→the vanishing of will byers←0.2

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The next morning was just like every other monday. the sound of her alarm going off woke her up. she quickly shut it off and started her day. first brushing her teeth then picking out her outfit. a striped shirt with bright red overalls and red low tops vans. she brushed her hair quickly and put on her glasses.

she went downstairs the smell of  fresh food wafting into her face. "morning" she said to her sister who was making pancakes. "morning. how was mikes?" she said with a smile. "it was good. i had a lot of fun. but anything from mom and dad" she asked her older sister. a sigh came from her "nope".

about a week ago their parents who were both scientists went on a business trip to one of their labs. they said it was urgent and would be back in three days. they were never late and they said they would send a letter or would call to tell them they would be late but no calls or letters.

a knock at the door interrupted the sister's conversation. lori went to go get it . " oh it's only you" she said coming back into the kitchen. in walked steve. "hey bella, hows it's been?" he asked taking a seat on her kitchen counter. "good." she smiled. "hey lori do you mind if i skip breakfast and go early. the party made plans to meet early and i don't want to be late" she asked. "yeah yeah kid go. love you be safe" she said hugging her sister. "bye steve" she said grabbing her bag and walking out the door. the last thing bella heard was her sisters laugh.

bella rodé to school slowly taking in the sun and fog along with the trees. morning was my favorite time of the day. it was so calm and peaceful it reminded her of a time when her parents were at home and actually paying her attention. she finally reached the high school and went to the middle school which was right up the same street. she put her bike in the rack and waited for about 15 minutes for the boys to show up. they all smiled when they saw the girl waiting for them.

they put their bikes in the rack as well. they looked around at all the kids and will was nowhere. they all thought will was with the other. "that's weird. i don't see him" mike said looking around still. "i'm telling you, his moms right. he probably just went to class early again" lucas said. "yeah i mean he always does that. i wouldn't worry, mike" bella said placing her hand on her shoulder reassuring him. they both shared a smile. "anyways lovebirds he's probably paranoid gurskys gonna give him another pop quiz" dustin said trying to reassure the party.

they started walking towards the school but were soon stopped by troy and his sidekick. "step right up, ladies and gentlemen. step right up and get your tickets for the freak show." he said with arrogance. they all turned around not looking forward to whatever he had to say. "who do you think would make more money in the freak show? he with a smirk. "midnight, frog face, or toothless?" he said punching them one by one. he didn't even realize nor care there was a girl there.

"i'd go with toothless" troys sidekick said mimicking dustin. bella sighed and was tired of this. "damn it troy just leave them alone!" she told them. "can you even see us, four eyes ? how many fingers am i holding up?" troy said to her putting two fingers in her face. his sidekick laughed like it was a clever joke or something. bella just got more mad. "wow that was ur best insult yet! breaking news this just in i have glasses" she said sarcastically. all the boys chuckled.

"what did you say, loser?" troy said walking up to her and getting her face. mike immediately pushed him away from her. "back off troy" he said . "oh is this your girlfriend, frog face?" he said. "no but leave her alone." mike answered. "i'm already sick of you, four-eyes .back to toothless. do the arm thing" he said paying all of his attention to dustin. "do it, freak" the other kid said.

dustin took off his jacket and threw his bag on the ground.  he did the arm thing. his bones cracked and both of the bully's groan in disgust. "god, it gets me every time." troy said pushing in between mike and dustin to get through.

"dickheads" bella said. "honestly what assholes" lucas added. "i think it's kind of cool. it's like you have superpowers or something. like mr.fantasic" mike said trying to cheer everyone up. dustin grabbed his stuff "yeah, except i can't fight evil with it." he said. they all walked to class.

the day went on and there was no sign of will so far. class was boring and nothing interesting happens but then again it was school so what could you expect.

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