Chapter 1: Goodnight Jane Moreaux. Good Morning Jane Grey

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My sister has already told you my name in her own account. My name is Jane Moreaux but for this story you will know me as Jane Grey. In accordance to my sister's last and only words to me in my mortal life, I am to spend the next nine days recounting the lead up to my current events. So as her successor, as Jane Grey, I will do exactly that.

The whole fantasy that is my story begins on the 9th of January 2003, I was asleep comfortably in bed after sneaking back in from a late night visit to my boyfriend when I was startled awake by a sudden burst of cool air. Before I knew it, I was drugged and dragged away in the night with my parents none-the-wiser. I won't go into too much detail right now as recounting the events of my kidnap proves to be too painful for now but in due time I will allow fragments to shine through. My kidnapper brought in newspapers each day, anything pertaining to my disappearance he brought with him. He even let me watch the TV sometimes but only when the local news station covered the little information that they knew. With each passing day, my heart grew heavier with grief. I wanted nothing more than to return home to my parents and be greeted by the loving embrace of my boyfriend, if he even still wanted me at that point. Even if my captor never physically harmed me, it still was psychologically traumatic being shielded from light and life for so long. I was in captivity for a total of nine months, almost ten months, when finally there was a disturbance in my captors home.

There was a soft knock on the door that day, which then grew to loud bangs, and eventually to the sound of gunshots and then a silence so loud that I could hear my blood rush throughout my body in fear. A jingle of keys sounded outside the door of the basement and then it opened. My eyes instinctively screwed shut from the sudden outpour of light flooding the room, it felt incredibly warm on my weakened skin. Stood before me was a tall gentleman, an older man dressed very finely, and alongside him was a squad of defence of whom I now know were paid to keep my identity a secret. "Miss Maureux, it is a pleasure to meet you at last," the older gentleman greeted softly, taking his hat off and kneeling to my level while one of the defence cut my restraints free. The feeling of being free again was foreign, I was suddenly very consciously aware of the pain that shot through every nerve in my wrists and ankles from being tied so tight "Your case has proven difficult for us to solve, but we have found you at last" he held his hand out to me to help me stand up, which I took but stumbled to the floor almost immediately afterwards. Look, months of not being able to actually move and only ever escorted everywhere you start to lose a bit of feeling in your legs "We would like to offer you a position"

"Who is we?"
"You will find out should you choose to accept"
"How do I know I won't be working alongside another kidnapper?"
"You'll just have to trust us on this, after all we did save your life"
Against my better judgement, I accepted the offer presented to me. Just walking outside to the fresh air for the first time in months was overwhelming, I almost fainted at the sudden change in atmosphere. In thus sunlight, I could see properly how malnourished and pale I was compared to the man that I was being held up against. And so, I was transported to a hotel and given clean clothes and soup alongside a glass of water to slowly build up my appetite again. The man from before oversaw me eating to ensure that I don't make myself sick, and made sure to help me when I was too weak to do things on my own. It took a few weeks but I had built up enough body mass to be considered somewhat healthy again, I still had a long ways to go but it was enough to consider my body stable enough to meet my coworker with whom ordered my life to be saved however I was to stay on the other side of the door to the shared hotel rooms in order to keep his identity a secret.

With my body sat against the door, I waited for him to initiate the conversation first which he did:
"Jane Moreaux, I am L" of course I had heard of him before, there isn't a single person invested in criminology and law that hasn't heard of L. He was also the man who ensured my sister was locked in a mental hospital and her boyfriend in prison for murder.
"Thank you for saving my life"
"It is no trouble, your case was interesting, it kept me busy for a while so naturally I wanted to meet the woman behind the intrigue"

There was a pregnant pause between the somewhat compliment and his next proposition, "I want you to work alongside me to solve a case. In the time that you have been captured, a killer nicknamed Kira has been on the loose,"
"What has that got to do with me?"
"Your own sister has requested your presence, and since she has aided a serial killer before I want you to find out what you can and report back to me,"
I could see some logic there, but I still didn't see how that had much to do with me outside of a blood relation.
"In addition to this," he continued "you know how a criminal acts in the moment and once he has achieved his goal. With the limited information we have on Kira, I have a few suspects in mind one of which you was previously romantically affiliated." my eyes widened, he wasn't talking about...
"You must go undercover and watch his every move. Though before you take on this job, you must accept an entirely new identity and the potential risk of death."

As if I was going to reject that offer. Much like my sister, I chased adrenaline where it presented to me. And so, after the meeting with my sister, I took on the name of the successor to the sickly King Edward. Lady Jane Grey. My sister being King Edward with her sick mind, I a Queen for nine days. Nine days to note the events up until now. Will I be beheaded for simply doing as I'm told? We'll have to find out.

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