Chapter 9: The Pain of the Axe and the Weight of the Crown

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This is the last day I have to record the events so far, tomorrow all that is noted will be happening the day that it happens. So, the following morning after falling asleep on the balcony, I had prepared for my day feeling unusually well for my normal health and bid my good mornings and good byes to L and Watari. A kiss to their cheeks and I was on my way to my normal coffee shop. The owner greeted me with a beaming smile despite how early it was and placed a cup of tea before me to which I handed them the cash and took my seat in my normal place by the window in the corner. It was a perfect spot, enough light not to give me a headache (I mustn't forget that I can't rely on my supplements too much) but also gives me the perfect view of the passers-by. Like normal, people walked by and came in to get their to-go cups and went about their business to work.

To my surprise, Light actually came into the coffee shop rather than walking past it and made a bee-line straight to me. "Is anyone else joining you, Miss Grey?" he asked. I debated it, recalling the threat that L made last night and thought this the best chance to get as much information out of him as I could. He took a seat, ordering his own cup of coffee, and gave a charming smile that I recognised instantly to be his 'flirtation' smile. That creature, it never seemed to leave me alone... It hovered over his shoulder and its bright red eyes poured into my soul. I am almost certain that my discomfort was visible because Light had asked if I was okay, to which I shrugged him off with "It's just a little headache". Within this time, we shared stories (all of mine to be fake) and laughs. I had felt it appropriate now to ask him about Kira - the killer whom I was supposed to be hunting.

"Light...what do you think about Kira?" he paused for a while, seemingly deep in thought, and then gave me a response that I was hoping it wouldn't be.
"I believe that Kira is doing a great service by getting rid of criminals. Though killing for it is a bit much," he let out a sheepish laugh, to which the creature - after doing some reading I have come to assume it is a Shinigami, which makes my sister right for once in her life - bellowed loudly as if it had heard the greatest joke in the world. Were they working together.
"Do you think Jane's kidnapper got the same justice by Kira?" I pressed. He thought about it some more.
"I don't know, the police left her case cold," his fists clenched till his knuckles were white at that statement, "if her killer wasn't noted then theres no way he would have found him." I hummed in agreement, silently hoping that even if Light was Kira that my kidnapper would be killed by his hand (call me a fraterniser but I'd rather not live knowing he's just sitting on his ass in a cell. So why not influence the observed for a bit?). By this time, the café had grown busy and the sheer crows began to make me nervous so we left and wandered around the neighbourhoods for a while.

"I realised I never even asked what you study, or even where you study! If you are going to school still"
"I don't go to school anymore, I was roped into this life before I could graduate but I really really wanted to do criminology at university."
"How come you never went?"
"Unforeseen circumstances, I had a full scholarship at To-Oh University and everything. Observing you was actually my first gig ever. The boss didn't want to put me on anything without being assured that I was ready," It wasn't entirely a lie, I did have a full scholarship ready that was waiting for me when I graduated but...well you know how that turned out. I wasn't shying away from the fact that I had to observe him, the entire incident on the bus proved that much at least.

Looking down at my watch, it was time for me to make my way to the new hotel we were staying in. I had spent the entire day just talking with him, I felt like a twelve year old girl again with her first crush! What an exhilarating feeling, such a pleasant change from the constant belittling fear and pain that had become the norm for me over the past few months. We said our goodbyes and I had turned to leave him on the neighbourhood which I suddenly realised was his own one, when he grabbed my wrist and pulled my tightly into a hug. He had gotten taller since I had last seen him because now I was a little above his shoulders, his cologne was everything I had remembered from the sharp scent at the beginning to the pleasantly soft after-tone at the end. I could've stayed like that forever, I barely even noticed in my nostalgia-filled haze that he had pulled me into a kiss.

When I did realise what was happening, the dots connected like constellations in the sky...All those years ago when we had finally started dating, he had kissed me after a coffee shop date that lasted the whole day. I didn't even resist, playing the role of the dumb detective better than I had initially intended to play. He pulled away a moment too soon, I was just relishing in the memories that were once the only comfort I could seek out in my imprisonment and as quickly as it comforted me I was reminded of my last moments with him. If I hadn't been with him that night, then I wouldn't have bumped into that man who then wouldn't have ripped me away from the parents who lovingly adopted me from the biological ones that didn't want me. I wouldn't be stood here trembling in fear after slapping Light for kissing me because the thought of that man following me back to the hotel plagued me more than the pleasure and familiarity of my love. I couldn't, I just couldn't do it.

So I went to the new hotel, barged in without warning or acknowledging any of the other task force men who were there, and demanded to L:
"Take me off of the fieldwork," I was still shaking like a leaf, to which Watari handed me a small cup of herbal tea but it didn't soothe my trembling muscles at all.
"Well thats quite a surprise, how come?"
"You know exactly why Ryu," L hummed and came up with a smart retort.
"Did Queen Jane Grey get too close to the axe that killed her?"
"If I stay on the fieldwork...that axe will behead this entire case." he understood immediately and dismissed me to my room where I broke collapsed onto my bed crying.

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