Chapter 47: Dressed to the Nines

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"Whose sweater is this in the fire?" Mello asked when he joined me and Near in our main room, he had dug through the remains of the fire to clear it out and came across the remains of my sweater.
"Oh thats mine,"
"Why the fuck is it in the fire?"
I paused in brooding before replying "It harbours too many memories,"
"Alright emo kid, enough brooding and stop throwing your clothes in the fire," Mello scolded and I simply laughed in return. I was to be picked up by Harrison at around midday so I had quite a bit of time to kill still.

Instead of doing any work, we had decided to take the limited time we had just to fuck around like the kids we are. Don't forget that even though I am an eighteen year old, I lost a good chunk of my 'golden year' to a cellar and a drunk man. So, Matt and I were slouched on the couch and Near was laying on his tummy on the floor doing a puzzle, Mello was leaning on the back of the couch flicking through the TV,
"You know what I'd love after all of this is over?" I randomly started.
"What would you love after all of this is over, dearest Jane?" Matt responded, not looking up from his game.
"A farm,"
"A farm?"
"Jane you can barely handle a fly within five feet of you, you really think you can handle a farm?" Mello hissed. The boy was hot headed but had the best intentions, love him to pieces. He wasn't wrong though, truly. Once he had found a show he liked, he hauled himself over the couch and sandwiched himself at my feet - I was laying on Matt's lap in the corner and Mello was resting on the other side. Not wanting to be left out, Near eventually prodded over and sat at the base of the couch.
"I just want to be away from the world, ya know? Too much has happened in a year,"
"I get what you mean, but seriously a farm? You've been on too many blogs."
"Hey! That chick made it look really nice!"

About an hour passed of us doing what we normally would when suddenly my dearest brother came walking through the door dressed to the nines in a top hat and tails, "What in the seven circles of hell are you wearing?" I laughed, hauling myself up from Matt's lap. Harrison gave me a big grin, flexing some new cuts and scars on his face, and tipped his hat to me, "Dressing to impress my dear sister."
"And what girl is going to be impressed by THAT?" Matt teased. Golden Boy tossed me his hat to which I caught with ease and put it on my own head.
"Actually, this is to impress a guy,"
"I reiterate what I said, what guy is gonna be impressed by THAT?"
"This isn't to date him, it's to get rid of my debts."
I made a face like I had eaten a lemon, tossing the hat back to Harrison.

"So you're gonna pull a Lords?"
"I'm not gonna sleep with him!" Harrison screeched. Near let out a chuckle, not taking his eyes from his puzzle, "Yeah, and Jane isn't delusional,"
"Wah, HEY! Watch your rat mouth!"
"And what'll you do if I don't," the kid stuck his tongue out at me, the cheek of that kid I swear. I made an offhanded threat and in the meantime my oaf of a biological brother jumped on top of me on the couch in which Mello went to pry him off immediately "What the fuck was that for?" I growled to which Harrison laughed and started tickling me - probably wrinkling his brand new suit but did I care? Nah.

He couldn't stop tickling me until I accidentally elbowed Matt in the crown jewels shall we say. And not the kind of crown jewel that would be in my crown. Gripping his lower half, he groaned out a 'man-down' and so we all got a good laugh out of his pain.

"Seriously though, what are you hoping for dressing up like that?"
"I told you, I gotta convince this guy to write off my debts,"
"Uh huh. Like how I managed to pay off my tutoring bills with you know who?" Thats sort of how Light and I was dating properly, so it wouldn't surprise me if I wasn't the only Moreaux to do this, "Look baby sis, we Moreaux's do whatever it takes, you know what I mean?" I laughed and stole the tie that was hanging loosely around his neck, "I may have been born on a Tuesday, but it wasn't last Tuesday my dear big brother."

"You two are disgusting." Mello scoffed, shoving a piece of chocolate in his mouth.
"You guys seriously don't care that you probably left me infertile?" Matt was still clutching himself in pain and so I simply scuffed up his hair and told him he'd survive. Come midday, it was time for me and Harrison to be heading back to Japan and needless to say it was a bit tearful. I gave Roger my burner phone number and stated that as soon as I could establish my safety and get a personal phone again (My old one was wiped completely in the kidnapping) I'd give him my personal number. Until then, business would be handled from the landline in Gramps' old office, which is now mine, and personal affairs would be through my burner number... don't tell anyone.

"Have a safe flight my dear,"
"Thanks Rog. Make sure you keep those boys in check,"
"I could say the same for you. Just don't forget you've got a place here when things get too much,"
"Thanks," I gave him a classic sixteen year old Jane Moreaux smile which he didn't buy at all, and after a nice big hug he managed to coax an eighteen going on nineteen year old Jane smile from me.

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