Chapter 52: Ye of Little Faith

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With Mikami's face in my hand, I felt that I had all the power in the world. The way he trembled under my gaze invigorated my very being. My grin grew wider and wider as he shook, his glasses slowly slipping off of the bridge of his nose as he starts to sweat.
"So what are you going to do Mikami?"
"Y-You're Queen Jane?" he stuttered, the pen in his hand slipping from his grip and landing softly on the carpet below our feet, ink bleeding into the fibres, "You're the Jane that Kami spoke of?" his tone developed to be fearful and yet full of admiration, what kind of lies was Light feeding this man?

"The very one Mikami," I tightened my grip on his cheeks, growing slightly irritated at his questions and yet relishing in the admiration, "Now answer my question, what will you do?"
"I will obey you, Queen Jane,"
"Good," I let go of him, imprints of my nails left in his skin but not quite bleeding. He appeared no different. Ryuk came floating to my side, grabbing my hand and inspecting my ring, "Silver, very nice." Mikami scrambled the papers that had been scattered in the moment and stood in front of me, considerably taller than me (and I'm pretty tall) but significantly less authority and confidence in his eyes.
"Might I ask, Queen Jane, why are you trying to prosecute Kami?"
"If you had any idea what I've been through, you'd understand,"
"Then explain it to me," He was trying to coax me back to his side, but that same voice was ringing in my ear again grounding me to the reality of what was going on 'Are you on the side of us, or them?'

I scoffed, spinning the laptop he had in my direction and typing in a forbidden name. Following the search came nothing initially, after all my case is deemed cold and therefore he was never prosecuted, but once accessing the police databases (ensuring that I deleted everything afterwards) I came across the mini-file that had been created specifically regarding my case. It was sparse, evidence had been wiped after all, but what was in there was a picture, "Recognise this guy?"
"Kidnapped me," That shut Mikami up. He saw the severity of my case but was still incessant on being on Light's side, though he reassured me of his promise to stay out of my way. "Defendi Morte, Mikami Teru. Don't ever forget what you swore," and with that I left his offices meeting with Harper who was busy playing with cats in an alleyway. She asked for a brief overview of everything that had happened to which I couldn't offer much outside of the fact that he was not a threat so far. The remainder of my day was open, nothing to be done on a deadline and nothing that I really wanted to do. So I did what I knew best and went to a cafe for a coffee.

Harper had followed me around like a puppy in the meantime, taking her seat across from me sweating in her hoodie - her tattoos are distinctive enough for people to recognise her instantly so it was best that she remain as covered up as possible. I'll admit, I was also sweating in my sweater vest as well.

"So what's your next plan of action?" Harper asked, stretching the neckline of her hoodie, "Seduce Light to keep sleeping with you until you come up with a plan?"
"Pretty much"
"What about you?"
Harps took a big sip from the cup, scanning the room and eyeing every individual with scrutiny, "Probably just gonna make sure you don't fuck up,"
"You have little faith in me?"
"Oh no I have faith in you, I just think you'll put your sexual needs before anything else," I grew incredibly red and stuttery - how else would you respond? The sister I barely ever talked to is suddenly back to life and speaking of your private life as if she was there for the whole thing. I rubbed my ring out of nerves when the question arose in my mind, "Teru tried to kill me with the note whilst I spoke to him, and yet nothing happened," Harper turned her attention to me, raising an eyebrow and stating the obvious about us, "But I was more wondering why,"

"Like I told you back in Los Angeles, the shinigami's love to see us dance and suffer. We're their favourite toys," her tone no longer the impish sister I knew, "On the off chance that their power ends up in the hands of our enemies, do you really think they'd let us leave this mortal plain so easily?" With her words, she inched over the table with an aura of darkness radiating from her. But eventually she sunk back into her chair and reverted back to the annoying woman she is "Where is Spectre, now that I think about it?"
"Probably with Harry giving him an ass whooping," She followed up with why, "The guy gets into more fights than I have received death threats in high school-"
"Who the fuck is sending my baby sister death threats?!"
"Envious people, anyway he needs to be kept on some kind of leash I swear." Harper then began waving her hands in denial, asking again who was sending me death threats. I explained how I used to be before my kidnapping in more detail than she had already known. She kissed her teeth, chewed on her bottom lip and hissing when she caught her lip-ring, and grumbled to herself.

"Has Harry always been like this?"
"Has been for as long as I can remember,"
"But why?"
Harper hummed, responding with a resounding 'I don't know', shrugging her shoulders and eventually getting sick of sweating through her sweater. Almost instantaneously people began to recognise her, some appeared to be calling the police but seemed more baffled at the premise of there being two dead girls in front of them. So we bolted, we managed to run halfway down the street before my body began to ache; my dear sister then picked me up, resting me on her back, and made a break for it.

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