Chapter 8: The stars in the sky

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"And then he said 'I'll have you again my Jane Moreaux'" I quoted to the task force and L. I neglected to tell them who I was observing, simply that I knew them very well in my past however it was very easy for Mr Yagami to figure out that it was his son I was referring to.

"Do you think he knew it was you?" L asked, sitting in his peculiar way and munching on a strawberry cake. I stole a small bit of the said cake and came to a mental debate in my head; A lot of signs pointed to him knowing that I am the girl he reminisced about, but on the other hand why wouldn't he confront me directly about it?

"I don't know, I don't think so,"

"Your uncertainty is unnerving." I sighed heavily and sat beside him, the entire task force watching this interaction with curiosity, "Even If he did recognise me, why would he not consult me directly about it if he missed me so much?" I presented a decent argument and yet L gave me a look that suggested he wasn't that pleased with me. I huffed like a child and threw my bag onto the floor, "Well what was I supposed to do?!" I yelled at him. The task force jumped back at my sudden outburst, so used to my tired or overwhelmed side. A lovely man, I believe his name to be Matsuda Touta, tried to comfort me without making me too uncomfortable

"I'm sure he's just concerned for your well-being, Grey!" I crossed my arms in annoyance and puffed my cheeks, to which a stiff silence covered the room. Yes, I am going to act like a child, on one hand it was a coping mechanism but on the other hand it was me just being bratty.

"If you want to stay on this case, you have to find a way to benefit it"
"And I will if you just give me a chance!"
L hummed and thought for a moment, chewing at his thumb while I watched him in curiosity. Finally, he came to a conclusion "When you go out tomorrow, if you don't find some form of information regarding his links to Kira, then I'm pulling you from the fieldwork of this case." I wasn't surprised, it was a fair statement to make.

However Mr Yagami was not in the least bit happy about it, claiming it was the happiest he had seen Light in a long time and that it wouldn't be fair to take that away, though Watari made an apt argument that it doesn't matter what he thinks, the safety of the case is far more important.

Later that night, I was stood on the small balcony in my pyjamas stargazing watching the night go by, when I heard the door slide open and was greeted by my boss. Now that we were both stood up, he came up to around my shoulders in height (I was pretty tall for a girl my age) though I imagine that if he stood up straight then we would be of a very similar height. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and watched the stars with me in silence. It was a very comfortable silence, one that I recognised with Raye on our observations early morning "I apologise for being harsh with you these past couple days" there was a tone of hesitance though it was just a sincere as he was hoping it would come across. I let out a soft chuckle and rested my head on his shoulder "I'm sorry for being a brat...again" he laughed in return.

"I was an only child, so I imagine this to be the same comfort I'd get from a brother..." I mumbled, hoping he hadn't heard me.

"I know, I'd like to think the same thing." I guess in hindsight no matter how many people we surrounded ourselves with, as few or as many as we wanted, we would still feel lonely no matter what. For a good hour, we sat in silence once again just watching the world go by. Ever since I got out of that dank old basement, I never actually stopped doing anything even when I was unwell, so to sit here in comfortable company for the first time in so long? It was nice...

"Why the name 'Jane Grey'?"
"Why the name 'L'?"

"Fair point." We didn't hold conversation for long, mostly remaining quiet, and it lasted well into the night (I'd say until 4am). Rather than staying stood the whole time, we sat on the small bench pressed against the window which helped me fall asleep quickly. Despite falling asleep, I was consciously aware of everything else around me - a skill I had picked up as a result of my kidnapping to which I may indulge you a little;

It was the night before my birthday and I had snuck out of my bedroom window to see Light. On the way back, I had bumped into some random guy and cracked my phone from dropping it. I'll admit that I was incredibly rude and swore at him even though it wasn't his fault. I had climbed through the window and prepared to go to sleep; by the time I had returned it was around 2am. My parents were deeply asleep in their room and no matter how much I tried I couldn't get to sleep. I tossed and turned until finally I shot up in my bed to the smell of chemicals and a bitter breeze from my window (I could have sworn I had shut it). After that? I don't remember much, only an intense headache when waking up and absolutely starving for food. How L and Watari found me, I will never be able to comprehend and I have yet to even ask him but I knew that I would forever be indebted to them for literally saving my life. Since then, I have grown to a healthy weight and took several temporary supplements to boost the many deficiencies that I had. They also helped me realise how bratty and rude I could be, but also the unrealised potential that slept within me. Therefore, I have to prove to them that I can be of use and that I am so much more intelligent than what people think me to be.

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