Chapter 56: A visit from BEYOND the Grave

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"You stupid, stupid girl," a mocking voice pulled me out of my deep sleep. There was nobody here in my room, nobody tangible at least. The only other notable sounds in the room was the beeping of the heart monitor, the sound of my breathing, and the very quiet and sparse drips from the IV attached to me, "After all you've done you go and get yourself shot? You truly are a Moreaux," there was laughter, deep and hearty but not true joy. When my eyes finally adjusted, I saw him. A figment of L stood at the foot of my bed just watching and waiting, "Cat got your tongue?" I couldn't give an audible response besides breathing.

"Before you ask, no I am not L, but boy did I try to be," so this was Beyond Birthday. The main visual differences between him and L was the eyes and not much more on the surface, if you didn't know L at all then there would be no mistaking it. He sighed, crossing his arms, and sat on my bed though being a spirit (or figment of my imagination) the sheets weren't disturbed nor did the mattress dip down. "You Moreaux girls always test my patience,"
"My sister was devoted to you," my voice came out hoarse and worn down, probably from the anaesthesia since my throat was absolutely raw.
"And that was her downfall. Shame, she was a pretty thing,"
"Not quite yet, but will be joining me. So will you and your brother," his smile grew soft and pleasant, a nice change from the emotionless and yet crazed creature that I always painted him to be, "I can't wait to see her again."

I asked him if there was a reason for him being here to which he responded with a resounding 'I don't actually know' and the silence ensued. I always did prefer the quietness, it meant that nothing could hurt me but only this time my only amusement was counting the stitches on my dressing based on intuition alone or complaining mentally about the pain of a bullet wound to the chest. There was a rumble of thunder across the way, it didn't sound again nor did any lightening follow prior so it was quite peculiar - at least thats how Beyond saw it.

"I'm bored, I'm gonna bust you out of here,"
"Are you insane?"
"Yes." I should've expected as much. He didn't fulfil his desire though, from my recollection of what Harper told me Beyond preferred to act on impulse rather than promise. Even then, anything thought out carefully is meticulously planned and then executed, never on temporary boredom - only long term. "Sounds like you have a visitor" he grinned, standing up. In came Misa, the last person I would've wanted to see at all, looking concerned and scared for my life whilst clutching my blood-soaked jacket that had to be left behind. She kindly washed it though bloodstains never leave fabric no matter how much you bleach them.

"Oh Jane-y I'm so glad you're okay!" She cried, taking my limp hand in hers and letting a few tears loose, "I was so worried," I tried to speak, but unlike with Beyond my voice became non-existent, perhaps thats the perk of brushing the hand of death. "What the absolute hell was you thinking, taking a shot for a criminal!" She began to scold. I glared, trying to convey the absolute irony of her statement when she did the exact same, just not with a literal bullet.

Misa sighed, laying my jacket neatly under my head complaining about how uncomfortable she remembers the pillows being (I'll have to admit the jacket eased a growing headache with some actual leverage). "You're my only company right now, Light's gone to some meeting with the L successor," now that piqued my interest a little, "They've gone to some shady storehouse or something, I don't know. I was just told to stay here and look after you," My dream flashed before my eyes again.

The laughter of Beyond echoed in my ear, his taunting and mockery. He came right by my face and pulled my breathing mask off of my face, though to Misa it looked like I did it, "What a great way to test your loyalties my dear sister-in-law," his smile grew with enjoyment, "You know how that dream ends."
"It was you the whole time in that dream, it was never..." my hoarse throat whispered.
"What do you mean?" Misa asked, confused. I pulled myself up and hissed at the pain of my chest, "Jane you need to lie down and rest," her tone was more serious than I had ever heard it as she tried to gently push me back down but I refused to cooperate. I took my jacket, pulled out my IV and cried in pain (they make it look like nothing in the movies, but it really fucking hurts) and put on the familiar fluffy now pink jacket. Misa was frantic, unsure of what to do. Too much force would put me back to square one, if she called someone she knew I wouldn't cooperate anyway. Instead, she helped me get up, dress in some looser clothing that she could get from the gift shop downstairs - that never made sense to me.

"I'll take you to get a taxi." she begrudgingly said, wrapping an arm around my waist and putting her hat on my head to disguise my face. I always forget Misa is significantly shorter than me, so it was an easy farce for her to support me by my waist but an even bigger challenge to keep me upright and breathing properly. I was put into a taxi, Beyond told me the location, I told the driver, and off we went to the storehouse that I had prophesied. This whole time in that dream it wasn't my Lawliet, it was Beyond. He handed me the gun in my dream and in real life he slipped it into my pocket. He had told me where to go and he had told me that this was the best way to truly see who I cared for most. Harry and Harper were already there along with Spec. The increase of fear in my heart told me Ryuk was there too alongside another death note - possibly Mikami - and so there was no turning back. In the moment, I had no clue who I would shoot or even if I'd live to tell the tale. But when I arrived there? Well...Whose blood will be shed?

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