Part 15

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Hey are you all??

Today's part precap :

"She's my wife and I'll be with her forever. Now I'm not gonna be here anymore" mahir rised his voice
"But beta , bela manipulated you...she brainwashed you." Sumitra pleaded
"You'll soon understand who manipulated whom!" Mahir grabbed bela's hands and went out of Sehgal house while all others stood shocked except devo.


"I love hate" mahir said and grabbed bela close to him while bela stood with downcast eyes. Even bela started enjoying everything but she was stubborn in admitting that.
"Ahem..umm" someone coughed hearing which behir suddenly moved apart.
"This is not your bedroom , it'skitchen. But if you want to continue, I won't mind. I'll go...I haven't seen anything" yuvi winked and went out taking an apple while bela started blushing like a tomato.

"Beta , how are you now? Is it paining?" Sumi asked devo who was lying on her bed after giving her tablet.
"Physically I'm perfect now but not mentally." Devo said looking at the ceiling.
Sumi:What happened? Tell me.
Devo:Aunty , I want to tell you something shocking. Maybe you may not believe me , but I even have evidence with me.
Sumi:Tell the matter!
Devo:Ok , Aunty , this bela is not an orphan. Her mother is alive , even she has a brother. I know everything about her.
Sumi:But why? Why she hid all those facts from us?
Devo: There's a ugly truth behind that. Bela's dad suicided due to her mother. Her mother had relations with multiple men. Even bela was like know everything is hereditary. Her brother is in some other village. Due to the issues she face , Mrs. Goyal adopted her seeing her dance somewhere. Listen , she hid all those things , which means there's something wrong with her.
Sumi:But , I can't believe all these!!!
Devo:I know you love her but she don't love you. She has even started manipulating mahir. Now he's like a servant to her. What if bela's father 's fate awaits mahir!!! If you have doubt on me ask Goyal , whether she's orphan or not.
Devo showed her some pics of bela's family.
"I'm her classmate. I know all about her. She used to go out with many boys of our class for money. One day she slapped a guy as he denied her proposal and then manipulated the whole issue and told all that he misbehaved to her. She's afraid of me , she's afraid whether I'll tell all these incidents to all. Today she poured oil on the floor making me fall. Otherwise how oil came there. On that wedding day , in the perfect time how karishma got arrested? Bela did that. Yeah karishma is also having lot of issues and she have committed mistakes but not to the extent of bela. Now think..." Devo said


"Next month is yuvi's engagement. We should plan something. We can organise dance. Bela bhabhi & mahir bhai - a pair and then devoleena & Yuvi - a pair. I , Rj , Rahul , Manvi - single dance." Kuhu announced to all.
Mahir and others were sitting on the sofa in the living room. Hearing about his dance with bela , he felt a spark of happiness in mind but didn't showed it outside.

"Bhai and bhabhi's dance in the kitchen 😉" Yuvi winked
Kuhu:What? Why they should dance in kitchen? Our function is on the living room.
Yuvi:But they love kitchen
Now mahir couldn't look at other's face as he was hell embarrassed.
Kuhu:What bullshit are you speaking? I can't understand.
Rj:Kuhu , yuvi opens his mouth for cracking double meaning jokes. Hope you understood now...
Kuhu: Actually I couldn't understand
Suddenly bela came with juice for all.
"Aah , here comes bela bhabhi ....ask her about this. She'll make you understand" yuvi said
Kuhu:Bela bhabhi , Yuvi is saying he wants yours and mahir bhai's dance to be held on kitchen in the engagement function.
"Kitchen??...Ohh" First of all bela couldn't understand but on understanding the thing she started blushing and to avoid eye contact , she started giving all juice. When she reached near mahir , he too took a glass of juice. Bela sat near him. Instead of drinking by himself , he made bela sip the juice first.
"I know you haven't drank the juice." Mahir said while giving the juice to bela.
Yuvi: Husbands should be like this.
Kuhu:Bhai and bhabhi will be dancing on the song , "Falak tak chal"
Yuvi:I and devo will dance on "Ik mulaqaat"
Kuhu:Bhai and bhabhi , I'll play the song you guys practice.

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