Chapter 20: Idols of the Court

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My new routine had become waking up, eating breakfast in the main room and overlooking any new evidence that had presented itself in the night, take my meds, go to my therapy session, then meet with Watari for lunch (though given the fact that the second Kira seems able to kill without a name this time, we thought it best to start having our lunch in the complex instead), and so forth. L didn't mention the fact that I was still seeing the Shinigami and since there's still questions about how both Kira's can kill I assume he's not putting it out of the realm of possibility. At the time that I had written this, I was sat on the couch nearby L with a blanket wrapped around me and a hot cup of coffee by my side and yet I had no idea what was to come the next day.

The following day, the two people who had been targeted by the Second Kira had died. I recall everyone being absolutely baffled initially but I had come to the conclusion that it was by the hands of our new Kira due to the fact that I know Light hates the prospect of innocent people dying. The two in this instance was a bystander and simply were caught up in the mess that is our case. Everything about this new Kira was just so different though, almost obsessive and fanatic. It made me uncomfortable to think that there was another person out there who had the same powers but by comparison had no qualms with killing innocents. It was all becoming too much to think about in one hit, so I tossed my notes over to a man called Yogi (another fellow coworker) and informed L that I was taking a walk around the street nearby. Understandably he was incredibly hesitant to let me go, given how unknown the threat is, but I assured him that I'll stay in areas with security cameras. He still wouldn't budge.

Grumbling like a kid, I snuck out through the back door and went for a jog - but I learned later that night when having dinner that he knew I had left (I thought it was suspiciously easy to get out of the complex despite him claiming to have amazing security). It felt like I hadn't left that complex in so long yet I didn't feel nearly as trapped as I did when I was with Light; With Light, the blinds were usually kept shut and the window kept closed, I wasn't allowed to leave the room without his permission at all, and I rarely was allowed out of the house period if I wasn't with him at all times. This time, though, I had free reign over where I could and could not go but was still restricted for my own good. Regardless, it was a breath of fresh air to be able to walk among other people. I'm not stupid though, I wore a wig and sunglasses before leaving even though it might as well be pointless because I ran into someone who I never thought I'd meet in my life.

I bumped into a girl, she was significantly shorter than me and wore big sunglasses and had bright blonde hair. I recognised her immediately as the idol that I practically obsessed over when I was Queen Bee, Misa Amane. I loved her when I was younger, her attitude and personality was everything I had hoped to be and the way she was able to get the love and admiration of most people who could come across her was a trait I envied more than wealth and fame. Nowadays, you already know what I look for in my life but I still massively respected her and loved what she did. Truly she was talented in my eyes, and after looking into her case a while ago I only held more respect for her to carry on after the murder of her parents. It was a big influencer for me to get better. Enough gushing! I had bumped into Miss Amane when looking for my burner phone in my purse,

"I'm so sorry!" I said, helping her up from accidentally knocking her to the ground. She only giggled and said that it was okay. We chatted some more, bonding over common interests, and I felt that spark of admiration and being absolutely starstruck flutter back. We went for some coffee nearby (that seems to be all that I do but its the safest and most public thing for me that doesn't completely destroy my energy).

"I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Jane Grey," She glanced above me for a moment, as if she was reading something but I did't really acknowledge it (what was the point anyway?). I had also noticed a new shinigami that I had never seen before following nearby, there was no way that she would be the Second Kira...

"I love that name! Its not from here is it?" She asked, loving the beauty of my pseudonym and honestly I agree with her, I always loved my name even though my biological parents gave it to me (it was my last name that I never really liked).

"No, I'm from America but I was adopted as a baby to live here,"
"Oh thats such a sweet story, like a fairytale!" I laughed at her comparison. We chatted some more, exchanged phone numbers, and I wandered back to the complex which by this time the Task Force had officially left for the day. I jogged up the stairs in a good mood but it soon turned sour at the news that L was about to present to me.

"I have one more test to give, and if he passes, I intend to bring Light onto the Task Force." he stated and I stopped dead in my tracks. Slowly, I turned around and gave him a look as if to say 'Are you fucking crazy?' but he justified his choice with it being a good opportunity to see him work in action. We argued about this for a while, me more than anything, and in the end we were just annoyed rather than debating to the point that Watari had to gently push me away and put me in my room to calm down like a toddler in a tantrum. I get why this was going to happen, but I was thinking ahead of what he could do to me if he knew I was here!

"Don't you worry, my dear. We will find a compromise," the old man reassured to which I scoffed and huffed and angrily mixed the Rubiks for what felt like the millionth time. I've been with L for just under half a year, I knew what he worked like, and yet I still puffed like a child. What can you do though? This was a matter of importance, and besides I trust L with my life since he has already saved it once before.

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