Chapter 2: Tudor meets Grey

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I had never met my sister before now, even though my adoptive parents were never shy about letting me know where I came from though in recent years they became more reluctant to let me have contact with her due to her murderous boyfriend and just her own state of mind itself. As a result, the ability to have some form of contact with her was supposed to be amazing. I was provided some very loose clothing to wear to hide my identity and I was flown across to America. The gentleman, of whom tells me his name is Watari, has stayed with me for a majority of this time whilst also frequently checking in with L over the phone.

"Ah, if it isn't my Jane Grey," Harper, or as you probably know her to be Lower Lords. I raised an eyebrow at her and sat across from her. We weren't alone the entire time, there were cameras watching us at all times alongside Watari in the corner observing in the most discreet way that he can.
"Jane Grey?"
"Yeah, you're my successor."
"Of course,"
"Does that make you Edward?"
"Haha very funny. I know exactly what you're here for and I will give you all of the information you need to succeed me on the other side." the other side being the police.

I took off my hat so that my hair could sit loosely over my shoulders, the similarities between us as sisters ever more evident now. Harper then described the details of a criminal that I would need to know, factors like: They're a lot closer to the investigation than you think, and the sense of justice they feel can be a defining characteristic, accomplices are usually romantically involved or being held by blackmail and such. We sat there for a little longer with some general idle chatter when Harper brought up a concept completely new to me and little did I know how involved this would be in the case that I was to overwatch.
"I have a mutation, we think, called Shinigami eyes." she blurted.
"Whats that?"
"Its not to the same extent as my B, but I can see Shinigami's" B is the aforementioned murderous boyfriend.
I questioned her about Shinigami's and she wanted to see if I had the same ability if it was genetic. Obviously by that point the doctors asked if I could leave so she could receive treatment, though the idea of it was still stuck in my head.

Another flight back to Japan, took a long time so I was absolutely exhausted. So, I was back to the same scene of being sat back against the conjoined door between me and L, he still refused to show me his identity understandably.
"She said that they can sometimes hold a sense of justice." I heard him hum at the information that he already knew,
"Given the nature of the killings, its safe to say a sense of justice is present." There isn't too much information I can divulge in at the moment given the fact that I have such a limited amount of time to document, so I can skip to the next week right?

Watari was hesitant to leave L alone again for so much time and consistently, but it wasn't like L couldn't see us anyway. I was supposed to observe a student from my old school, a now-graduate, for being suspected of being Kira and so Watari and I were sat in a café near the location of the suspects frequent visits. I had a cup of tea alongside a slice of strawberry cake, and Watari observed with his own cup of tea to make sure I was able to eat solids properly. It wasn't until a few days after my return from visiting my sister that the hired nurses from L deemed it safe for me to be on complete solids.
"You've come a long way already in terms of your health, Miss Grey" Oh right, this is when I started using the nickname of Jane Grey in homage to Harper who had been murdered by Kira. I wasn't as riddled with grief as I thought I'd be, probably because I've never actually established a relationship with her.
"You think so?"
"I know so, before you would get tired from standing out in the sun for too long and now here you are in a café eating cake,"
I let out a small giggle, silently proud of how far I had come though I wanted him to acknowledge it.

"Can you tell me a bit about yourself?" I asked.
"Not at the moment, but in due time my dear. The same goes for L," I guess I could understand that, afterall its important for these two to maintain their anonymity for as long as possible and should they trust me with any personal information then it would be their choice entirely. Still though, the mystery of who they could actually be is more than enticing.
"When will I be able to see my parents again?" It was a genuine question, after all I owed them so much for how they raised me.
"I doubt you'll be able to see them at all. We wiped the crime scene clean and made sure to destroy any evidence of your location so far as within our powers."
"So my case hasn't seen proper justice to them?"
"As far as they know, its a cold case."
"But thats bullshit! I'm their daughter" I argued. Watari let out a sigh knowing exactly where this is headed, I presume he's dealt with stubborn teenagers like me before and knew how to respond calmly;
"If we could, we would allow you to. But given the sensitivity of your case and now your job we simply cannot allow it"
"But they're my parents!" I cried out, causing a scene in the quiet café. Now that I think about it, it was so much like a child's tantrum than a teenager-going-on-adult demanding to the right to see her parents. Once I realised that I had caused a scene, I shied away under my hoodie feeling a flush of embarrassment cover my face and neck. A hearty but quiet chuckle resounded in front of me, "Like a child, you know what you want and won't stop until you get it. You're like someone I know."
"Was my sister like this?" A small amount of grief had taken it's place in my heart, not enough to dominate my feelings but certainly was present. Watari placed his cup back to the saucer "I didn't know Lords very well, but from my understanding and the way B had described her, you are quite alike. Though on two different sides of the same coin." My finger traced the rim of the cup, a small amount of tea was left at the bottom, a sudden shyness overtaken me.

All of a sudden a deep laugh erupted behind me, a voice I didn't recognise but seemingly Watari didn't see or hear this person. I absolutely refused to turn around to look at them out of fear for my life.
"Dead sister. Supposed to be a dead girlfriend. This will be interesting."

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