Chapter 12: Rubik's Victory

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At the cash register, Watari kept glancing back at me whilst I hurriedly bagged the groceries in an attempt to leave as quickly as possible. Packed, put away, and sat in the car, we stayed in the parking lot for a while just sitting in silence. It wasn't exactly a comfortable silence, but it wasn't awkward either. I was fiddling with the Rubik's cube that L let me take with me bet getting endlessly frustrated that I couldn't get it right, "What happened in there?" Watari asked, though I pretended not to hear him. I wasn't trying to be childish, I just wasn't ready to talk about my mom yet...

Eventually we drove back to our hotel, I was informed that a building was under construction for a more permanent residency so we was waiting on that for now. I took my fair share of shopping bags and went on ahead inside and unpacked them. In the next room, I could hear L having a spat with one of the task force members to which I opened the conjoined door and simply observed with my arms folded. It certainly is very entertaining to watch L try and fight back without yelling, having been at the other end of his more stern and authoritative voice it made me laugh to see him hold back from yelling. I couldn't hold back from snickering, to which everyone turned to me in surprise as if they hadn't heard me enter.

"Ah, Grey, you're back. I see you've made no progress at all," he teased in reference to the cube in my hand. I puffed my cheeks and grumbled, "As if you could do it any better than me." To prove me wrong, he took it from my hands and solved it within moments! I stood agape, my ass was just handed to me by a stupid coloured cube in front of a bunch of people. Kissing my teeth, I snatched it back and restarted it all over again whilst perching myself next to him.

"In the time that you was out, we was deliberating the deaths of the FBI agents that we had brought in,"
"Oh, them," I kept my sentences short so that he wouldn't get annoyed with me interrupting.
"We reviewed that evidence last night, I want to hear your thoughts,"
"My thoughts?"
"Yes. You know how a criminal works and acts in the heat of triumph," I stopped messing with the Rubix for a moment, thinking back to how Light acted and compared it to my kidnapper. It hurt to have to compare someone I loved to someone I feared so much, though in recent days the difference between love and fear was blurring after my encounters with Light. Taking a deep breath, I straightened up in order to present confidence.

"Well...I know that these sorts of people have an agenda. In my circumstance, it was to teach me a lesson for being rude. In this circumstance, Kira has a very strong sense of justice and wants criminals to be eradicated from this world," The task force nodded along, Mr Yagami winced at the mention of what happened (Oh, which reminds me its been over a year now since it happened. Happy Kidnap day to me). "In my time of observing Light Yagami, I had asked him on his thoughts of Kira. His response was not one that I had liked, but it makes him a very viable suspect not just as Kira but also as a a driver to the deaths of those FBI agents. After all, he was the only person that me and Mr Penber had revealed our identities to during the bus jacking and nobody else" I had recalled.

Watari had come in during my reference with a nice cup of tea for me and a slice of cake for L, normally around this time would be when we would have tea or whatever and a nice comforting chat in the mean time though obviously this is a case in which we cant do this. He also came in with a small package and handed it to me. Quizzically, I asked what it was to which both L and Watari gave me a soft smile. A young man, Matsuda I believe his name is, had urged me to open it. I looked around in confusion and saw Mr Yagami have a sudden glint in his eyes, as if he had remembered something. Unwrapping the string and paper, there was a photo frame of me and my parents.

"We managed to recover it in time,"
"Happy Birthday Jane," Mr Yagami interjected. It's still a bit weird to me that I forgot my own birthday, but in my defence it all took place in a way that I would want to forget. Matsuda suddenly had a burst of energy, which only reminded me of the growing headache I had "It's your birthday? We should celebrate!" Though I was still somewhat in a numb state of shock.

"Grey?" Matsuda tried to snap me out of it, which I did.
" don't-I don't...I wouldn't..." Yes I was stuttering, and what?
"Come on we should celebrate!"
"Matsuda thats enough," Mr Yagami came to my rescue. I giggled a little, "It's alright Mr Yagami,"

Later that night, I was sat on L's bed (which I'm convinced he never uses) once again fiddling with the Rubik's Cube whilst my caretakers were tidying up from the rest of the task force's work. I felt a gradual excitement building up when finally I had solved it. I let out a loud gasp of happiness, "L! L! L! I solved it! I solved the Rubik's Cube just like you!" He seemed happy for my own happiness, I hadn't felt such joy in a long time and couldn't help but jump around in joy. Watari laughed heartily and congratulated me for my little achievement. To an outsider, this would be an experience of happiness that you would feel at the appropriate age, though in reality after experiencing what I did and potentially anything else that someone may have gone through it can be like therapy to forego any adult-like behaviours to be as childish as you want. Give it a shot when you need a bit of a break from the world, but in a safe environment with people who won't judge you for being comfortable. Be a kid again when the world beats you down.

Jane GreyWhere stories live. Discover now