Chapter 23: Greensleeves before the King

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"Whatcha lookin at Mees?" It was the same day, I was asking Misa Misa what she was looking at though I already knew what it was. She hummed and turned to me, discreetly pointing at Light who was swaggering across the street "Isn't that guy so cute?". I pretended to check him out, though my opinion of him fairly certain depending on the day and today was not that day

"That's my ex-boyfriend,"

"No way, seriously?" She seemed almost baffled whilst I downed the remainder of my coffee. I nodded and pulled up a picture that I had taken with Light about a week and a half ago when I was with him and showed her. By this point, you'd think that she'd back off or something, ya know girl code and that, but nope! "Okay look Jane-y, we're best friends right?" she clasped my hands, her eyes beaming and practically sparkling, "As my bestest friend, would you let me date him if I could get to him?" I mulled it over. I wont lie, the very thought of him with another girl annoyed the hell out of me - my opinion tends to swing a lot, something I'm working on with my therapist - mostly because of what he did and so I gave it to her truthfully and brutally. "...sure." Okay I lied.

The happiness in her eyes was just too cute, I couldn't let her down. Don't get it twisted though, I won't let her get to him if I can help it. She gleefully cheered and grabbed my hand when we left, just holding it as she tried to stalk him down the road but luckily for me I was successful in feigning illness. Clutching my stomach, I made some grumbling sounds and such and told Misa that I needed to stop for a few minutes, clearly upset but did she want to be the person who makes the girl in a wheelchair feel sick? Nah, so we stopped which allowed the group ahead of us get a good distance away. It was pretty evident that she was not happy that we had to stop so many times, but I couldn't help it I didn't want to involve my friend with: 1) a potential serial killer 2) The worst mistake I had ever dated 3) The worst mistake that I had ever dated that I don't want to date other people. Call me selfish but for the sake of our friendship I was not about to let that go.

She lost interest pretty quickly after that and we split apart to go home, we had spent almost the whole day together and I was so exhausted. I wanted to just take a cab or something home but there would be no point since I had nobody to help me get in and out and stuff, nor did I have cash on hand, so it was just wheeling all the way home and taking multiple buses. I didn't get home until around midnight (we went pretty far for our day out) and I was absolutely ravenous.

"And where have you been young lady?" An annoyed voice called from the darkness that was the main room. I paused for a moment and scanned it, spotting a hunched figure at the table. Reaching over to a lamp I switched it on and lo and behold there was a disgruntled L. Didn't I tell you before that he'd be hesitant to let me go out? Though I am quite surprised that it was L there and not Watari.

"I was just out with a friend, thats all,"

"At the same place that Light was?" he raised an eyebrow, looking unsatisfied.

"Genuinely L, I had no idea he'd be there. I just went out with Misa for a day out and he was just there," I held my hands up in defence whilst he analysed my body language. He must've determined that I was somewhat oblivious to it and relaxed as much as he would if he possibly could.

"You could've called me if you needed someone to pick you up," I slapped my forehead, how in the hell could I have forgotten that? I wheeled to him and he pushed a plate of food as well as some pain killers, sat beside me, and made conversation.

"How's therapy been going for you?"
"What do you think?"

"Oh I know how its been going, but I want to see if you've noticed anything"

I hummed and thought about it. Have you noticed any change? I was about to answer when the light was turned on and there in the doorway was Watari in his pyjamas.

"Loving the slippers 'pa" I chuckled when he wandered over and took a seat opposite L.

"You're late home," he grumbled, pouring a cup of tea. I smiled, no longer exhausted, "It was a long ride home."

Our conversation that night had nothing to do with the case at all, we were all just so relaxed and calm that day that it felt like there was nothing wrong with the world. I learned a lot that night, like how the two were from England and some other things from their past that they let me in on. L also indulged me a little on information on my sister and my biological parents but at this point I didn't care much. I won't lie, I have left my adoptive parents far away in my mind and probably that was a good thing. That left a lot of pain in my heart when I last saw them so to keep that far away from me was probably for the best but I did see them sometimes when grocery shopping with Watari.

"Why in the hell did you even date Light" I was suddenly asked. Like I said, this night had nothing to do with the case I just thought I'd show us being more of a family than a dysfunctional workplace. I burst into laughter "I don't even know, he was cute and I wanted a piece of arm candy," I don't even need to tell you for you to know that until 4am I was teased and poked fun at. Watari opted out at around 3:30 (Weak if you ask me) but we just couldn't help but learn one thing about each other and annoy them.

Jane GreyWhere stories live. Discover now