authors note :)

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Hi guys if you're reading this note it means i've decided to discontinue dare me. first i wanna say that i'm sorry for not finishing the story. i wrote dare me about two years ago i think and i've been trying to write to finish it since i was so close but i physically cannot bring myself to do so.

second, the writing in this sorry is atrocious and so messy so for that i apologize. if i were ever to write for this sorry again i would have to revamp it entirely with a the editing and the overall style. i just wanna thank everyone who voted, commented, or even liked this story in the first place. i'm not sure why you did since it's not well done at all. but who knows maybe i'll come back and rewrite the entire story.

if you still wanna read my other more well written story's then please check out mimic which a bucky barnes x oc. also i'm currently writing a steve harrington story rn called timeless and the first chapter it out now! go check it out!!!!

anyways thanks for the love, see you soon
rina <3

DARE ME →MIKE WHEELER← DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now