Chapter 14: A Rewrite

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"So you're telling me I showed up in the night looking for comfort in you?" I asked, my voice husky from waking up recently, my head still pounding like a bitch and so the curtains were closed and the lights turned off. Light was holding me gently, rubbing circles into my arm "Yes, my Jane. You was frightened by a man you bumped into in the street and came to me," He whispered, weary of my pain. I knew that he was lying, but how exactly do you explain that you fell asleep and just suddenly appeared in the room when you woke up? Though I had a sneaking suspicion it had something to do with the Shinigami in the corner of the room watching us, bit creepy to be honest but like any other person I wouldn't be able to mention it without looking absolutely insane.

"I...I believe you Light," I didn't really, I simply found a way in my cloudy mind to exploit the situation. If the cameras are still in the room, then L must be seeing whats happening and should at least be seeing what I'm trying to do. I felt him chuckle against my back and press a kiss to my neck, "Would you be alright to go on a little date with me?" he asked. Carefully, I calculated the best route to take, how would I be able to circle back to my caretakers in addition to maintaining whatever is going on right now with Light. If I stayed here, the Task Force would be able to monitor everything and be able to intervene if necessary, but if we left then he'd be more inclined to speak more (though at the sacrifice of my own comfort and health). I slowly turned my body so that I was facing him, eyes half-lidded but still able to see that glint in his eyes that spoke of his success "I would love to..." It was exactly the answer he wanted to hear.

Light then informed me of his plan, he wanted to take me to the opening ceremony of him attending To-Oh!, he had also made an entire story up in order for me to fit his narrative (how he managed to compile it in the time that I had been passed out, I'll never know. Light was just good like that). I had to feign losing my memories, the only thing that I was supposed to know was that I was kidnapped at some point - don't get it twisted though, I remember everything as they had happened, but I was curious to see how Light wanted to twist me to fit him.
"What did you say my name was?" I asked, he was holding me upright by the waist whilst I attempted to stabilise myself.

"You're my Jane Moreaux, my beloved girlfriend for several years now," he tucked a stray hair behind my ear and kissed my forehead, I had to restrain myself from cringing. In recent times, I had grown apart from my love for Light particularly whilst working on the case, everything he had done was just so suspicious so naturally we grew apart. Think of it like a crown of solid gold, in the moment it's glorious and beautiful but eventually the jewels lose its shine and the crown itself becomes heavy. If you aren't careful, it can break your neck when someone hurls it at you.

"Right...And you're...You're, you're...You're Light Yagami, my boyfriend."
He had told me to stand by the open window and wait for him to circle around and catch me when jumping out. By this, I knew his parents had no clue that I was even here and so I never even walked through the door at all. Whilst I waited, I put on one of his old baseball caps - it provided at least some shade to my splitting head - and began to theorise once more. I also looked around to find the cameras placed and successfully found one in the corner of the room. I kept my gaze on it for a while whilst I thought, hoping someone or anyone would see me. I concluded that this was Light's fantasy. If I had never gone home that fateful night, what would he have done or wanted me to do. And thats when it hit me in a haze, when he said about a month ago that he'll 'have me again' it meant that he would attempt to completely manipulate my memories and life to this picturesque fantasy where he is the hero and at the same time gets to play God as Kira. How he planned to do this knowing full well that I worked with the highest ranking detective who literally is after his neck, I have no clue. For now, I plan to follow along with his plan and playing dumb in order to keep my life and just hope and pray that L will save me again. He seems to be doing that a lot in my life, how lucky am I to have the anonymous detective's constant watch for my life. Not many people can say that, now can they?

"Jane!" That was my queue. The familiar action of sliding out of the window was not a fun one with my changing life, but Light caught me happily and we went on a nice walk down the street. He had held on to me the entire time, and anyone who had so much as looked at me I could feel his grip grow tighter. The Shinigami had followed closely behind us. We chatted a bit here and there, Light fed me falsified information alongside the proper memories and I had pretended to hang on to every word and take it for gospel, but nonetheless I constantly reminded myself of who I am and what I'm here for and if I didn't get help soon then I would make it for myself. Whatever supernatural creature of powers that Light possessed didn't matter, especially if he was charismatic enough to make me question my own memory.

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