Chapter 22: The Queen surrounded by Enemies

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Aoyama. That was where we had decided to have Light meet the Second Kira without having to actually physically meet her. Naturally this information was kept from me, most likely a result of my actions the previous day - though I was told that there was a meet-up, the boys purposefully left out the location. So, how did I figure this information out? Well, it was a bad day for me physically.

I woke up that morning, still on the windowsill where I had fallen asleep on L's lap though L himself was nowhere to be seen. I had absolutely severe joint pain and my body was heavier than I had ever felt it before. I wouldn't be surprised if it was assisted by the awkward way I slept that night, but I cried out the moment I was conscious enough. It was a cry that sounded like a strangled cat to be honest. The very sound warranted a panicked Watari to dash into my room though he attempted to seem calm in order to maintain his normal air of composure. Upon looking at me, his expression turned from panicked to pity just seeing me lay there unmoved from yesterday. "Bad day, dear?" I tried to nod, but my neck was just so heavy that it didn't work. He chuckled, attempting to make light of a situation that I hated, and went to grab the wheelchair that we had nearby. Oh yeah! Because of my new tasks that I need to do, I need to push myself so much more even when having a bad day. The difference though is that if I just felt heavy like I did today then I could still work though if I was in absolute pain and fatigue then I was not to work at all.

I was assisted onto the wheelchair, handed a glass of water and painkillers, and positioned my hands on the armrests so that I could manoeuvre around the complex. It's time like this that makes me incredibly grateful for my caretakers.

There was a little remote on the armrest, making this wheelchair completely motorised, and I wheeled into the main room in order to get breakfast. To my pleasant surprise, the task force was there up and early though they all looked like they didn't want to be there.

"Good morning everyone," I grinned. They all hummed tiredly and the tense air that was previously cloaking us yesterday evening had seemingly dispelled - I believe that to be because of Light not being there at the time. We made mediocre conversation with each other until L had finally come out to greet us. As per usual, he looked like he hadn't slept a wink though I couldn't help but hope that by having me hold him down for a while let him at least relax for a bit.

Ding Ding! My phone had gone off to which I was handed my phone on the table, "You have Misa Misa's phone number?!" Matsuda beamed, suddenly very perky and excited. The others didn't want to pay him much mind, but I gave him a big smile and nodded now that the painkillers finally kicked in.

"I met her the other week, she's a lovely girl,"

"How do you just meet an idol like that in the street?"

"Quite easily actually." I opened my messages, she had asked me to come out and see her in Aoyama for a cup of coffee! Bear in mind that at this time I had no idea that Light was meant to go there for a crossing with the Second Kira. I agreed, informing Watari that I was going to go out for the day. There's a reason I told Watari and not L; with me, Watari is a gentle grandpa/father, since I'm not feeling too great he'd want me to relax and take my time so he's more inclined to let me go out so long as I pace myself and return home before dinner (the classic parent rules). With L however? Don't get me wrong, he won't force me to work when I feel shitty but he's a lot more hesitant to let me go when I could potentially be identified. But Light was 'on our side' so there shouldn't be too much of a danger. I got my hair dye touched up too to be solidly Black again and whatnot, so my disguise was impeccable.

I took the elevator down to the ground floor and caught the bus to Aoyama. Why Aoyama? I had no idea at all but from what I could remember of going there as a kid it was relatively nice and a good place for students to go for studying or a break from the nearby campuses. I almost didn't recognise Misa when she met me by the bus stop. She had her usual disguise on, but she liked to switch up the wigs every so often to keep things fresh - it certainly made meet ups like a game of 'Guess Who?'. That other shinigami was nearby but wasn't hovering like the big one does with Light. Maybe they were acting like a guardian angel or something if that was even possible.

"What happened Jane-y? Why are you in a wheelchair?"
"I'm just having a bad day, no need to panic," I reassured her. We made our own way to a cafe, Misa slowing her pace in order to allow me to keep up with the motor though she adorably skipped along. We discussed things like my chronic illness, her next photoshoot, boy troubles, and how much I absolutely adore her as a human being. What can I say? Me and Matsuda share a love of Misa Misa (fun fact, after I got home later that day I chatted with him for a good hour about her). All of a sudden, her gaze ripped from me and outside the window of the cafe. I couldn't exactly get her attention in the same way that I would L mostly because I was scared of her getting angry at me - given my own temper, I'm not afraid to admit that I can dish it but I can't take being yelled at. Looking out the window, there in all of his glory in a crowd of students was the one and only Light Yagami. Matsuda was there with him too, presumably as protection, but I couldn't help but assume the worst at this point. Another Shinigami? Fanatic behaviour? I feared that my celebrity crush could be my enemy...

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