Chapter 57: Taking the Shot

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Ah...I see we are the penultimate entry. How disappointing. I guess I must make this the most interesting set by far.

We had arrived on the street of the storehouse, given the location of it the taxi driver was reluctant to take me any further. I handed him the cash that I had in my pocket leftover from the other night and prepared myself to get out, weary of the stitches on my chest. "I don't mean to pry, miss, but are you sure you're able to get out on your own?" he asked with good intentions. I gave the driver a curt smile and said that I would be fine, Beyond in his intangible form had tried to offer me support but we all know that would be physically impossible. I managed to get out just fine not before hunching over next to immediately in pain, the biting air of a late January afternoon nipping at my bare legs.

As the taxi faded from view, I began stumbling towards the storehouse comprising a plan in my head of what to do. If my dream was correct, Mikami would be making his presence from the front entrance leaving the back as my only option. There was every risk that I would be caught by the lawyer before even getting down the street, so I had to strain my body to keep ducking behind crates and walls to avoid his line of sight. I managed to get particularly close to a turning point, where I could walk freely without Mikami seeing, but not without being so distinctly close to him. I was stood behind a crate, gasping and wheezing whilst clutching at my chest. The stitches that were expertly done were growing loose from my erratic breathing and it felt like there was no stopping it.
"Come on Jane, you're so close..." Beyond whispered, one hand on my waist to keep me upright and the other hand peaking over the edge to see if Mikami was watching. He wasn't to which I was motioned to move as quickly and as quietly as I could in heels.

I managed to get around a corner when suddenly, "Is someone else here?" I hissed quietly, sliding down the wall as a few stitches completely broke. I could hear Mikami's footsteps get closer and closer whilst I tried my best to push down the pain of a bullet wound... And then they stopped. Right by me. And yet there was no sign of being seen. I crawled as best I could to the back entrance, using the wall as a support guide to get me on my feet again whilst the remainder of the stitches unravelled under the fabric of my dress - such a waste of good fabric. The door was locked, though, and all I had on me other than a gun was the clothes on my back.

"But that's all you need, dear Jane. Improvise," Beyond reached a hand up, brushing the hair away from my face, and unclipped one of my earrings. I managed to catch it in my hand though I lost the backing quite easily, bending the metal to form a hook and began to pick the lock as best I could. Thats when I heard familiar voices on the other side;

"Give it up Light, we know you're Kira," it was Harrison! Why on earth would he be here?
"I don't even know you kid, but even I can tell you aren't exactly sunshines and rainbows," Classic Lords. I managed to discreetly open the door, thanking any deity that may be out there that the door was quiet, and found myself disguised behind - you guessed it - even more crates underneath a set of stairs. Therefore, nobody will have noticed my arrival unless they were looking for me. My breathing became deep and laboured, a mix of adrenaline and an open wound acting as a poor concoction that I know so well, but I couldn't let that stop me after I came so far. One hand clutched at my chest, applying pressure to the blood that was now seeping from my chest and furthermore onto my jacket once more, and the other was supporting myself on the wall with a gun. Finger poised perfectly on the safety.

"Just a few more steps and then you can end this Jane," Beyond stated, and as if by magic Harper turned her head in our direction. I collapsed my weight to the floor, regretting it instantly because of the sudden force, and yet Beyond just stood there and waved at her. I heard my sister gasp quietly to which Harrison discreetly inquired, the conversation between Light and the others still going on. "Death is coming for us," she said. I then heard giggling, and that giggle became a laugh, and that laugh became maniacal and entrenched in superiority,

"Thats right, I am Kira." I would've thought that I would panic, or perhaps that I would grow fearful for my life. But I didn't. Picking myself up from the floor, I could no longer hear Light's monologue. Instead, all I could see what red bleeding into blue. Justice enveloping Evil. Shinigami against Shinigami. Kira against killers. Who's blood will hit the floor before mine?

I clicked the safety, and began picking up the pace until eventually I had run from the shadows to make myself seen. I pushed myself in front of Matsuda who had his own gun prepared. Two shots sounded in that storehouse. Matsuda's one grazed the side of my hip. Mine landed on Kira.

"The perfect charm. Matching bullet wounds, right babe?" I scoffed, spitting out the blood that choked my throat. It fell deathly silent, "You said this was all for me. Because I was kidnapped, all of this murder was for me?" I couldn't help but laugh.

"You're no better than a common killer!" I cackled, acutely aware of the fact that my blood was dripping whilst I staggered towards him. "We humans are a breed apart, murdering for the sake of justice. Cleansing the world in the name of a better one. Playing God." By this time I was in front of him, barely able to project my voice so the others could hear and yet Light seemed paralysed in place. Almost confused as to why and how I could shoot him. I grabbed his face, the same way that I did Mikami, and shot my signature smile - the one that he fell in love with. The smile that everyone would fight tooth and nail just to even see, "Why play God when you can revel in the world built just for us? We trample each other like insects, the small creatures that we are. And yet you want to play with more lives?" I leaned in closely, my blood staining his crisp white shirt (save for his own blood) and whispered, letting him scamper away in fear after the fact, "Memento Mori. My Love."

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