Chapter 7: Coffee with Kira

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I have two days remaining to catch you up, so in summary I had apologised for my actions to the new task force and had formally introduced myself and described my task at hand. I purposefully neglected to tell them who the suspect way, though we didn't interact much after that mostly because I wasn't allowed to know anything outside of what I find out. I had to continue my role without Penber at my side, and at the end of the day Watari would pick me up and take me back to whatever hotel we were staying in at the time in order for me to relay the same information over and over again. This time as different though and it was what would set in motion the remainder of the case and my own involvement of the case.

I was staying nearby Light's normal route, careful not to let myself be caught out. However, this time around I noticed a familiar sight, that creature that had terrified me for days was following closely behind. I had never noticed it before until the absence of Penber's presence became prominent. When I had noticed it, my mind immediately grew fuzzy and made a stumbling bee-line for the nearby bench by the park. I sat down and reached for the water in my bag and downed it, breathing deeply to clear my head, and then:

"Are you okay, miss?" My head shot up and I instantly regretted it. A sharp pain pierced my head at the sudden light that embedded my aching brain.
"I'm fine, thanks," I was trying my best to dismiss Light so that he wouldn't recognise me, but he was insistent and sat beside me. I had my head in my hands trying to ground myself.
"Do you need water?" He offered another bottle of water to me, to which I declined saying that I don't take things like water from people I don't know. He understood my concern and stayed with me until I felt better. Moments like this brought me back to when I was "alive", a similar situation had happened but rather than just sitting here in silence he would've taken me back to his home and let me lay on his bed in complete darkness to recover. If I hadn't recovered by then, he would've taken me back to my own home or let me stay the night. Such memories made my heart bleed with grief. Light kept a watchful eye on me, and tried to stir conversation with me without directly calling out the fact that I was suspiciously like his "dead girlfriend".

"You know, you remind me of my ex-girlfriend," he started. I took a deep breath, and looked up a bit, wondering where this conversation was going to go "She was chronically ill and often got migraines and fatigued."
"What happened to her?" I asked softly, as if I didn't know already what had happened to me. Light shook his head and shrugged noticeably relaxing more when the creature left us alone (Did he see it too? If so, how?), "I don't know, the police declared her case cold. She disappeared one night and I never saw her again..." his voice trailed off slightly. The way he spoke about me was heart-warming.
"When I saw you on that bus with that man, I couldn't help but think you was my Jane. You look a lot like her you know" He got out his phone and showed me a picture of me and him together. I smiled and offered him my sympathies, "You looked very happy together,"
"I apologise for pushing your boundaries that day, I was overwhelmed by how similar you look" he chuckled softly, a dusting of blush across his face. I put on my most charming smile which then faded into a genuine one. I asked him about the girl he was with, to which he claimed he was trying to get out there after my "death" and so he wasn't actually dating at the moment.
"Do you want to go for coffee?" His question threw me off, he was just telling me how he wasn't going to be dating for a while and yet here he is asking me for coffee. I'll admit that I allowed my heart to overtake my brain and its task. We went to the nearby coffee shop and ordered what we wanted. It felt like our first date all over again, to which I realised exactly what he was doing and attempting to do to me. He saw how similar I looked to the girl he once knew and was attempting to replicate every detail that took place before my kidnapping. I couldn't even confront him about it without revealing myself. All of a sudden I received a phone-call mid conversation, reluctantly answered it and to my surprise it was L "What the hell are you doing?" the faint conversation in the background suggested the task force was there as well.

"Oh, hello Ryu," I answered calmly, using the alias he had asked me to use for him should we need to discuss each other in public. Light looked confused but didn't press me much.
"You're supposed to observe him, not date him all over again,"
"I'm just out for coffee, what about you?"
"Finish your coffee and come home immediately young lady, I won't let you interfere with the case if you can't keep your hands to yourself."
I knew exactly what he was getting at, he had told me from the start that this case could bring up some old scars that could bleed again and I had agreed with this, promising that I wouldn't let it disturb the case, "Ryu don't worry, I'll be fine. Its a good chance for me to get out there after what happened," loosely translating to 'I can get more information out of him if I get close to him again'. The way he hummed in thought suggested he saw several ways it could go wrong, but reluctantly agreed with my idea anyway. He still told me to come home afterwards regardless. So I downed my cup and told Light that I needed to go home to my older brother since he was worried about me. He had bought it seemingly and so I had texted Watari to pick me up.

I thought my brain had deceived me, but I thought I had heard Light say "I'll have you again my Jane Moreaux." Either he had grown possessive of my deceased memory, or had seen through my disguise.

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