Chapter 40: Jane L. Grey - Reborn

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About a month later, after it had happened, I fell into a deep deep depression particularly after letting out my rage on Light at the funeral. I didn't sleep, and even when I did it would be for days. I either barely ate or ate even more. Needless to say, I was a mess and to some extent still am. Harrison and Spectre were no where to be seen at all and the others we're either grieving, distracting themselves, or kidding themselves into believing that they were giving me space. I was left to fall into my own head whether they intended to or not and I did nothing for myself when I noticed it. So, December 4th was the nights I pulled myself out of that wave just enough to get my head out of the water.

I woke up from a sleep that spanned over 48 hours, I hadn't eaten anything, I hadn't showered, nothing at all. I could feel it destroying me from the inside out, but something in my heart was pumping just enough to let me sit up in my bed. It was completely dark, so I knew it was the middle of the night, but a tiny sliver of the moonlight crept through my curtain and landed on my mirror. From there I could see what had happened to me, I was dead. Not physically, but mentally I was far beyond my body. How my body was still somewhat healthy enough to function is a miracle in itself. Seeing how destroyed I was in that mirror was like waking up in cold water. I had to do something, I couldn't let their legacy just die like this in the hands of people like Kira. My own feelings for him aside, Light had to be stopped where I could. I didn't brush my extremely tangled hair in desperate need of re-dying and cutting, I only brushed my teeth in the dark and drank some water from the kitchen and heated up some soup in the microwave. If there was anything that Gramps taught me in my darkest days before, it was how to rebuild myself from depravation - I can still hear him scolding me for not finishing my soup, wanting and supporting me to get back to a healthy weight.

Since it was the dead of night, nobody was around to give me their pity or empty words of sympathy. They meant well, but I really didn't want to hear it. Surprisingly, Ryuk and Rem were nowhere to be found so I didn't even have their company. Buried in the depths of my dressing-gown pocket was the key to Wammy's office, I refused to let it fall into HIS hands when he took the title of L, as if he could ever fill my Lawliet's shoes (The man didn't even wear shoes!). And so I thought to myself 'I better put that office to good use no doubt it's already collecting dust' and begun collecting up all the cleaning appliances that I could find - Polish, Feather duster, Vacuum, etc. Just walking into that room where I spent his final moments with him felt wrong, but it felt just as evil to leave it to gather dust so it was time to start cleaning up the thin layer of dust and restore this room to exactly how it was when I had locked it up. I had opened the only window in that room, letting some fresh air in, and completely wiped down every surface and organised his bookshelves not once letting any page get bent.

I felt so proud of myself, it was a small victory that motivated me to do more. Not to say that I was completely okay again, because I am certainly not, but we can build up to it. Whilst organising the documents Gramps had left behind askew on the desk one of which included the makeshift will that they both made. On the very bottom of the page was a sticky note, clearly written haphazardly by L before handing it over to Gramps which said 'Wammy House - Roger - You know what to do Jane' with a number below it. L was bargaining on the fact that I would survive, that I would live through this and no way in hell was I about to let him down. I pulled up a chair, booted up the computer (which was now completely wiped) and logged in my own private details. There in a small folder in the corner of the main screen that I had never seen before; this folder took a lot of extra coding and passwords to open before I finally had access. It was glorious, all of these documents and files and theories were right in the palm of my hand, never in anyone else's lifetime was anyone going to see things like this! I knew my purpose now, I had a new drive, a new motivation. I grabbed the phone at my side, dialling the number and praying that someone picked up. They did.

"Wammy House," a british man answered, I could hear the calls and cheers of children in the background, an orphanage perhaps?
"Hi, I'm calling for a man called Roger?"
"I'm Jane, I have some news for you about Wammy and Lawliet." At the mention of their real names, the air over the phone became thick with tension. The background then became quiet, "I've heard about you Jane. What do you have?"
"They were..." My breathing was growing heavy, as if saying it out loud was letting it be true, "They were Kira,"

There was silence that I had to fill.

"I was tasked with contacting you and with continuing this case."
"I suppose that means the boys have to actually work together now,"
"Who?" I asked. There were more to succeed him?
"In Wammy House, we have the successors. Originally it was to be A, and then B," I interjected with my own thoughts,

"B didn't happen to be Beyond Birthday...Right?"
"Yeah," Oh it was all linking together now. I know why L wanted me in such a close proximity...

"What did you say your name was?"
"Jane. Jane L. Grey"

I could hear him smile slightly down the phone, the sun in the window slowly peaking over the buildings in front of us, "Pleasure to meet you L. Now, how about we figure this case out?"
"That'd be nice..." my voice came out as a soft whisper, twirling the phone chord in my fingers.
"I'll give this number to the successors, we'll be in contact soon. Stay sharp Moreaux."
"You too Rog..."

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