Chapter 35: Champagne is too much for a lightweight

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As a result of my break-in at Yostuba, L finally took the hint and started investigating there. Consequentially, two new people were added to our team, a pair of intelligent con-peoples in order to pull of a potential scheme that has been comprised. During a smaller investigation, I was in the building with Matsuda searching for potential incriminating evidence as well as bugging and adding discreet cameras where possible. L deemed me the most competent for this task as I had already been in the building before, and yet would keep checking in on me via earpiece every five minutes. We almost got caught as well, several men heading in our direction and so Matsuda hid in the mens bathroom - I on the other hand stood against a wall attempting to look like i'm waiting for someone. A tactic I picked up from Gold, hiding in plain sight can be the best way to be invisible. We didn't get caught, but damn it was so incredibly close.

"Did they catch you?" I asked, not before Matsuda grabbed me by the arm and tried to get me to speed walk towards our exit point. He stayed silent, breaking into a small job until eventually we were sprinting towards our exit.
"Were you caught?" L asked through my earpiece, to which I responded with a simple 'I don't know'. We managed to duck into a nearby alleyway once we left the building to which I finally interrogated my partner through my heaving;

"What the hell happened in there to warrant that?!"
"They're planning a murder and saw me there! I think they caught my face," I froze. If one of these people caught his face, virtually anyone on the task force could then be found and potentially killed. I tapped into my earpiece asking if he caught all that, which he did, and we waited for someone to come and pick us up. We were dead silent though the entire time, Matsuda probably shitting himself thinking about what to do. Me though? Same boat. I had no clue what to do and normally I would be able to create a plan. I had no reason to worry though because L had already comprised one.

The plan was for Matsuda and I to attend a party that Yostuba was set to have whilst he posed as Misa's manager and I a coworker of hers. He was to pretend to get incredibly drunk and fake his own death. Just watching him act so stupid as a drunk was enough to make me laugh, but once he started to climb the balcony railing shouting that he was going to perform something, thats when I got nervous. A million and one thoughts ran through my head: What if he actually falls? What if Yostuba know its fake? You get the gist. I didn't actually see him fall though, Spectre who had been hanging by my shoulder the entire time covered my eyes. So to the other people nearby, I watched without flinching, but in actuality I had been shielded from something that made me slightly terrified. I screamed just like the other girls did, I managed to fake a few tears and trembled and unsurprisingly the Yotsuba guys tried to 'comfort' us. Needless to say, I took a burning hot shower later that night. It took all of my willpower not to kick him in the nuts the moment one of them put an arm around me shoulders, I could even hear Spectre behind me growling and asked if I needed him to be killed.

"I hope this works," I murmured, resting my head on L's shoulder in the car ride home.
"Of course it will work,"
"Famous last words?"
"It will work Jane." he reassured me. I sighed deeply, biting my nails in anticipation and slowly growing sleepy. I saw Watari glance at me in the mirror but I didn't acknowledge anything anyone said after that, though I did manage to hear before I fell asleep, "Remind me never to give you champagne if we live to see your 21st birthday."

Okay so I had a couple glasses of champagne whilst I was there in order to blend in and it made me very sleepy. I'm incredibly lightweight as we have recently discovered but I wasn't drunk! Which is good because that meant I wouldn't have a raging hangover the next day when we assessed all that happened.




That was a lie, I woke up with a headache stronger than anything I had felt before, but I knew it wasn't the alcohol so that was good. I sat at the dining table with a cup of tea and some aspirin whilst the others sat either side of me or behind me. We chatted and laughed, generally having a good time and poking fun at the concept of Matsuda being dead. That sounds awful now that I think about it, but you get the idea. I, on the other hand, was face down on the table contributing to the conversation but still nursing my headache. Spectre was gently stroking my hair and twirling it in order to comfort me, its a wonder that nobody saw or questioned why my hair was moving on its own.

"So what do we do now?"
"Well, we wait a while, see if those bugs pick up anything good, right?" Mogi stated, turning to me to confirm, and so I slowly lifted my head and nodded.
"And then we catch them in a trap with bait. What the bait is? Ryu has yet to disclose that,"
The others seemed a bit testy with that statement. Lately they've grown unsure of all the secrets, after all we've been working together for almost a year now and still so much has been keeping them in the dark - they don't even know the details of my own case let alone the Kira case.

"You're the only other person close to him, so why are you unsure too?" Valid question. In all honesty, I knew exactly why; If he kept me in the dark, then I can't oppose him. If I oppose him, then it shows I care and he can't afford to let that happen. L is incessant on the fact that he might die, and in that case he wanted to ensure my safety and happiness - even if that meant making me unhappy and clueless at this moment.

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