asked a lady showing her the pic which she threw earlier.
And that girl is -

Bela sharma

She has really changed a lot in these years. From cutting her hair short to changing her dressing style from sari to denims and casual t shirts she changed her appearance.

"Albela tell me" bunty pouted
"Stop this ! I told you na not call me albela. My name is Sonakshi." Bela warned her child who was almost 5 year.

"But albela is my favourite name. I'll call you only that. Tell me who's this man" bunty asked again showing the broken photo.

"He's my old friend. Now I have lost connection with him. That's all" bela was angry and then threw away the photo out again.
Bela angrily went out of room but bunty went out and took that photo.
"I feel like this person has some connection with me. If he's my dad , I can show those kids in my class that I too have dad like them" bunty told herself. Taking the photo she hid it in her cupboard.

"Mahir ji!!! Leave me" bela laughed
"No way my albela. Won't leave you ever in my life." Mahir grabbed her by her hands. He slowly leaned towards her while she closed her eyes being shy. Their lips were only an inch away---

"Ahh" bela screamed waking up

Bela's POV

In between these years I'm trying to forget him every day , every moment. But these dreams those words of bunty is making me recall him again. No...I don't ever want to love him again. Please god , wipe off his memories from me. How my life changed upside down in these years! Expected one thing , got something else. Bunty , everyday is asking me about her father. How can I tell her , her dad is a guy who abandoned her mother , who didn't believed her mom. Even in between these years , I changed my name to sonakshi. But genetics! Don't know why but she's calling me albela! Her nose , lips , eyes everything looks like her father. She resembles him a lot. She makes me remember him again. Haha ...why I'm laughing thinking about him. No , again I shouldn't ever love him.

"Bela , laughing then becoming angry. What all expression changes! What's wrong with you!" Romy asked waking me up from my trance
"No..nothing" I stammered and went to take a shower


"I want pinky , bunty , jolu , golu" mahir said
"What? Do you want a nursery? Huh?" Bela was shocked
Bela:Only 2 kids , pinky and bunty
Mahir:Arey , that's so less
Bela: I'm the one who's suffering all those pain
Mahir's face suddenly changed to a sad expression.
"I feel like , if I can share atleast a bit of pain with you. But..." Mahir was sad
"Arey I was just joking!" Bela gave him a small nudge
Mahir suddenly grabbed bela and both laid on the bed with bela on top.
"So nursery full of children?" Mahir pouted
"Maybe" bela winked

"Ahhhh" mahir screamed waking up.

Mahir's POV

It's been years since I'm trying to forget her. She killed my sister. How cruel she was to support a killer! Then she's equal to being a killer. She made me a hard fellow like this. Someone who forgot to smile. Pinky , bunty!!! What all dreams we had! I loved her sincerely but she wasn't someone whom I expected her to be.
I could see a picture of us which I haven't ever removed. Because I couldn't...smiling looking at the pic , I got up.

"So Romy's house is only few kilometres away from here" pragati said looking at the address.
Yuvi who was driving took a turn to a small road.


Promo:Pragati and Yuvi about to meet bela aka Sonakshi

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