Chapter 36: Hitting the Nail on the head

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The next few days were pretty hectic, so don't say I didn't warn you if it moves fast. Due to the fact that we had bugged Yotsuba, we were able to take Matsuda's claim to the next level and actually hear their plots of murder. Within their discussion, they stated that they wanted to get rid of L for good now that they believed Matsuda to be dead. Light, under my guidance of disguise, posed as L in order to threaten an employee. We had offered him security and protection from prosecution and harm from his fellow coworkers so long as he would block his coworkers from committing these crimes. He complied just as we had expected. This moment was very important to me, because Light and I had been able to work together civilly without fighting (that was mostly my fault) and consequentially could grow closer again - Manipulating him into giving up his Kira powers was one of the best decisions I had ever made because i brought back to me the man I had loved for so many years and thereafter.

We were sat on the couch together, my head resting on his shoulder whilst flicking through some papers, when a fight broke out amongst the task force members around us. It was exactly as I had predicted, this lack of communication amongst us all and L brought so much tension that all of us had flat out refused to work together. I watched in complete shock as my entire new life's work had just completely unfolded before my eyes. By the end of it, everyone had gone their separate ways and I was left alone. Nobody would talk to each other despite the fact that we were all living in the same complex.

"They'll get over it in a week," Spectre tried to comfort. These days, it was just me and him. Gold had just up and disappeared after that bonding day we had a while ago and the only reassurance I had was that he was alive according to Spectre.
"But what if they don't?" I mumbled, pulling my throw blanket tighter around my shoulders. Everyone was doing their own thing - Misa had booked a new Ad Campaign and was busy now, Mogi would act as her new manager. Light had work to do outside of the case, L and Watari were doing God knows what holed up in their offices, and all the other Task Force Members were giving each other the silent treatment.
"Even if they don't, that don't mean you gotta sit there and mope." He made a good point.

I sighed deeply, leaning against the cool window and watched the world go by. Everyone below us was either going to work, coming home from work, meeting loved ones, making friends, going to school. Its crazy to even think that not even two years ago I was one of these people. I do miss it from time to time, compared to my current life right now. In times like this, where everyone is divided and unhappy, my mind would go back to then - where my biggest worry was what shoes to pair with my outfit for a date. Unapologetically feminine (which I still am) with all the time in the world, though now even though I have the means to be that way still it feels like I'm a completely different person.

"Come on kid, get dressed, I'm taking you somewhere," Spectre interrupted my thoughts.
"Dress warmly but nicely."
That was all he said, no other clues. I did as I was told though and put on my warmest but nicest clothes I could find. Today was a good day for once, so I decided to walk down to the ground floor today in order to be with my thoughts. To my surprise, Light was there too going the opposite way. He asked where I was going, to which I cryptically responded with 'somewhere'. We stopped on the steps and watched each other, I could see behind his eyes that he truly did not remember what he did nor did he even show signs of lying about it, so I took a chance against my better judgement.

"Light, do you still believe me to be Jane Moreaux?" He seemed confused, so I reiterated, "If I wasn't now known as Jane Grey, would you still believe me to be Jane Moreaux?"
"Of course I would,"
"Do you still love me, then?"
"Is the sky blue, am I still being suspected as Kira?" I laughed at his response.
"I still love you too," I saw a glimmer of hope in his eyes, and it pained me to extinguish it, "But we can't be together. Not while you're with Misa. Not while I'm still recovering."
"Recovering from what? I still don't get you Jane,"
"If you were in my shoes, you'd understand exactly what I mean." I gave him a curt kiss on the lips and raced down the stairs.

Spectre met me at the front of the building and led me to our location. He said it was the perfect place for me to completely unwind and forget my problems. It was quite far away, about three hours by bus so naturally I got home late, but the view was absolutely gorgeous. A hilltop over-watching the city on one side and the sea from the other. I sat on a bench that was there and just breathed. Breathed the crisp air and allowed my mind to wander anywhere but this world. Spectre's skeletal hands played with my hair like he loved to do when I'm stressed or depressed, quite the loving shinigami.

"You remind me of your grandfather," he mumbled, "The only reason I stayed was because of how he reacted to awful situations in his life."

"Harper turned to crime, Golden Boy turned to drugs. You though? You mope and wallow and whine and cry like a baby." I scoffed, as if I'm like a baby. I admit that I have tantrums like a regular teenager would, but that doesn't mean I'm a baby! "He did the exact same thing when I first found him with my book. He whined and cried and wallowed about giving it up until I gave in and stayed."


"Every shinigami has something called a Death Note, where we can ensure the death of a human when their time has come," I sat and thought about it. And then it hit me.
"So would Rem and Ryuk have death notes?"
"Last I heard, Ryuk had two. But yes, they would."

I thought some more...


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