Chapter 30: Heart Attack

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"I'm starting to feel like a broken record Jane..." L stated when I walked through the door. I rolled my eyes at him, pulling my hood closer to my face to hide the many scrapes and cuts that were now disinfected thanks to my new companion. Thankfully, it was just L in the room and nobody else - presumably Watari was either preparing breakfast or getting ready to go out for some reason or another - L I can handle, its just when he and Watari team up against me that I just shut down.
"Maybe you should get that fixed,"
"Or maybe you should stop sneaking out." I scoffed at his retort, bending down to the drawers to grab my morning meds whilst avoiding his face. At first he didn't seem all that bothered, until I realised that he lifted my hood away from me without me even noticing and critiqued the severity of the scrapes.

"Is this what happened after you broke into Yotsuba?" I couldn't help but laugh.
"Nothing gets past you, huh?"
"And that companion of yours, do you know him?" I then shrugged my shoulders and gulped down my water, making my way towards my bedroom to continue my grounding. L had followed me in, sitting at the foot of my bed just watching and waiting for me to say something. About a minute of silence fell before I grew nervous and scratched at my wrist, he scolded me as he would whenever I picked at scabs and scars and still he said nothing that would spark conversation. And then finally;

"Since when have you had such an interest in Harper and Harrison?" That was odd at the time because I had already answered all his questions when I had first gotten into trouble for my tattoo, but seemingly he wasn't finished with his interrogation. I shrugged, giving a vague answer along the lines of 'Just wanted to know them'. He was dissatisfied though and yet dropped the subject entirely, returning to his computer.

Before long, I was called in to discuss something and unbeknownst to me the entire task force had come into the building and set up without me hearing them (ordinarily I could at least hear Matsuda belting out a lovely 'Good Morning' to everyone).

"Ah, Lords you're here, perfect timing."
"You did it again Ryu!" Matsuda interjected. It was because of him that I even acknowledged the change in nickname.
"Did what again Matsuda...?"
"You called her Lords instead of Grey,"
"Yeah whats up with that?" Mogi threw in his two cents.

L looked me dead in the eyes, waiting to see if I had a reaction or sentiment towards the link to my sister. I stood tall, though, and stood my ground "I have no issue with it Matsuda, though he could be more careful than to connect me with a serial killer." I hissed. That was enough to give him a conclusion about my affiliation with my biological family and therefore Misa, Light, and Soichiro were to be released given that our new Kira was killing like- well, a killer. I hummed a little tune and tapped my feet while L discussed the terms with Soichiro, in order to make sure for absolute certainties sake that the two were not Kira at this present moment in time - Soichiro was going to escort them somewhere secluded and pretend to shoot them, if either one of them was Kira then they would be able to kill him. It was a risky shot but it was necessary. I interrupted though with, "I wonder whats going on at Yatsuba." Nobody got my hint unfortunately, I only aggravated them.

Part of these new terms was that I was not allowed to talk to Light without supervision of either L or Watari, though Watari doesn't hang around with us directly he does watch over us on cameras and occasionally jump in with his own ideas or with food. Nobody had questioned why I was covering my face, and even if they did ask I simply just pulled my hood closer and then nobody would bother me about it. And so, whilst this fake-shooting was happening, I snuck out once more to sit with my new friend nearby on a park bench.

"So your ex-boyfriend but also current boyfriend is dating another girl while you blackmail both of them?"
"Well when you say it like that, it sounds toxic."
"And all of this is for one guy that you don't want to die? Seems a bit too much if you ask me,"
"Good thing I wasn't asking you."

He laughed at me and dug into the ice cream that we bought from the cart just down the way, it was pretty good but my teeth are too sensitive to handle it. Not many people clocked the meaning behind what we said, not that I could tell anyway, cause surprise surprise my friend could speak fluent english and was from America too! My English is pretty broken given that I had grown up in Japan but bless my parents. They always kept me grounded to where I came from and made sure I knew English as a second language (Holy shit was it difficult for a six year old with attention problems to deal with). "My sister was the exact same way, promised to do the absolute most for a guy only for it to be her downfall." He had a sombre tone to his voice and if you looked in his eyes carefully enough you could see him reminisce.
"Oh, she passed away last year. Though I reckon if she kept going the way she did without this guy then maybe she would've ended up worse."
"Why didn't you stop her?" Maybe I was pushing it a bit, but I was curious and this was the closest thing I could get to gossip without it being linked to a case under L or even highschool gossip.
"Cause I was just as bad...If anything I'm an example of what she COULD have turned out to be."

I didn't really know what to say. I mean what the fuck do you say to that? So I kept quiet, to which he laughed at my awkwardness. I tried to think of what to say and before I knew it I blurted out something that perhaps would've been better kept quiet, "How did she die?" I was hoping he'd say something like a car crash or even cancer, extreme things but not unusual unfortunately. No no, he went and said 'Heart Attack'. He described her to have been perfectly healthy in body but not in mind. There would've been no reason for her to die like that except for when Kira is involved. Perhaps Kira hits even more close to home for this guy than I had previously anticipated - he's not just some guy looking to help pick a fight.

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