Chapter 15: Queen Bee

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Now...How to get out of this one. I was sat in the audience of To-Oh University, the school I was meant to go but was annoyingly revoked due to my circumstances. In the row behind me was Sayu (Light's sister) and Mrs Yagami, though they had no idea that it was me. I wasn't completely uncomfortable right now, it was a nice dream to be sitting in the audience watching my boyfriend go on to be successful, though when I had initially hoped this to come true I had also wanted to be there alongside him joining him to get a degree in criminology. Nonetheless, I am happy for him. My leg bounced up and down consistently in slight nervousness, though my saving grace was that mop of black hair that followed after Light in his speech. It was L, or should I say Ryuga? My heart believed that he was here to come and get me and take me home and all would be fine, though the logic of my mind was screaming that it was simply him taking matters into his own hands and doing the fieldwork himself.

I sat quietly and listened to Light's speech, he was always a master at public speaking and kept my interest for as long as he needed, the splitting pain in my head slowly pulsating away yet dull enough to ignore. He locked eyes with me and a pleasant smile graced his lips, which I had returned with a reassuring thumbs-up. That seemed to bring his confidence up a big more as he carried himself a lot higher than before. I don't even know what he was talking about, but I'm sure that whatever it was it was inspirational. I clapped enthusiastically like a good girlfriend would, playing the part well enough that I almost believed myself to be that sixteen year old teen with a superiority complex that felt unshakeable. I've noticed that I mention my past behaviour a lot, but never actually indulged in it. I'm not proud of it, mind you, but it made me realise in recent years that I needed to be humble. When I was younger, I looked down on the younger students and always bragged about my high grades and good looks. I wanted so badly to be the Queen Bee of the school and yet nobody ever dared to check my attitude; my parents were too infatuated with having a child to spoil and love that they were blind sighted.

I didn't even notice when the entire ceremony was over, but when I did I jumped up (regretting it almost immediately) and ran towards my Light. He took me in his arms and hugged me tightly, I kissed his cheek and smiled proudly. I had since dropped the baseball cap so my hair was loose around my face, making it feel like a fantasy or a fiction novel...

"I'm proud of you Light," I grinned. He chuckled and held me tightly, ignoring the presence of his mother and sister coming towards us. I whispered that I'd meet him in a second and that I was going to grab a drink from a nearby stall. He bought the excuse and walked to the said stand and did exactly that, though out of my peripheral I saw L walk up next to me and do the same.

"What have you found?"
"Nice to see you too, Ryuga" I teased, he seemed unbothered by it.

"Nice to see you're safe Grey, what have you found?"

"He's trying to rewrite me into this little fantasy he has, as if I had never been kidnapped." He hummed in thought whilst I sipped my water and watched the people walk by greeting friends and family with pride.

"Anything else?" I debated telling him about the Shinigami, hoping that I wouldn't seem insane "You won't think I'm crazy, will you?" he then shook his head, and waited for my insane theory.

"There's a creature that nobody else can see, a God of Death, it follows Light around like a shadow. Harper has told me about it, its a genetic thing we think because she can see them too. It's spoken to me before on numerous occasions and-" I choked. The last part of that sentence just never came to me, it was caught in my throat like a sesame seed with no water to wash it down. L watched, taking in my sudden hesitance. I sighed when I realised that the creature was watching me and probably preventing me from saying anything. Whatever gave Light those powers from the Shinigami is probably whats restricting me from saying anything. "Never mind...just ramblings of a lunatic,"

L dismissed my deprecation, tucking his hands into his pockets "In recent days, I'm more than willing to believe most things, though that is quite far-fetched,"

"Like I said, forget about it."

"Are you coming back with me?" He asked, a small glimmer of hope in his eyes, though I shook my head and threw away my water bottle now that I had drained it "I've got to keep going if I want to get any valuable information."

"Where do you plan on staying?"
"I don't know, with Light probably." At that, L gave me a stern look, the same one that he gave me once I had made contact with Light initially. THAT look, the big brother telling you off for your boyfriend sort of look, "I'll stay out of trouble, I promise"
"It's not you that I'm worried about, I don't want him doing something you aren't comfortable with nor do I want you to get killed." I gave him a reassuring smile and patted his back,

"I've been through more dangerous situations that staying a couple nights with my boyfriend," I didn't even realise that I didn't use past tense until L reprimanded me for it. He had warned me that he may manipulate my feelings to his own ability, but I stupidly disregarded him and made my way back to Light with a big beaming smile. I will admit that I am sort of terrified of forgetting who I am, though like I said before it's heavenly to be living the fantasy of if I hadn't had everything ripped from me. I just have to remember, say humble, stay kind, remember from whence you came and how you got here. 

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