Chapter 29: Anything for the Crown

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Grounded, to be expected. Gramps was beyond furious about my evident involvement with Light. Him and L didn't seem all that bothered about my tattoo though, after discussing it calmly in private they seemed quite impressed with the attachment I have to people I hardly know - clearly they've never come across hardcore fans. I was grounded for a few weeks, stuck in my room with the only entertainment of whatever puzzle they give me or any work to do with the case (though they've been refraining from what I can tell). But, on day 1, I wasn't having it. I needed to track down the next Kira and get rid of him. I have to make sure he stays with me, he will never ever leave me. You may be wondering, how do I even know who this next Kira is? Well...if you recall the moments with Light in the elevator;

I had forced the elevator to stop, I knew I wouldn't be watched properly even if they wanted to, and used my past relationship with Light to my advantage. In addition to this, I hung every sin above his head: cheating, indirect murder, manipulation, guilt trip, kidnap. The whole lot. He wasn't all that fussed at first, but it wasn't long until I found something that would grind his gears. We then discussed who and how the powers of Kira would be transferred though he had enough willpower to not even tell me how he had these powers.

Against my better judgement, I snuck out of my room early in the morning - this is optimal to sneak out because a) L will be either sleeping for a little bit or dozing, and b) Watari would not be awake enough to notice yet. Just walking through the streets that early in the morning left me anxious and picking at the scabs on my wrist. I had decided against taking a bus or any form of transportation that could be tracked, this was ideal with the person who was to prove great help "You ready?" speak of the devil and they shall appear.
"Yeah, you got the stuff?" Before you assume the worst, it's not drugs its just rope and a couple of other things. They showed me 'the stuff' and we began to make our way to Yotsuba. Sure it would be too early for most people to go to work but my new friend here figured out his schedule a lot quicker than previously anticipated. I should probably give you a brief description, huh? Well, in the most plainest way possible; they have curly brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin, a lot of cuts and scars all over their face, and they're not from Japan. That's all I can tell you in the interest of their safety.

We pulled up hoods and facemasks and strolled through the growing denser part of the city. "What's your vendetta against this guy?"
"He stands in the way between me and someone I love,"
"A boyfriend?"
"Nope." I would rather not speak of my private life to them, however they seemed mighty interested, and so I asked why they wanted to know, "You just remind me of my sister, thats all."

Within an hour of walking, we arrived at the main Yotsuba headquarters where a Mr Kyosuke Higuchi was clocking in for the morning. I could see him setting up his desk a few floors up as we circled the perimeter, "Don't get too carried away kiddo, would hate to see a pretty face turn bloody." I scoffed at their remark before taking the rope from them and securing an entryway to Higuchi's office. My companion was to stay nearby as a lookout as well as plan a quick escape route before I get into too much trouble.

Needless to say, Higuchi freaked the fuck out about some random chick entering his office, though I imagine if he didn't wield the powers of Kira he would probably freak out just a little bit more. I had to act quickly though, binding him to his own chair and locking the office door. Hypocritical of me to do something like this, I am aware of the irony, but it had to be done. For legal reasons, I can't say what or how I got the information out of him but it was enough to warrant my worry. The jiggling of keys in the lock caused me to panic and almost immediately bolted for the window not even considering the fact that Higuchi was still tied up or even the fact that I literally jumped.

"I told you to be careful Jane!" My companion scolded me. We were sat in a park, hoods down, and they were disinfecting the cuts on my face with stuff from the convenience store. Boy was I gonna hear about this from Watari later...
"Shut the fuck up, you aren't my mom,"
"I may not be but that doesn't mean you can't heed my warnings."
"Im not some kid that you need to watch over,"
"Jane, has anyone ever told you to shut the fuck up for one goddamn second and let me HELP you?" They gritted their teeth, trying not to yell at me in this public park. It worked though, made me feel shitty but forced me to shut up like he wanted. Taking the antiseptic, he cleaned the last cut on my lip to which I hissed in pain - that shit hurts like a little bitch. Finally, he huffed and slouched on the bench and we remained in mutual silence. The longer I spent here the more trouble I would be when I get home, but in my mind it didn't matter; all of the cards where in MY hands and nobody elses. I left for L about the next Kira whether he acknowledges it or not and I have Light wrapped around my finger, not to mention Misa owes me her life and livelihood for me keeping her alive. The shinigami's previously by their sides owed me a lot too: Rem owes me for keeping Misa alive and as happy as I can make her in confinement, and Ryuk owes me for quality entertainment in the past year and a half not to mention actually providing a motive for him to even come to the human world.

Yes...He will stay forever, perfect. Now I have the Crown upon my head and no other.

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