Chapter 28: Commemorating my allies

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"What on earth are you planning, Grey?"
I raised my hands above my head, "I'm not planning anything Ryu!" I exclaimed. How on earth could my own brother accuse me of plotting something potentially sinister?
"Your defensiveness tells me otherwise," Damnit, he caught me out there. Kay so I am planning something, but I can't risk it being found so you'll have to theorise in your own time. I sat down beside him not before trying to shove his face in that cake of his but I barely missed it. I could hear other people rustling behind me whilst I rummaged through the drawers for my medication, "Whatcha lost Grey?" Mogi asked, taking his place at my left side, "My anti-Lords pills,"

"She means her medication,"
"Don't suck the fun out of it!" I whined, popping the lid. Light on the other hand was in my peripheral looking like he had something to say alongside his father - who I neglected to mention made a miraculous recovery in the meantime. Taking a sip of my water, I threw a wink his way in order to set my plans in motion.
"I think I may be Kira..." he blurted out. I felt a smirk creep to my face when I saw the baffled look cross L's face for even just a moment. We all turned to Light, ready to hear what he had to say "I fear I may be subconsciously Kira...Like I may be doing these things when I'm not even aware of it!" Soichiro did not hesitate for a second to defend his son, claiming we would have known if this was happening when we observed him, honestly I can't help but applaud his loyalty to his family but it would certainly be his downfall.

"What are you suggesting with do with this information, Light?"
"Confine me as well!-"
"Absolutely not Light. I will not allow it," Shit, this could potentially interfere with my plans. I gripped my glass tightly, mentally assessing the situation and ignoring the argument that was about to break out amongst everyone. L finally turned around, facing me. "What do you think we should do, Lords?" In hindsight, I should've noticed this slip-up but I really couldn't care less at this moment in time. I hummed, tapping my chin, "Confine them both." The silence was deafening. Everyone snapped their attention to me in confusion and shock at the mere proposition;

"How could you say that Grey!"
"Don't you care at all?"

"She's right," Soichiro piped up, mentioning how if we were to dispel everyone's worries then everyone had to do it. And so, the father and son were locked up in cells - a stark difference to Misa's - and the days lulled by in their strike. In this quietness, I had taken quite a liking to digging through my sister's old stuff since I was reminded of her all of a sudden. Plus it was a lot easier to just sit and stare at the only picture I have of her on the internet where she isn't manic and crazed without having someone lurking over my shoulder. Watari was too preoccupied with Misa and L to be hovering over me like he normally would and L was too drained to do anything. The picture was of Harrison and Harper with a big grin on their faces, Harper had no tattoos yet and only her lip ring so I knew she was still fairly young.

Turns out, I liked my sister a lot more than I thought I would, if only I had more time with her to bond. Now this next thing got my ass in so much trouble the next week over, I went out and got a commemorative tattoo for both Harper and my brother Harrison - calligraphy of their initials similar to the one Lords had for herself. It was on my wrist which I thought would be easy to hide since I wear long sleeves all the time but...well I'll let the narrative speak for itself;

I was in the kitchen with Matsuda (remember, I need supervision in the kitchen per the advise of my therapist - who thinks I need stronger medication by the way) and I was reaching for some spices in the top shelf,
"You got a tattoo?!" He exclaimed and I froze. How loud did he say that? Did Watari hear that? Can I delete the security footage before L reviews it later tonight? A million and one possibilities raced through my head. Matsuda grabbed my wrist and instinctively I slapped him and running out of the room with my hand covering my wrist.

"What are you hiding now Jane?" L called, not even turning from his monitor to look at me. I felt the adrenaline pumping hard throughout my body.
"Uncover your wrist."
"It's either that or go into confinement with the rest of them." Bastard. L was using my own tactics against me.
"I said, I'm not hiding anything!"
I started walking towards the elevator down to the cells not before I was grabbed by the old man I was terrified of seeing right now. Before they could see anything, I saw Light's shinigami watching the camera (waiting for either mine or Light's command) and so in the fit of struggled I shouted "Get rid of it!"

Like clockwork it all happened. Light's memory was completely wiped like I had planned. My ears were ringing, watching Light go limp and revert back to the man I had loved. All the corruption that made him go wrong whilst I was alive was cleansed from him for now. I was too happy with this all going smoothly to even register the major scolding I was receiving from my caregiver but I didn't care. I had both Kira's right where I want them and if there's any more out there I WILL find them and I WILL 'get rid of them'. And I know exactly who to go look for; Kyosuke Higuchi.

Jane GreyWhere stories live. Discover now