Chapter 53: Bed Bound

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Yesterday's run away took a lot out of me because the next morning I could barely get out of bed without help or my mobility aids - I was lucky enough to have people around me to help me, but even then that didn't denote the pain I felt. I didn't even need to open my eyes to know, as soon as I came to almost immediately I groaned out in pain. Light, who had taken to sleeping at my side more and more often, instantaneously reacted. It wasn't unusual for things like this to happen even when we were dating, though back then I was more determined to disguise what I felt to be the most vulnerable form of me.

"Bad day already?"
"What do you think?" Rubbing my eyes and flinching at the sudden flood of the morning sun in my room. I heard Light chuckle to himself, leaning over to my side of the bed and grabbing some of my painkillers for me to take,
"This is what happens when you leave me,"
"But I can't just stay here in bed forever, I have things to do!" Growing frustrated, I shrugged the covers off of my body and made a shabby attempt to sit up failing to notice that I wasn't moving anywhere until those painkillers kicked in properly. Light retorted, asking about what I could possibly have going on that would require someone who is unemployed and temperamental, "I have friends who wanna see me,"
"You don't have any friends outside of us," well that stung a bit, but he wasn't too far off.
"Point is, you can't keep me cooped up forever." He was in the middle of attempting to sit me upright in bed when I said that and from then on his attitude had changed quicker than Harper could bring up her crazy dead boyfriend.

He mimicked the way I had interrogated Mikami, though in a way that put me through more pain. He had straddled my hips, causing me to cry out in even more pain - more pressure means more pain, yay - and grabbed my face, forcing me to make eye contact, "So long as you are here, where I can see you, I can protect you,"
"But you can't protect me forever," I managed to mumble out despite the fact that my cheeks were being squished
"I can and I will. All of this is for you,"
"Light, love, you're putting too much pressure on my body," I struggled, but he didn't seem to listen.
"All of this is for you Jane, you can never get rid of me," and with that, he got off of me and started doting on me as if nothing had happened. At around late morning, he finally left me alone to meet with the boys (of whom did peak in to say their hellos), and in came Spectre. He wasn't looking so good this days, his skeletal figure seemed thinner somehow and the colour in his joints was faded.

I gave him a half-hearted laugh, "You look about as shitty as I feel," but Spectre didn't laugh, he looked sombre with an almost angry aura to him.
"He's going to take you from me,"
"What?" Spectre hauled himself towards me, leaning close so that no prying ears could hear,

"Yagami, he's making plans to keep you hidden from the rest of us while he and his confidants initiate their plans," I pulled the blanket up to my chest, growing nervous. Spectre's not the kind of shinigami who jokes about things like this - he'll call me names and joke about my personality but he'd never joke about my safety, "Well what can I do?"
"Play the loving girlfriend. Act like you don't know,"
"Wait wait, you're asking me to get imprisoned again? For what, the third time in my life? What the fuck are you thinking!"
"Now calm down Jane,"
"No! You're asking me to return to what caused this in the first place." Spectre placed his hands on my shoulders, forcing me to pause and shut my mouth.
"My connection with the Moreaux's ends with you. So you must stay alive until that end comes,"
"You say that like it's soon..." I saw him glance up above me, those vacant eyes sagged in a depressing way, then back to me and in an unusual way shifted to the most caring I had ever seen.
"Out of all the Moreaux children I have watched over, you and your sister and brother have been the best by far." And with that, he dematerialised into the aether.

I pulled my blanket closer, fiddling with the ring on my finger and kissing it for protection disregarding the fear in my heart. A chime sounded from my phone, making me jump out of my skin as questions haunted my mind; how soon was I to die? What did he mean by 'it ends with me'?. Nothing would be answered of course until the time came. I picked up my phone and answered "We established that that boyfriend of yours needs to be kept an eye on, Grey" it was good ol' Nate.
"Well hello to you too, any wonder why Matt or Mihael doesn't call me,"
"I'll tell them that, but thats besides the point. Be weary of him while we investigate him one more time,"
"Well Nate thats what I kept telling Lawliet and yet he didn't want to invest,"
"But we're not L. And neither are you,"
"Thats true enough." There was a pregnant pause between us. I had to cancel our appointment for today because of how shitty I was feeling, the boys were reasonable and we rescheduled for a better time.
"How are you feeling, Jane?" his tone was sincere but I had to stop myself before sharing the truth. Truth be told, I'm now terrified, after that premonition with Spectre and my reoccurring dream and moral conflict, I couldn't be more terrified of the future that is to come.
"I'm alright Nate, don't you worry about me,"

"You stay off your feet for a while princess," I heard Matt interject. I laughed and simply said 'You stay alive then Matt'...

But by the end of all things, who will stay alive? Because apparently it wont be me.

Jane GreyWhere stories live. Discover now