Chapter 41: Playing the Game

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I fell asleep in Gramps' office and actually slept, not just entered a comatose state. It was such a lovely sleep, and I woke up feeling like he had never left this earth. Whilst I was cleaning up yesterday, I found one of his old suits in the closet and so I took an initiative to build myself up again. I washed and dried his suit under the blanket of night, not once had I come out when people would see me and branched away. It fit quite nicely, as if it was made for me, I didn't really need to tailor it and even the trousers fit properly which was the most surprising since Gramps was a head taller than me.

Throughout the week, I had been speaking to Roger over the phone in Gramps' office and we had come to an agreement that it would be safer for me to travel to where Wammy's House is and meet the 'successors' myself to work with them properly. Ordinarily I would think nothing of it, but if I know L I'd know that his successors would be just as secretive about their identities as he was,  so needless to say I was incredibly suspicious. It was a few hours by plane to England and from there an extra couple hours drive to Winchester. I was extremely hesitant at first to agree, my heart still sore with heartache and my mind still fragile, but my body knew what it needed to do. And so, come the morning, I woke up properly and suited up, tie and everything including little cufflinks with the engraving of L and W on them. The week prior, I had them specially made to go with the suit even if I didn't wear it so that there was always something with me. I walked into the main room, hair tied into a neat bun and fiddling with my tie whilst I dug through the drawers for my medication to pack. I paid no mind to the others in the room, but they certainly paid mind to me;

"Jane! You're awake!"
"Where are you going?"
"Out. I won't be back for a while,"
"What time do you think you'll be back?" Light asked, grabbing me by the shoulders and fixing my tie for me. His touch burned through my skin, making my blood boil with fury but I had to keep it at the surface - everyone chalked up my initial anger to grief and so I couldn't let them know that I wanted nothing more than to kill him - so I played the virtuous girlfriend where I could. Poor Misa had no idea and yet my gut was once again nervous around her, the same way that it would be when she was the Second Kira.
"About a week," I murmured.
The others exclaimed at my remark, asking questions like where I was even going and what I was doing. I simply bit back and said that it wasn't any of their business but reassured them that I'd be in touch. I may hate Light but that doesn't mean the others deserve to suffer in anxiety over my safety. Light gently finished tying my tie and gave me a kiss on the lips. I played up to it, leaning into it and appearing submissive to it whilst also hesitant.

My bags were already in the lobby waiting for me, Roger had called a contact to come and pick me up and take me to the airport and so all I had to do was get myself and my bags out there whilst also looking for someone I've never even seen before. Cheering my goodbyes, I raced down to the lobby and just sat and waited, fiddling with my cufflinks silently praying for ease in my anxiety. About twenty minutes later in came Gold! He spotted me from a mile away and gave a cheeky smile, taking one of my bags "I'm your ride kiddo. Lets go,"
"Lets just say I have connections to many people in many places." And that was that. I noticed some new scabs and scars on his face, clearly he's been getting into some fights whilst being away and Spectre was nowhere to be seen. It seems that Gold saw me looking for the shinigami "I asked Spec to raise hell for that bastard whilst you weren't in the complex,"

"Whilst you're there, he can't do anything that might hurt you even when you're holed up in your room. Now is optimal for him to strike," it made sense. Presumably, and maybe this is vain of me, but all of his crimes were for me to be with him forever and not have to worry about people like my kidnapper ever again. But it relied on his own definition of what a good person is.

When I got on the plane, I had my first proper meal in a long time. Before I would just eat small things to not starve and yet never a full meal. This was probably anticipated by Roger or Gold so an entire dinner was ordered for me. I had nothing else to do besides this and be with my thoughts...perfect time to get some answers outta Gold.

"So where was you whilst I was so in my head that I couldn't get out of bed?"
"Don't try and guilt trip me Grey, Silver did that a lot I'm practically immune," Sounds like Harp.
"My question still stands, where did you go?"
"A trip,"
"Stop being cryptic!" I felt myself grow hot with anger, puffing my cheeks and grumbling, and yet he laughed.

"If you really wanna know, I went to see mom and dad and gave them the news about Harper," so America with the people that didn't want me.
"But Harper died over a year ago, why only now?" the answer did not make me happy. Apparently they didn't even let him talk and just kept refusing him in their home calling the cops where they could. They deserved to know that their daughter died after all, no matter if they cared for her or not.
"I told them about you too." Oh fuck. That was what we wanted to avoid this whole time.

"They want to see you,"
"Absolutely not,"
"They're proud of you,"
"Because I am successful. I have my family, I have you. I don't need anybody else,"

We remained silent after that. He drove me all the way to Winchester in silence and then left me in silence to his hotel while I stood in front of an orphanage, the sign 'Wammy's House' hanging from the top. I rubbed the metal of my cufflinks for good luck and knocked the door.

Jane GreyWhere stories live. Discover now