Chapter 33: Golden Spectre

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"Are you done yet kid?! I'm tired of hanging out with the other creeps." Gold ignored the person speaking, and I almost brushed it off as me hallucinating until I saw ANOTHER shinigami phase through my bedroom wall. At this point it would be common occurrence so I simply pointed to it and asked "Are you going to answer it?". It had a skeletal body like the others I had met, but this one had a more fleshy tone to it, a pale pink with some deep reds at the joints. It did not appreciate me calling it an 'it' because it pointed a spindly finger at me, got all up in my face to the point that I could almost smell its non-existant breath, and sassily stated "I am not an 'it', I am Spectre the Moreaux shinigami. I have been here a lot longer than you young lady and I would APPRECIATE if you treated me with respect."

Eyes wide, I looked between Gold and 'Spectre' to which he simply looked bored, "Jane this is Spectre. Spectre this is Jane. Jane is my littlest sister," he smirked at the almost unnerved look that painted my face. Spectre backed up away from me and started inspecting my room. In the meantime I had asked how exactly Gold had come into contact with a shinigami like Spectre since the only way I knew how at the time was through murder - Harper was special though and it appears that was inherited. My theory, though, was correct;

"Spectre has been with our family for generations. Most people come into contact with a shinigami through some special object or the shinigami eyes-"
"Shinigami eyes?" I puzzled, to which Gold paused and took a breath before briefly explaining that it was a deal between shinigami and human where they take part of their own lifespan to grant them the chance to see someone's full name and own lifespan. He then continued, "Spectre dropped something of his which was picked up by our great great great great great great grandfather. This object was unlike things that the other shinigami's had because Spectre tended to pick up small trinkets from his travels," thoughts buzzed in my head. Was it an urn? A chalice? A tapestry?

"Long-story short, gramps wanted to keep the power it gave him and passed on this power to his only daughter who then passed it on to her children. Over time the power sort of merged with us and latched on." Out of my peripheral, I saw Spectre pick up my Rubik's cube and start playing with it almost possessively.

"Because of that, we can now see them without being in contact properly...right?" I asked now turning back to him. He nodded.
"Can I keep this?" Spectre cut in, holding up my Rubik's and I stormed over to him and grabbed it, remixing it and shoving it in my hoodie pocket, "Absolutely not." Sitting back down, I had more questions to ask: "So Harper was the same?" he nodded, "and you and me?" once again he nodded. All of a sudden, there was a knock at the door. I assumed I had locked it but boy was I wrong. In came Light and L, stating that dinner was ready, but as soon as both boys saw Gold and not Spectre? Light flipped, L was unbothered.

"Light, Ryu, this is Golden brother. Gold, this is Light and Ryuzaki," Gold gave a curt nod and waved but remained silent. Light glared daggers at my brother for a moment and then asked if he'd be staying for dinner
"Nah, I've gotta go pay my respects to my other little sister. Kira got to her before I could say my goodbyes." Clearly he was trying to guilt trip him not realising that Light didn't even remember being Kira by this point. The two were practically having a staring contest awaiting death to come to the other, and Spectre seemed to be enjoying this more than anything, "Oh I should've watched over you instead when you was a baby. You're way more interesting than Golden Boy here!" a scowl graced my dear brother's face before he turned to me and kissed my cheek goodbye and showed himself out of the complex. I felt myself grow hot with anger, grabbing Light by his shirt and shoving him,

"How could you scare him away like that?!"
"I come in and see some guy much older than you in your room. What else was I supposed to do?!"
"Let her handle it." L interjected quietly, biting his nail and shuffling around. I wanted to explode at him too, but now wasn't the time for that.

The three of us went to dinner in silence and furthermore remained awkward amongst the rest of us there. Usually either Light or me were the main conversationalists or L would discuss some new theories that he wanted to bounce off some people. So, Misa attempted to liven the mood with her new movie that she mentioned earlier.

"And I really want Light to come with me to the premier! Just us two though," she proclaimed, and so I indulged her with a chuckle "That sounds amazing Mees. It'll be amazing, I'm sure of it!"

The conversation dipped after that, people were either too shy to talk or too awkward and I opted to eat in my bedroom instead. I sighed deeply, sinking into the chair in the corner of my room and daydreamed till it grew cold. I kept coming back to one thought though, this object that granted my family this power. Perhaps it's in a photograph? I doubt my parents would even still have it... Messing with my Rubik's cube, I allowed myself to submit to theories and curiosity finally for the first time in a long time. Reading books, articles, even actively looking throughout each and every photograph I have for anything that would've fit in several generations ago. I came up with nothing and all it got me was scratches on the coloured sections of my cube and the frustration spilled all over my room with books fanned everywhere. What's a girl to do when she theorises about the seemingly impossible?

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