Chapter 10: Assassination Paranoia

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Late last night after sobbing my heart out, I watched security footage of Light's home which L had set up initially before I announced my withdrawal. So, it was around 3am and I couldn't sleep at all out of paranoia and thus I had pulled up a seat beside L to watch the footage beside him. Watari had long gone to sleep, unlike us who were full of energy to stay awake for longer. After an hour of watching the same rooms over and over again I grew bored which in return allowed me to continually check windows and doors for intruders, I could feel L growing annoyed with it so he preoccupied me with a Rubik's Cube. Never in my life had I ever completed one of these, so I pulled my knees to my chest and got to work rotating the colours a row at a time.

"What happened that night for you to be so afraid of being alone?" L muttered out loud, presumably thinking aloud as well. I looked at him from underneath my gaze and stayed silent so as not to interrupt his train of thought. He was in his usual thinking pose, chewing on his thumb and whatnot.

"Grey, I asked you a question,"

"Hm?" I pretended not to notice and tried to keep my focus on the cube in my hands, but every time he asked the question I would only remember the tight grip that man had on my mouth to stop me screaming by the time I had come to.

Shaking a little, I mumbled for him to drop the question. I could tell he didn't want to let it go, but knew that if he pressed me further I may spiral into a shouting fest which wouldn't be good for the rest of the hotel. Suddenly, he stood up and left the room, I watched him leave the room and felt a growing anxiety to suddenly be left in a dark room with the window open all alone. Rather than panicking, I kept my eyes trained on the door he left in. Minutes felt like hours...being alone when I was imprisoned meant either than my kidnapper was asleep or preparing. Preparing for what? I don't need to tell you that, right?

L returned in a few minutes, though it felt like an eternity, with two plates of cake. He handed me one and then sat back down with his own, "Cake always makes me feel better," he stated, so my assumption was correct that this was his form of comforting. A soft smile crept on my lips whilst i ate the said cake and I could feel my nerves slowly dissipate. Not much had changed in the surveillance; Sayu (Light's sister) had done her homework and gone to sleep, Mr and Mrs Yagami had gone to bed, Light had done his homework, stared at a picture of me and him from a couple years back, and then went to bed. All was pretty quiet for the time being. Sighing deeply, L turned to me and told me to go to sleep now that there was not much to watch at the moment. I refused profusely, still not wanting to be alone, and by this point the Rubik's Cube was frustrating me to all hell.

"Well what do you plan on doing in the meantime?" He asked to which I shrugged.

"Whatever you'll let me do," he pulled a sour face at my phrasing, a reminder that my freedom has been restricted even now out of captivity.

"Why did you choose my case to follow along?" I asked him. It was a valid question, out of all the kidnapping cases in the world why did he choose mine to solve? He grabbed a file from the pile nearby, it was my case, and so he began to explain.

"Your case was quite peculiar. It seemed simple at first, but once you dug into the details it proved more complex than I initially planned."

"Care to elaborate?"
"I'm getting there, if you'd be patient," I laughed at that and wrapped a blanket around my chilled body as he told me the logistics of my case that I wouldn't have recognised otherwise:

"Anyone first glancing at your case would think your boyfriend had kidnapped you, given that your last known location was with him and yet an effort was made to conceal that. However, when looking at CCTV at the time that you was taken from your home, the footage of you being carried away cuts off after a specific street and thus nothing else exists of it as if it had been erased." That was a fact I didn't know about. I was on the edge of my seat, invested in the case like any other ones I had researched as if this wasn't my own story.

"Your kidnapper never returned to your home, but your whole room was wiped clean with bleach and even your phone was smashed up to avoid any information being relayed to us. An honourable mention would be your biological relation to a former suspect in a case abroad in America,"

"The LA B.B Murder cases, right? With my sister," I remarked, eyes growing heavy and speech slurring ever so slightly.

"It would be natural to assume if anyone knew of your sister, then they may target you too. And that's where the dots connected recently, it was a grouped effort to remove any evidence however once they realised you wasn't there then there was nothing to fear anymore."

"It sounds so easy when you put it like that," My eyes dropped shut, though I was still barely conscious, I could hear him chuckle lightly at seeing me propped against the back of my chair.

"I worked on the case in my spare time, which is why I didn't get to you sooner. I apologise."

"I'm here now aren't I? Better late than never..." I  drifted off to sleep not long after that.

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