Chapter: Fondant Tudor Roses

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This is Day Four of my version of events. Now, where was I? Ah right, the bus-jacking. Penber and I made idle chatter in the meantime, discussing things like what to have for dinner and how my college applications were going; stuff to sell the idea that we were related. Suddenly, a man got onto the bus waving a gun in the air yelling instructions and threats to the driver. The entire bus fell into a frenzy of fear, though with my past experiences with guns in my face I had no choice but to cling to Raye like a Koala in a forest fire. My entire body shook when the man started pacing the isles waving his gun in the faces of people who whimpered and cried. He did try to threaten me when I let out a small cry, but he left me alone when he continued to give further instructions to the driver.

"My name is Raye Penber, this is Jane Grey," Raye introduced us both very quietly to Light who was sat in front of us. My shaking ceased when I finally caught a glimpse once more to Light who in turn was comforting the terrified girl at his side. I gently let go of Raye, and showed the two my own falsified identification in addition to Raye's. Light wasn't an idiot though, the way he analysed my face told me that he knew on some level that I was still alive and right before him. As much as I'd love to recount properly the events of the bus-jacking,  don't really recall it very well over my own flashback and fear. Despite this, when we all got off the bus to get to safety, Penber and I stuck near Light and his new girl since we were still observing him. He tapped my shoulder, to which I turned to him and almost immediately recoiled. I couldn't afford to be caught out now.

"Do I know you?" he asked, analysing every detail of my face whilst I fidgeted. I shook my head feverishly, to which made him more suspicious. Taking a confident breath, I felt myself calm and stride closer to him and whispered "You don't know me, I don't know you." My voice was a lot shakier than I had anticipated, but he seemed to get the message at least I thought so. He went to tuck a loose strand of my newly dyed black hair behind my ear, until suddenly we became conscious of the fact that he was here with someone else.


"Jane Moreaux?"
"No, Jane Grey"
"I don't believe you"
"Well then thats your problem."

He let out a laugh, instinctively going to kiss me however almost immediately stopping himself. This wasn't some affair fantasy that he could play out with me, nor was I supposed to be someone he knew. Raye snapped us both out of our daydream when he called me out to return home; Raye handed me my purse and threw a protective arm around my shoulders. We bid the two lovebirds goodbye, prepared to relay our information back to our respective superiors and I was already anticipating L pushing me to go further back into death's hands with Light. Whilst walking, I kept sneaking a glance behind me to see him watching me leave and pay no heed to the girl talking at him.

Sitting in the car, Raye turned to me resting a comforting hand on my shoulder "Are you okay, Grey?"
"I'm fine, thanks for snapping me out of it,"

"I don't know what you've been through, but you seemed pretty scared,"

"I'm fine Raye, don't worry about it." He didn't seem convinced at all, but did I need to? No, we were coworkers, he wasn't my father nor my brother so I felt no need to tell him anything.

"Why don't we get coffee? To calm your nerves," he offered. I scoffed teasingly at him "Are you coming on to me?"
He chuckled, "Absolutely not, you're more like a kid-sister. Besides I'm-"
"Engaged, I know. My sister lived with you a few years back, I know exactly who you are," At that, he knew exactly who I was in turn. He showed no fear at who I could be associated with, but he got the message. The car pulled up to my hotel, and I realised that I was more afraid than I had thought. Before I could open the door, I grabbed Raye's hand and whispered "Coffee would be great..." He smiled at me with sympathy, and reassured me that for as long as we were on this case he would treat me with the same care as a kid-sister who had gone through too much for her to handle; in essence thats exactly what I was, a terrified girl. I do miss him, even now. We would go for a cup of coffee fairly regularly in the mornings before observing Light, much to Watari's delight that I am slowly branching out, even the café that we went to recognised us as regulars.

On the day of his death, I was having a bad day in terms of my health. All the excitement but recoil of trauma caused me to fall awfully ill with no appetite whatsoever and severe nausea and fatigue. The fatigue was nothing new, after all I was extremely deficient in vitamin D even still in addition to being chronically ill. However, when the news was broken to me that he had been killed by Kira I knew that if Light was the killer I would never be able to forgive him. I was sat up, propped against pillows, wrapped in a blanket crying my eyes out with Watari cradling my fragile body. By the time I had settled down and drifted in and out of sleep, L had stepped into my room in the darkness to bring me some cake and tea. I couldn't see his appearance in the darkness, but I guess this was his form of comfort. Maybe he understood how I felt -feeling like everyone around me gets killed. When I woke up to see the cake slice beside my bed, Watari helped me eat but I saved the fondant rose that sat on top of it. Something about that rose reminded me of my losses, but only motivated me to survive.

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