Chapter 24: Conspiracy in the Kingdom

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I was told by L that Misa had gone over to Light's house the previous night, which means the two supposed Kira's made contact a second time. Shit. This was bad, because both shinigami's in their presences could actually communicate now. So what do we do now? Well I do what I know best, beat a bitch. Nah I'm kidding. I was told to have a sleepover at Misa's house and try and find out what I could about the situation and if she was needed to be detained - this wasn't a 'I thought you were cute and followed you home' sort of thing, she was actively seeking him out and I know that I said it was okay but for the sake of the case it is more dangerous than we would like it to be.

"I'm so glad you're here Jane-y! I have so much I wanna ask you about" we were both sat on her bed, the decor very gothic and monotonous but I quite liked it. The shinigami I was trying to ignore was sat in the corner of the room, it was a lot more skeletal than the one I had seen with Light and it held a more feminine appearance though I can't tell for certain.
"Like what Mees?"
"When you dated Light, did he date other girls?" that caught me off-guard.
"What? No! Absolutely not! Is he cheating on you?" To be honest I felt quite happy about that, meant he was loyal only to me but of course Misa was my friend and I wanted her to be happy.
"He's seeing this girl from his class, Kiyomi Takada - He told me that he would see other girls and didn't want me to know about her but Re...My sources told me about her," Her slip up was a hint I'm guessing. I took her hand and shook my head, giving her a concerned look "Mees that's not a good thing,"
"I know I know but I love him!"

We chatted some more, mainly about her issue with Light and some Miss Takada. After a while, I had excused myself to the washroom and splashed my face with cold water. My keen ears had picked up conversation in her room, "He's can only love me!" and very quickly following was an entirely new voice;
"But Misa..."
"No! You must kill L, and only then can Light love me!" At that, I saw red. Bursting into the room, all in a blur, I raised my hand to slap Misa - as if I was going to let her even get away with the thought of killing him. Before my hand could make contact, my throat closed up and my feet were no longer on the floor. A skeletal hand had wrapped around my throat and choked me out.

"Rem! Stop! Don't kill her!" My vision was spotty, hearing shrinking, "She was going to harm you,"
"Yeah shinigami, let me go..." I choked. My legs were just dangling loosely below me. The two stared at me in confusion, if you can even call that creature's face confused. Rem's grip loosened around my throat and dropped me to the ground, I collapsed into a ball gasping for air "How do you know what I am?"

I coughed and heaved and finally lifted my head from the floor to see Misa sitting in front of me, the shinigami glaring at me, "I've been able to see creatures like you for a while. Think I met one of your little buddies Ryuk a while back." The two looked at each other, Misa then gently helped me up and sat me at her desk "So you're affiliated with L?"

"Was the attempted slap not enough for ya?" I tried to joke
"I thought you was just really jealous about me being with Light." Unfortunately, there was no cameras in Misa's home so there would be no way for L to have even seen this escapade. All of a sudden, my phone started ringing and on the caller ID was 'Pa'. Misa grabbed my phone and went to hand it to me when Rem decided to interject "What if it's L or someone affiliated?" Misa then scoffed and handed me my phone. On one hand, that was a really dumb idea to let me have access to my phone, on the other hand it was smart because it'd be wise to have a friend on the task force. If she thinks she can manipulate me through that though, she has another thing coming. I pressed my phone between my ear and my shoulder whilst itching at my scars on my arms (I stupidly forgot my Rubiks), "Hey Pa,"

"Everything okay Jane?" The familiar voice of Watari down the line made me smile, but that smile would fade as soon as Rem caught my peripheral. "Everything's fine, hows Ryu?" I then mouthed to Misa that he was my brother. It was a huge risk to even mention L, "Is it there?"
"Oh thats lovely Pa, I'm glad he's made some friends," Positive words meant agreement.
"Is it working with her?"
"Oh absolutely, I can't wait to meet him."

And therefore the plan would be set in motion. The next morning, Misa flat out refused to let me leave her house to the point that she had locked me in a room and blockaded the windows, now doesn't this feel familiar. I sighed annoyed and just sat on the floor, itching at my scars once again. The room was completely black and the house silent since she had left to go out - for what reason? I have no idea. I had sat there for about four hours doing absolutely nothing by itching and scratching to the point that I created new cuts unintentionally when finally there was a startling bang at the door downstairs. Once again, this feels familiar. The door was crashed down and then unlocked the one in front of me, "Jane Grey?" A gruff voice asked and I nodded. Quickly I was ushered into a van and driven back to the complex where I was greeted by a big fatherly hug from Watari at the front door and out of the corner of my eye I had spotted a bound up Misa being wheeled into the complex at the same time with Rem trailing behind her.

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