Chapter 27: Seduction

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The day before everything went right for us, I had gotten out of bed with a searing pain throughout my body. I grabbed onto the railing that was set by my bed, an exercise bar for the good days and a guidance for the bad, and hauled myself out my room. Not even sparing the others a glance, I took the elevator down to the basement where Misa was being kept. I took deep breaths and leant against the railings that were welded into it and allowed my mind to wander. What was I going to do today? What tasks would I be set?

Those thoughts were rudely interrupted by the elevator door opening, but not on my floor. It was the main investigation room and there entering was Light. In my mind, things were becoming clearer and clearer. With every therapy session, the hours I'd spend with L, comparing what I hate with the story I told you only days opinion was set in stone of Light now. Dangerous and should be handled with care. And so, I made it my private mission to seduce him once more whilst also keeping him at arms length.

"Good morning Jane," He smiled,
"Light." I said curtly. He stood beside me, acutely aware of the cameras within this elevator alone and took note of what to do next.
"Did you sleep well?"
"How come?"
"None of your business," I felt myself grow a tad bit nauseous, and my grip on the railings grew tighter. This didn't slip by him though, he knew exactly what he was doing; Light then grabbed my hand and lifted my chin to look him in the eyes, his face feigning concern but those eyes just screamed danger to me. Not to mention the shinigami that followed him everywhere was watching us with a mix of curiosity and disgust (if its face could even convey such emotions).

"You look pale, are you ill Jane?" I felt my cheeks flush to the touch and slapped his hand away.
"Its just the new meds, I'm fine," in reality it wasn't. After recounting everything to L and Watari the night before and practically spilling my guts to them I was feeling a little green afterwards. Unwanted memories and emotions dripped from my soul for all to see if they knew where to look and what buttons to press.

Finally, we had reached the floor in which he would leave me for his own tasks and I could be left heaving in my own anxiety. Ryuk, the shinigami, though stayed behind. It stared at me, as if I was some alien creature he had yet to dissect. It was crucial that I said nothing though.

"Have you come to help me, Jane-y?" Misa asked when I finally reached her. The cameras were on every angle of us now, so if I were to even acknowledge the presence of Rem there would be an indefinite chance that I would be questioned. I undid the binds around her body and assessed the sensitive skin around it. Nothing too horrible, just a little sore. For safety, though, I gently put some aloe gel and in the meantime whilst it soaked in sat her down at a nearby table (set up for me for those longer days) and made sure she ate. Her blindfold was still on and she always attempted to put up a fight when eating, but in recent days would give in quickly enough.

When all was said and done, I could finally leave and start my day properly (my days now only started at 2PM). Tied her back up properly and left. The feeling of pain still present in my joints but enough to push through. The elevator ride back up always felt like a millennia, giving me just enough time to actually think about my plans for the day: first I was going to try and cook some new dishes - since I had never learned how to cook, I felt it appropriate to learn the basics with Watari when he had the time -, then I was going to sort through the new documents that L may have for me and if not I would just sit by his side and doodle on a piece of scrap paper. By the end of the day, I would be continuing my escapade of re-seducing Light without anyone knowing this way I could get information without interference.

Speaking of the man, he entered the elevator when it reached the ground floor (probably returning from university or some new fling). He caught my eye and beelined for my side. This time, my mind was crystal clear, I could think straight and prepare myself.

"Light. Do you love me?" I nonchalantly asked, attempting to bring a tone of boredom. After all, how can a girl be interesting to a King that has ladies falling at his very feet? He turned to me with a puzzled look in his eyes, "I said, do you love me?"
"Without hesitation." his hands grasped mine and then I knew I had him.
"Would you die for me? Would you kill for me?" He remained silent, thinking about the best way to answer. In the meantime, I used my skills of my past to my advantage by pulling him closer to me and making myself closer to him by any means. His face blushed a soft pink at the sudden forwardness but secretly enjoying how close we were. Any second now he could kiss me and nobody would be the wiser unless they looked at the cameras.
"Would you get on your knees and grovel at my feet if it meant I would be your Queen again?"
"My Queen Jane..." he whispered, and I reaffirmed him softly.

"By any means necessary. Would you create a new world for me?"
"Only if you're in it." Got him.

I gave him my winning smile and kissed his cheek, "Good boy. Now not a word of this to anyone,"
"But what about the cameras?"
"Not to worry my love, I've got that handled."

I've got him right where I want him to be.

Jane GreyWhere stories live. Discover now