Chapter 51: Cleopatra

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The morning was very domestic which only made me not want to go to my meeting with Mikami Teru. I woke up to kisses being peppered all over my face and the sun creeping in through the curtains. Ordinarily I would absolutely freak out at there being someone in my bed, but in this instance I felt so relaxed and calm that I just melted into the sheets in a fit of giggles.
"So you're awake my dear?" Light mumbled against my skin.
"Well now I am," He planted a kiss on my lips and just relished in the presence of each other.
"Must you go out today?"
"I'm sorry, I'll try and come home as soon as possible," I pushed myself up but was almost immediately pulled back down into a strong hug. I was almost tempted to just stay, but the matter of Kira came to mind and Lawliet's words rung in my ears 'Are you on the side of us, or them?' and so I hauled myself out of bed, scrounging the remains of discarded clothing from the floor and went to go and get dressed with some fresh clothes from my closet. I opted for something a little different this time while still holding my brother and Gramps close to my heart; a simple Sweater-vest and dress shirt underneath, the cufflinks attached to that instead of a blazer.

I gave my love a kiss goodbye and made for the law offices across town at around 8am. I managed to avoid the task force where possible - it was so much more awkward now since in their eyes I've gone rogue but thats not to say I don't talk to them at all, I just don't work with them. I opted to walk as far as I could before needing to take a taxi, my overall health has been improving since I went to Winchester so I was confident enough in my energy and fatigue levels to get there on my own. However there was a special tag-along that I didn't quite suspect, "So was he any good?" they said from beside me, making me jump out of my skin.
"Harper what the hell was that for!"
"You didn't answer my question," she was walking alongside me being a pest as normal.
"It's none of your business,"
"Oh but it totally is,"
"Alright then, how was Beyond?"
"Oh he was good," My face scrunched in disgust. I hadn't quite anticipated her being so open with her sex-life, whereas I was more private regardless, "So where are you going?"
"To meet with a lawyer," she suddenly put her hands above her head in self defence.
"I was just kidding! Come on you wouldn't prosecute your own sister would you?"
"It's not FOR you you idiot," she sighed in relief and and grabbed my arm, making me practically drag her down the street.

I dragged her for about half a block before I had to shove her off of me and rather she skipped at my side like a child. Upon arriving at the respective building, I felt myself hesitate. Harps grabbed and squeezed my hand whilst I stood in the middle of the street just staring at the door, "Having a moral conflict?"
"Just remember who these men killed and why you fight." I closed my eyes in brief thought, wandering how different my life would be if I had just turned a blind eye.
"Harper...why do you keep fighting after both Naomi and Beyond died?"
"Woah woah I didn't say anything about Naomi,"
"Yeah but you at least liked her, her fiancé told me so." she tried to distract me by talking about Raye, I haven't thought about him in a long time, "But that's beside the point!"
"Well Jane-y, I knew you'd be out there waiting for me at least."

I sighed, letting go of her hand, and marched up to the door. I made my presence known to the receptionist and quite quickly was I seen by Mikami. My heart was pounding my my chest, adrenaline coursing through my veins like the familiar sensation that it is now. I took a seat across from the prosecutor and he had looked almost exactly like the picture me and the boys found at first, only a little bit older and his eyes held a strong sense of power, "So what can I help you with Ms. Moreaux,"
"I need someone to help me prosecute my boyfriend,"
"I'm afraid I'm not that kind of lawyer Ms. Moreaux,"
"Oh no you definitely can help, you know him Mr Teru" He raised an eyebrow at me, pushing up his glasses and looking into my eyes deeply analysing my every move and breath, "I call him Light, but you call him Kami," his eyes widened, he stiffened by clearly tried hard not to show it.

"So here's what's going to happen Mr Teru. You are going to stay out of my way, and maybe I'll pay you back when I get him arrested. If you don't...well lets just say I got friends who can ensure you suffer," I had a grin that would make even the devil shake, one that I could see practically gleam off of the reflection in his glasses. He showed no fear though, simply clicking his pen and writing something on a piece of paper which I recognised that seemingly plain stationary. It was the same type of paper that I found in my breast pocket when I went to Winchester and within seconds a familiar Ryuk came materialising before us.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you Mr Teru," I knew what he was doing. He wrote my name on a page in the death note, and all I had to defend myself was the idea that maybe I would be immune from this. I stood up and leant over the desk, planting my hands in front of him and staring him dead in the eye and in the words of the Roman Poet Horace about the Pharaoh Cleopatra, I 'showed no sign of womanish fear at the sword'. I was staring death in the face and felt no fear shake in my bones. After the designated time went by, nothing happened. In fact I felt my body grow stronger rather than shake in a heart attack.

Mikami looked confused and panicked, Ryuk began laughing and pointed out the obvious about my bloodline. I gave Kira-X (The title Near had given Mikami to distinguish him from the Original Kira and the Second Kira) another smile, leaning closer to him and pushing his glasses up. Grabbing his cheeks I forced him to look at me, "Defendi Morte, Mikami Teru," my tone then shifted to dark and foreboding, almost gravelly and threatening "Now stay out of my way. Unless you want to die by my hands."

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