Part 10

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Let's continue from the previous part.

Bela wondered who was there in the kitchen that too at this midnight. It wasn't shanti di (maid of house) as she was in leave that day.
"Who's it?" Bela asked ( she didn't asked rasoda mein kaun tha😂)
But that figure didn't replied. Now panic mode in bela was on , she slowly tip toed near that person. To bela's shock that person suddenly turned towards bela and to stop her from yelling closed her lips with her hands.

It was devoleena

(You guys guessed it right 😁)

"Oh it was you , I was scared thinking it was someone else" bela gasped
"But you should scare me also." Devo handed over her a glass of water
"Why?" Bela was puzzled
"Bela where's your parents?" Devo asked
"" bela stammered wiping off her sweat
"Why your smile vanished when I asked about them?" Devo smirked
Bela:I miss them a
Devo:Ok , in which school you studied?
Bela:In xyz school
"Okay, there a girl studied who was called by everyone as devil devo. She hated a girl called bela sharma a lot. Atlast bela sharma even changed her school to escape from them" Devo said with a smirk
"You....devo...that...girl...I..." Bela was shivering. The glass from her hand was about to fall but devo caught it from falling.
"Ayy, don't make sound. Others may wake up. Then If I tell your story to them , then...BOOM... everything will come to an end. Your life here as a queen as the wife of Mr. Mahir Sehgal." Devo went closer to her while bela went backward atlast she got pinned to the wall. Devo placed her finger on bela's throat.
"Don't worry , I won't tell that to anyone now. But always obey me , my dear Bela Sharma or my Rani ki bachhi." Devo threatened her with a smirk and went away. For a moment , bela was in trance. Some flashes of past ran through her mind.

"Where's bela?" Mahir thought seeing bela nowhere in the room. He came to the kitchen and saw bela standing there. Mahir thought to be a little naughty , he suddenly went and backhugged her.
"Please...leave me... don't tell others ....please" bela screamed falling onto his arms and fainted.
"Bela...bela...what happened?" Mahir asked but Bela wasn't responding. Taking her in his arms he took her to his room and made her lie on the bed.
Bela regained consciousness when he sprinkled some water on her face.
"What happened to you bela? Are you well now? You looks so tensed" Mahir asked in one breathe
"Mahir ji... nothing I'm okay , I saw a dream that's why" bela said
"I'll give you water" Mahir gave her a glass of water.

"Mahir  , please we want party" everyone said in one voice
" wedding party" mahir announced while yuvi and his friends screamed in joy

"Dii , yoi should be the star today. Till now none of mahir bhai's fans hasn't got to know he's married. Today media persons are invited here and we will reveal he's married. So you should be glamourous today."Kuhu told bela
"But I don't like so much luxurious dress. I'll wear a sari" Bela pleaded
Kuhu:Arey please bhabhi , Today here thousands will be coming. Even actresses are coming. So if you aren't dressed well , it will be bad. You should make you centre of attention of bhai. Actresses should feel envious of you.
Designers brought before her a variety of dress.

Bela's POV

Kuhu told me I should surprise mahir. The party will be starting at 6pm. Mahir will first go and give interview and all. Then I'll enter the party at 7pm. Till then everyone will be guessing who he married. And I think I should make mahir shocked as he always thinks those actresses are so beautiful and I'm wicked grandma. Today I'll make him shocked. My look and dress will make all just look at me. Even kareena kapoor will be envious of me😏
Mahir came to the room , got ready and before going said , "Be there correctly at 7pm. I'll be going to the party now to announce my new movie. Your entry at 7 pm reveals I married you."
He came towards me and teased me by saying ,"A lot of beautiful actresses are coming. Maybe you'll feel envious😉"
I smirked. He went away

Pov ends

"Our mahir sir is coming." A journalist screamed. Every other journalist gathered around him asking him questions
"Sir whom you married?"
"Sir , is it Ms.Karishma Tanna?"
"I'll answer it soon. You'll get to know who's it at 7pm." Mahir said as all were excited

Many actresses and actors came to mahir and they chitchatted.
Suddenly someone came

An actress from bollywood is going to come to our story in the next part. Who's it? Any guesses... A positive character and a cameo this actress is

Next part is a special part.❤

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Update will be there when there's 60+ votes

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