Chapter 55: Bullet to the Heart

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My attempt from the other day had secured in Light's mind that I was almost entirely subservient. Exactly as I had planned. I asked him for his opinion about everything, I made myself so mentally weak and dependant that there could be absolutely no doubt that I was everything he needed to completely remould and shape me into the girl he wanted to murder for whilst in my own mind I was exactly where I was meant to be. And so came the final three days before everything finished before my eyes and at my hand. But we'll cross that bridge in the next few entries.

It was a late evening on the twenty-sixth of January, I am now nineteen years old and boy do I feel older. Light was busy the night of my birthday so he had told me to go out and find something nice to wear so that we could spend some time together for my belated birthday - albeit much much later than when it actually took place. So here I am in the back of a taxi stuck in traffic. I hadn't spoken to any of my friends and colleagues in so long, and so I had neglected to take proper care of myself within the boundaries of what Light would let happen; Light would make sure I ate, was clean, and slept enough, but that didn't account for my mental wellbeing.

"Is there any change up ahead?" I asked the driver to which he shook his head
"Sorry ma'am, the police are up ahead. I think there was an accident or something." I groaned and slumped against the seat, staring at the world around me, scratching at some new and old scars that were on my arms and face when an impulse came to me. My gut told me to get out of the car and considering just how WELL my life is going right now, I acted on that impulse. Needless to say, the driver was beyond confused and he really wasn't lying when there was cars stretched for a good distance. The further in I walked up the road, the more I would learn about what was happening.

There was tyre marks on the road that was blocked off from what I could see, a car chase probably. That's quite unusual for this area. I pulled my jacket close, it was nice and fluffy and white, perfect for the winter; this jacket was my saving grace because I was wearing a pretty small sparkly blue dress - Light's choice, not mine - and fairly thin tights. I ignored all the barriers put up by the police and walked further down the street, ignoring the concerned shouts from the people stuck in the traffic.

The further down the road I got, the colder I felt and the more numb my legs grew and yet my gut was telling me if I turned back now I would be regretting it. A singular car was surrounded by a bunch of police cars and in the midst of it all was a figure in a puffy jacket, I couldn't quite make out the face until I got closer and saw it was Matt. MY Matt. He spotted me pretty quickly but appeared nonchalant. I had to hide in a nearby alleyway to prevent being caught by the police but in this scenario if I had remained in the shadows then I'd most certainly be wearing black to another funeral. Spectre put a hand on my shoulder from behind me, whispering in my ear;

"That kid has been scheduled to die by Kira, they're going to open fire on him in approximately three minutes," my heart dropped, clinging to the fluff of my jacket, "I know how you feel about that kid...I'm so sorry Jane," Spec seemed genuine, he always does. But there was absolutely no way I was about to let it happen to my Matt. He's a good friend, and I had ignored him amongst the others all this time (not willingly though) it would just be cruel to attend his funeral with Near and Mello knowing full well that I could've prevented it. I already tested my theory of temporary immortality, it was time to see how far it stretched. I counted the seconds until there was approximately one minute until his death and at a spur of the moment I ran towards him. The clicking of safety triggers in my ears, blood pumping, and the surprised look of Matt in front of me. I pushed him to the ground, covering him with my body, and squeezed my eyes shut in anticipation.

Only one shot landed. Spectre took the remainder. Can't say if it hit anything vital but it most certainly was lodged. The white fluff of my jacket turned red, all the breath was knocked out of me. Matt's mouth was open, but I heard nothing come from it. All I could hear was Gramps in my head saying 'you need to fall on your back'. My back? Why my back?

"The bullet hasn't left your body, you need to fall on your back or else your body will go into shock," It was Lawliet this time. Gramps took my hand, lifting me from Matt and guided me to the floor landing on my back like I was told to - presumably this was happening a lot faster than in my head.
"Great job Jane! Now just keep breathing," Raye... Raye was here too. Am I dying? No, No I wasn't dying. This was my body's way of keeping me calm.

Matt was being arrested in the corner of my eye, but he looked more concerned with me than himself.
"Good girl, Jane. Keep your eyes on us, keep your focus on us." Naomi's soft voice comforted me. L was holding my hand tightly, but there was no warmth or pressure. Thats how I know I wasn't dying. If I was panicking and forcing my body to produce more adrenaline, then perhaps they would be clearer.
"The paramedics are on their way, Light no doubt will be hearing about this," Gramps cursed under his breath
"Does that really matter?" Raye interjected.
"It does if it means he puts her in more danger!" L frustratedly said, Naomi still softly telling me that I was doing great and to keep breathing.

It wasn't until Spectre came into my field of view, picking bullets out of himself (which shouldn't have happened in the first place, maybe its a deserter thing) and told me that it was okay for me to fall asleep; Assumedly the paramedics were here with the supplies to keep me alive; and ever so slowly I allowed myself to be lulled into a sweet sleep to the sound of those who love me chattering amongst each other. It wouldn't be until I woke up after surgery that I would finally put an end to this madness called Kira's Kingdom.

Jane GreyWhere stories live. Discover now