Chapter 25: Boleyn

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"And as soon as she realised that I was affiliated with you, she tried to hold me hostage" I had recounted to the others. We were huddled around a singular small screen in which Misa was held tied up and bound as well as blindfolded. L hummed in thought whilst Light who was stood beside me (much to my discontent) and threw in his thoughts, "Not exactly a clear confession of guilt, but not exactly making her innocent either."

"She was scared, she didn't know what she was doing,"
"And yet she had you locked in a room," Light retorted, attempting to clash with me once again.
"And yet, like I said, I can handle myself!" L then interjected by putting his hand on my chest and pulling me in his direction, evidently separating me from my antagonist. Huffing, I sat down beside L and just stared at the screen.
"What was the fight even about," he wandered aloud, to which I grew hesitant. They couldn't see or hear it, but the shinigami known as Rem was also on the screen besides Misa and she was glaring directly at us. I knew that if I had told them her intentions, I would certainly be killed especially after the stunt I pulled, but if I remained silent then there would be nothing for the others to work with but still remain alive. I opted for the latter rather than the former, and yet I still felt immensely guilty. I crossed my legs and watched the screen intently, focusing now more than ever to see how Misa would try to interact with Rem now that she was clearly being watched because clearly she had no qualms with me overhearing...maybe that was all part of the plan?

"Light, what's all this I'm hearing about you dating other girls while dating Misa?" I asked, my eyes still transfixed to the screen. L seemed to perk up at the new conversation; while he'd never admit it, a good bit of gossip did get the gears in his head churning, deciphering the truth from the lies and piecing together reality. I reckon thats how he found me the first time. According to several news articles and papers that my kidnapper had showed me, I had several incentives to run away or even be kidnapped point blank and so it wouldn't be too far fetched to find the minimal amount of truth among them.

For example; one of the rumours was that I was pregnant and had to run away in order not to disgrace my family (all of this was before the police released an official statement of my 'death') and from that you can infer that I had some form of romantic partner. Another would be that I was a major bitch in school and practically was asking for trouble and therefore you'd know that I had many enemies who would wanna see me dead. See what I'm getting at?

"Oh yeah, a girl name Mikami is it? Pretty awful to cheat like that if you ask me..." L muttered. Matsuda then threw in his two cents by lecturing him about why cheating was wrong both morally and just in general, but it seemed to fall on deaf ears. It wasn't the topic of conversation for long, but it was enough for me to write down a couple of incentives and reasons for Misa's own behaviour as a potential Second Kira; The Second Kira has proven to not be phased by killing civilians who have done nothing wrong and so with Misa figuring out of Light's infidelity would only fuel the fire to the proof of her love and that she was better than any girl he would be with - If it were a few years ago I would have done the same.

Come later that night, everyone had left but Light and I - L had left me in charge of watching the feed and unfortunately Light was the only one around to make sure I would be staying awake while L was preoccupied with something. We were both sat on separate chairs and spaced apart in order to prevent a fight - this is relevant, I promise.

"Why didn't you come back to me Jane..." Light mumbled, trying to start a conversation. I mentally rolled my eyes, already knowing where this was going;
"You know why,"
"Did you just not love me anymore?"
"Of course the time at least"
"Then what changed?"
I hesitated for a moment. I had considered the fact that potentially this was his chance to get close to me and weaken L's correspondence. I had to pick my battles carefully, if not then I could ruin this whole operation of getting Light close and then closing the trap.
"I saw myself for who I really am, and realised that you deserved better than a bitch. A good man deserves better than a bitch" I was lying through my teeth, appealing to the King. He seemed to like this flattery, a small glint in his eyes indicating lust and want. He must've gone through this with however many other girls in order to maintain his image of a perfect student and ideal lover.

"And what would you know of great men?"
"I have one at my side..." The flattery continues.
"I would hardly call L a great man. An intelligent one yes but not-"

"I wasn't talking about L you idiot."

I used to think that Misa would be Anne Boleyn in this fairytale, the Greensleeves of his affections, while I the cast aside mistress. If anything, I'm more of an Anne Boleyn myself whilst Misa sits as Catherine of Aragon. That doesn't mean my alias changes because whether or not the real Queen had manipulated the King to get what she wanted means nothing. I am Jane Grey and I refuse to be a second choice. No matter the cost or disgust I feel at even being in this man's presence, the lives he has taken for the sake of my love that he so wishes to have back...he can beg and grovel for all I care.

I was L's first choice, the King in this chess match. I am no Boleyn sister, but damn it all to hell I am the Queen of this mortal realm and I will reclaim it from usurpers like Kira.

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