Chapter 37: Who's Crazy Now?

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Just over a week later, I was still thinking about the information Spectre inadvertently gave me. As if I was going to present this immediately, it was bad enough that people thought I was insane to propose the shinigami idea let alone having it control the entire investigation. And so, whilst the others were configuring their new plan at the complex, I was sat in a coffee shop enjoying my own company for the first time in a while. Don't get me wrong, I have had time to myself but unlike those times I didn't get to be normal. Sat in a coffee shop, dressed casually, cup of coffee, no supernatural creature to interrupt me.

"Is this seat taken?" Maybe it was too soon to speak. I look up from my cup, and there was my adoptive mother waiting for my response. I choked on my own spit, I hadn't seen her in so long and somehow managed to avoid her for a long time. Though...It's far enough away from our home to warrant going to this specific coffee shop.
"Oh, no. Go ahead." I mumbled, clearing my throat and avoiding her eyes. She took a seat in front of me, looking the same as ever as if I had never even been kidnapped. Though she looked tired.

"How have you been Jane?" I froze for a moment, whipping my head back to her.
"My name is Anne, ma'am"
"I may have been born at night, but it wasn't last night my dear. I know my daughter,"
I chuckled, putting my face in my hands allowing a few tears to slip by,
"Of course...Who was I fooling."
"You seem to be doing well for yourself ever since the incident," I took a deep breath, wiping away the tears, and gave her a sombre smile, "I'm getting by."

She understood the importance of my anonymity, and agreed to keep our encounter a secret. But that doesn't mean we didn't stay and chat for a while. Of course, it was entirely hypocritical of me to be this way after all I had avoided her and my father in order to keep them safe. But at this point, there was no reason to keep up the charade if she had already figured it out. Whilst we chatted, catching up on the local gossip; turns out, our nosy neighbour was caught cheating on his wife with the florist! His wife's worst enemy!

Behind my mother, however, was a small television showing the news. Almost immediately I knew what was going on, Higuchi was being chased in his car by the police and no doubt my boys were not that far behind him. I shot up (not before falling back into my seat cause of the headrush) and got closer to the TV asking for the owner to turn the volume back up.
"It seems that the assailant has collapsed!"
I could feel my heartbeat in my ears, taking note of the location, and rushed out of the coffee shop. Now I don't approve of my own actions, cause I can't even drive, but I jacked someone's car nearby and just stepped on the gas. Probably not the best idea, but if this was really happening then I HAD to be there. Numerous times I almost crashed into people, it was a miracle I even got to the highway without a scratch on the car or myself. Just off in the distance, I could see Rem stood over Higuchi's now dead body while a helicopter blocked the way. As soon as I stepped out of that car, I knew that even more had changed than ever.

Slowly, I walked towards the helicopter taking into account the terrified voices and looks of the police nearby. A sudden hand on the small of my back gave me most of my answers,
"They touched the book, they can see all of them now including Spectre." I didn't move or turn around, I simply whispered over my shoulder.
"So what do we do now?"
"Well, at least they know you aren't crazy."
Gold walked with me, keeping a hand on me as we started approaching the doors of the helicopter, "Where did you even go?"
"No need to worry about that, I'll be leaving tonight though."
"Why can't you just come home?"
"If it were that simple Jane, I would've brought you home as soon as you were put up for adoption,"

Through the window, L and Light were sat together. Light looked like a deer in headlights, I felt a pit in my stomach as his face grew from shocked to malicious. Opening the door, L snapped his head toward me "What the hell are you doing here?"
"Forget me! What the hell is going on?"
"Just get in, I'll explain later" And so I did. I sat in the back, not before asking for Light's health - he claimed to be alright, but those eyes had reverted back to everything I hated once more.

Sitting in the complex beside Gold, almost a few hours later, as we all huddled around the note. It was beyond fascinating to see the key to my own special ability and my family's specialties. L was the first to touch the note, suddenly shocked by the presence of Rem in the room now made prevalent. It was bad enough that everyone was freaked out until good ol' Spectre comes floating in "Ey! It's Golden Boy and Grey Girl! How ya doin?"
"Oh my God there's another one!" Matsuda screeched. I heard Gold sigh beside me and lean forward, "Jane was never crazy, this is our family shinigami Spectre. That one attached to that book is called Rem."
"Nice to finally be able to communicate with you idiots."

I shared a glance with L, who suddenly looked very guilty. I giggled, resting a hand on his shoulder "Don't feel too bad. Now you know!"
"Wait, so you've touched a death note before now?"
"Not exactly..."

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