Chapter 13: Round Two

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I awoke to the sound of deep hearty laughter. Grumbling, I pulled my pillow over my ears to drown them out, but it only seemed to get louder and louder with each attempt. Finally, I had opened my eyes and saw the shinigami before me for the first time in about a week. I let out a loud gasp and tried not to scream, weary of the fact that L was in the next room no doubt wide awake and Watari nearby dead asleep. The only light to aid me was the moonlight, and even then it made the creature's appearance worse.
"Who are you...What do you want?" I whispered. It's big bulging eyes seemed confused, but nonetheless remained cool.

"How can you see me?" Its voice was croaky, not the kind that you'd listen to for hours on end without growing insane.

"I asked first." It chuckled at my retort, choosing to take a seat at the end of my bed while I sat up and covered myself with the blanket using it as a comfort mechanism in my fear.

"I'm a shinigami-"

"I knew it!" I whisper-yelled, slightly elated to have my theory proven true. So my sister had some logic to her madness, though the remainder of her theory remains in the dark. It observed the room around it, eyes then resting on my caretaker in a deep sleep in the bed across the room from me. I felt an overwhelming feeling of protectiveness, "Don't you dare touch him." I seethed.

It continued to laugh loudly, taking great entertainment in everything that is transpiring, "I was told to keep an eye on you," It stated simply. I gripped my blanket even tighter, theories and ideas brewing in my head about who could have sent this creature my way and such "Did Kira send you?" I asked. I wanted to directly ask if it was Light who sent him, but I feared the consequences if I was too direct with it. The shinigami nodded at my question and floated around, checking out the facilities and even stealing an apple or two from the fruit bowl on the desk (though he quickly learned they were styrofoam). In the meantime, I sat there dumbfounded with my eyes half-lidded mentally questioning whether or not this was a dream or a drug trip. I couldn't recall taking or smoking any hallucinogenics (It would be stupid of me to do when I worked in such close proximity of the police), so I chalked it up to sleep depravity and the slow pulsing migraine that I knew was going to be awful in the morning. Taking a deep sigh, I drifted back to sleep without another thought hoping that the shinigami would be gone by the morning.

I was very wrong, when I woke up properly it had felt like the light coming from the windows was splitting through my head like a knife. So today was going to be a bad day. Watari came in with a cup of tea and some painkillers not long after hearing my cry of pain "Bad morning, my dear?" He asked softly. I put my arm over my eyes to shield me from the light and groaned in agreement, "Hurts like a bitch..." in response, he closed the curtains and grabbed an icepack from the mini-fridge to cool my head down. Watari pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead and told me to continue to rest, that he would inform L that I was indisposed for a few days.

"Huehue, you not gonna get up?" I groaned in annoyance as the Shinigami fazed into my room, not reading the atmosphere that I was not in the mood. Begrudgingly, I sipped my tea and took my painkillers not bothering to waste energy responding to a figment of my imagination, "You're being so boring right now, I thought he said you were interesting!" I hissed at it's sharp increase in volume and muttered to it to shut up

"Shouldn't you be getting back to Light, anyway?" my mind was very murky, so an appropriate response was not on my agenda until after I realised that I had exposed my plan. The shinigami stood in front of me and knelt down a bit in questioning, but said nothing. I had definitely overstepped what I should know. But I couldn't think properly so I only dipped in and out of consciousness; you won't believe what happened next, I can't even believe it now and I'm writing this on some scrap paper I had found.

"Why the hell did you bring her here?!" A voice whisper-yelled, to which the gruff voice of the shinigami responded with "You wanted to keep an eye on her, so here she is!" I was on a bigger bed than what I was on before, it was more plush and comfortable and the smell of it was so familiar and comforting... My eyes fluttered open just a touch and here stood at the foot of the bed was the mouth of the beast. Kira himself, Light Yagami. In an attempt to snap out of it, I tried to fall back asleep again and ignore the migraine that remained constant but now dull (painkillers kicking in now). So, I had been kidnapped twice in my life now, once by a human and the other time by a creature that I had half the heart to believe in. The only comfort I had was that nothing could physically happen to me since there were cameras all over this house for observation, so L would know that I'm here and not by my own will...right?

Light's cool hand was pressed against my forehead, and I almost gave in to it in relief, though he mumbled to himself that I hadn't changed at all. I grumbled and opened my eyes to see his face not that far from my own, the very sight of him just felt godlike and yet I couldn't relish in it especially with all he has done and reminds me of...also the light that surrounded him from the window was hurting me like a bitch still.

"Can you shut the curtain please..." I mumbled.

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