Chapter 16: Dreamers and Believers

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You know that idea that if you state something like its a fact enough times, you will start to believe it?




I hope you know what I'm trying to get at here. I met up with Light after abandoning L at the concessions stand nearby to which he held me close and continually reminded me of who I am and what I am to him. Even though I am Jane Moreaux and I was Light' girlfriend, that entire period of my life feels so distant that it's almost fake compared to who I am now. Despite this, I entertained his words and even indulged myself a little. Is it really so wrong to want to be a dreamer? Especially with everything I've been through. I didn't interact with his mom or sister, they had spoken to him whilst I was speaking to L, though I wanted to tell them I was okay.

He snuck me back into his room well into the evening and split half of his dinner with me and I relished in it. I had forgotten how much I loved Mrs Yagami's cooking that I almost stood up to get seconds. Needless to say, we ate well and nobody in the house was the wiser...except for Mr Yagami. Light had gone away to shower, and Mr Yagami had returned home from work. Almost immediately, he bee-lined for Light's room and quietly snuck inside, "Jane! Are you okay?" He asked in a hushed tone, very conscious of the fact that Light could return at any second. I nodded and gave him a quick hug, the first that I had given him since I disappeared, "We'll find a way to get you out of this, Ryuzaki is concerned for you- we all are concerned for you" he corrected.

I wanted so badly to lie to him and tell him I wanted to go home but to be honest I liked being with Light, even though I had to hide so much. I liked being normal; having a boyfriend, being happy...I don't get to have that with my new life, "Jane?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah," he didn't buy it at all but pressed no further. The sound of the shower clicking off made Mr Yagami quickly let me go and leave. So, I sat quietly on Light's bed and fidgeted with anything I could get my hands on (my rubiks cube was left collecting dust back at that hotel) and eventually I resorted to just bouncing my leg continually and twirling my hair between my fingers. Not gonna lie to you, the sight of him in just a towel was enough to remind me exactly why people called us a power-couple of brains and beauty - though in recent days I doubt my own looks could compare - in fact when we were in high school people often told us that our children could rule the world if we wanted to. That was like fulfilling prophecy cause now he had a God-Complex and is looking to rule the world...huh.

"See something you like?" he teased, to which I giggled like a little schoolgirl with a crush. If I had allowed myself to daydream for just a bit longer, then I wouldn't be able to share this part of my journey if you know what I mean.

It was around 11PM by this time, and the adults were getting ready to go to sleep and Sayu was already asleep. Light was beginning to drift off to sleep while holding me close, though I was wide awake because Mr Yagami wanted to speak to me once everyone was asleep. Come Midnight, everyone was asleep and I quietly crept out of his grasp and wandered downstairs, ignoring the watchful red eyes of the shinigami. It ignored me most of the time, but when we were alone it did talk to me and ask me questions and whatnot, in return I asked some as well though our interactions were kept to a minimum. I turned a corner, and there in the living room was Mr Yagami sat at the dining table in his pyjamas and arms folded. I sat across from him, crossing my legs and watched him think in the pale moonlight. It was about five minutes before he asked me dead seriously, "Are you actually okay?" I took a moment to seriously think. Am I okay?

"In all honesty, no. I'm severely delusional, I have to push down my anxiety attacks and flashbacks. I'm a ticking bomb. But at the same time i'm in pure euphoria, I get to be normal for once," I rambled slightly, to which he watched me with a paternal concern but also a seriousness that a detective would use (the gaze that L held all too often to be considered healthy). He let out a deep and tired sigh and reached over the table to whisper softly, "The cameras in here are gone, but the ones in his room are still around so we're able to keep an eye on you," he started.

"I'm hesitant to believe that my own son is a serial murderer like Kira, but even L is baffled as to how you got here since no where on the cameras did we see you enter. However, I am majorly concerned with why Light is playing to your fake memory loss and keeping you here," I nodded along with his thoughts. I don't blame him one bit for not wanting to suspect his own child, though here I am suspecting my own boyfriend...ex-boyfriend! What is he to me at this point?

"We're going to bring you home soon, I promise."
"But what if home is here with Light?" I asked not meeting his gaze. He paused knowing that his slight fear was coming true, but handled it very calmly and with enough care so as not to upset me (I commend him for that immensely).

"I'm afraid that won't be possible if he is...who we think he is,"

"I keep whining about this to L but I want to be normal again. What I have here right now is exactly what I had wanted from the first day of being in that dank old basement to the exact moment I was told to observe him," My volume started climbing, the passion and sadness of having the most basic things taken form me overwhelming me, "I just want to go back to being a daughter and a girlfriend. I never asked to be a detective or a charity case," I started crying by this time so he stood up and pulled me into a hug, gently caressing my hair whilst I sobbed my heart out. I let go and was told to go and get some sleep. When I had returned back to Light's room, Light attached himself to me almost instantly. The warmth and comfort of his arms steadying my shaken heart.

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