Part 48

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Precap : we wasted 6 years of our life to understand the worth of each other. What I did can't be forgived easily. But..." Mahir was opening  up his mind.
Bela clasped his hands and nodded to whatever he said.
"Mahir ji...I love you...I love you a lot...till now I was like this because of the things happened. I had a grudge towards you due to many facts which I don't how to explain. I wanted to hide bunty from you. " Bela's eyes were filled with tears.we wasted 6 years of our life to understand the worth of each other. What I did can't be forgived easily. But..." Mahir was opening up his mind.
Bela clasped his hands and nodded to whatever he said.
"Mahir ji...I love you...I love you a lot...till now I was like this because of the things happened. I had a grudge towards you due to many facts which I don't how to explain. I wanted to hide bunty from you. " Bela's eyes were filled with tears.

"Rakshabandhan Special Part"

"Get out" bela screamed
"Bela , please understand me." Mahir pleaded.
"How can I understand you? Whatever you did to no...I don't wanna remind myself of all those facts again and again"Bela tried to suppress her emotions.

Pragati's POV

What the hell is this! All my plans flopped. I somehow wanted to bela and mahir to unite but even now bela is stubborn. I wanna kill this karishma to end all these. Suddenly I heard a knock on door. It was karishma.
"What!" I asked
Pushing me inside the room , she locked the door from inside after devoleena too entered the room.
"What are you doing? Get out" I screamed.
"Haha" both of them laughed in the most disturbing manner.
"Here there's none in this house except us and you are trapped. This house is filled with goons now to end you. Reason is simple , you flopped our plans and exposed us" karishma laughed
"Leave me" I yelled as I tried to run from the room.
"Even if you escape from this room , you won't be able to rescue yourself. " Devoleena smirked.

Karishma raised her hand and slapped me very hardly. But in between I pushed both of them away and somehow opened the door. Running down the stairs , I took my phone and called onto the last dialled number without checking who it was.
"Hello!!!hello!!!please is going to kill me at anytime" I said
Suddenly I slipped and rolled down the stairs injuring myself. My forehead was badly injured. When I was about to run from the home , Some goons were there. One came and grabbed me tightly and hit my head with a rod. I couldn't see anything now. The last scene I saw was karishma and devoleena smirking at me.

Pov ends

"What! Pragati in hospital!" Mahir exclaimed hearing the news from yuvi.
"Yeah bhai , please come soon" yuvi said on phone before hanging up.

Mahir rushed onto the hosp and was shocked to see pragati in such a condition. She was injured very badly. Bela was beside her. Seeing mahir , she was about to leave but shocking her mahir grabbed her hand and said , "Wait"
"Pragati , what happened?" Mahir inquired
"Karishma..devoleena tried to harm me...."she said with great effort.
"Bhai , karishma and devoleena tried to attack her when she was alone in home. Bela bhabhi saved her."Yuvi said


Pragati lost her consciousness.
"Now let's dump her somewhere and end her pain" karishma smirked
The goons were about to lift her but suddenly someone screamed ,"STOP!!"
They were shocked seeing bela there.
"Now it became easy for us. Let's end her too. She's my greatest enemy" karishma smirked
Goons came to bela but suddenly she kicked them away.
"Let's see today whether I'll end you or you'll end me." Bela took her gun.
She shot some of the approaching goons on their legs making them escape from there due to fear.
"Belaa" devoleena screamed and tried to grab her but she slapped devo so hardly making her fall down. Karishma stood stunned seeing all these. Then yuvi came there. Both took Pragati to hosp.
"I'm leaving you today...but not forever" bela reminded karishma and then left.
Pragati called bela while coming down the stairs. Sensing something was wrong she came there.

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