Chapter 32: Lost a Brother, Gained a Brother

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About a week into L and Light being handcuffed, I could tell that underneath his uncaring nature L was sick and tired of being stuck to him. Not to mention Misa wanted to spend every second of every day with Light including dates and the whole lot. Initially, I thought I would be completely angered by this but I've grown closer with Misa over these past few days and furthermore wanted her to be happy. Also, without his memories, Light was a lot nicer to Misa than he used to be, claiming that 'Playing with other people's emotions are wrong', I almost scoffed when he mentioned this. Today though, after attempting to compromise as much as possible, L was slowly losing his temper with Light and didn't even have to say it.

We were sat in the main living room, now that everyone had moved into the building with us now it was significantly easier to communicate with everyone but it made it a lot more difficult to talk with Watari or L in private about something I needed or was struggling with. What probably didn't help was that I was slowly dropping off of my therapy appointments, not the best idea but I didn't really feel like going back. During the times that I was supposed to be there, I usually went for a nice stroll around the city with my companion of whom I never told that I knew everything about him. Today would have been no different, but it was particularly bad for my body so rather than having a wonderful and relaxing walk with my friend I was laying on the couch reading with my head in L's lap (it was the rare times where he'd sit "normally"). He would feed me cake and I would read out-loud as best I could; I tended to get so invested that I forget that I was supposed to read out-loud. I didn't register the tension in the room until L piped up.

"I'm actually quite depressed," instinctively I said 'Same', to which L was not pleased. He shoved a fork-full of strawberry cake into my mouth to shut me up and consequently I choked.
"You still think I'm Kira don't you?" Light prodded, and after hacking up a lung and a half I retorted on L's behalf,
"Is the sky blue? Are my eyes brown? Are we depressed? Of course. As if confining you will definitely clear you of suspicion." Light looked a little disgruntled at my tone, but couldn't bite back. He was still wrapped around my finger but it was more of the fact that I was literally his dead girlfriend in the flesh (he doesn't remember that though) and Misa just knows me to be her best friend. Speaking of the girl, whilst the two boys were bickering, she came bumbling in with a magazine in her hands, looking excited beyond belief.

"Jane-y! Jane-y! You will never guess what!"
"You won the Eighteen magazine fan poll?" I pretended to guess, but equally as excited. I may not be an average girl, but that does not mean I don't love things like trashy magazines and stuff .
"How did you know?" she tilted her head, throwing the magazine onto the table in front of me. I was about to answer her when L threw a punch in the direction of Light. In a normal situation, I would attempt to break it apart or at least throw in a couple punches myself, but a) I'm physically unable to at the current moment in time, and b) this looked interesting. A few hits were landed and such before other people came running in to actually break them apart as best they could (given the fact that they were literally chained together). I dragged L to sit next to me started to ask him why he did what he did, but he never gave me a straight answer. Over the past couple days, he's been growing more and more distant which made me incredibly sad and he always attempted to justify it with 'it's for your own good'. My own good is a lifetime worth of therapy, brand new nerves, and a stable relationship whether it be platonic or romantic (preferably platonic though). So this was complete and utter bullshit.

So to calm him down from probably the first physical fight I've ever seen him in, I tried to talk to him, "Golden Song. He's Harrison."
"Yeah, and?"
"Why didn't you tell me?" The nickname Golden Song was in one of the files I found about Harrison. It's the only thing we have about him before he went M.I.A. Golden was probably derived from the fact that he was the 'Golden Boy', and Song must've been a last minute addition. "I had no reason to tell you. Especially with everything going good for you."
"But he's my brother, I deserve to know."
"And now you do." The conversation ended there with me twiddling my fingers in silence.

The whole month looked like this, awkward silences and anxiety as well as built up malice. I did talk about this with Gold (my companion) and he agreed that it was totally uncalled for.

"You're just a kid, you don't need this sort of shit in your life" he exclaimed, sitting in a chair at the corner of my room once I had snuck him into the complex. I laughed, remixing my Rubik's cube "Tell that to the many many other people in my life who obviously disagree."

With Gold, it was easy. He was easy to talk to and he didn't hesitate to tell me how he felt. It makes sense though, he should be honest with me. Though I do have many questions for him.

"About a week ago, you called me Moreaux." I stated, to which he shrugged and asked what of it, "I never told you my name, let alone my last name. So how the hell do you even know that?"

Gold froze for a while, then stood from the chair and walked towards the window basking in the moonlight like some cool character in a movie pausing for dramatic effect. He sighed, crossing his arms but never turning back to me, "Why do you think, Jane?"

"Why do you think I know your full name, Jane Anne Moreaux? Daughter of Ash and Mary Moreaux, adopted daughter of Izumi and Takashi Nakamura, sister of Harrison Joseph Moreaux and Harper Catherine Moreaux."

"Stop it Gold, you're scaring me."

"As a baby you were sickly, so mom and dad sent you away. As an adult you're still sick but you use it to your advantage,"

I felt tears pooling my eyes,

"You was born with ginger hair, it curled into ringlets and your eyes were the brightest amber before going to the darker brown they are now. You have a birthmark on your left thigh. I would know this because I was there when you were a baby. I was there because I took care of you."


"So who am I then? How do I know all this. Why do I know all this. Tell me Jane. Tell me."

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