→holly, jolly←1.0

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Bella's watch read 3:15 as they reached the power lines just in time. there at the power line was el looking into space. "el" mike called. "you okay?" bella asked. she nodded. "hop on. we only have a few hours." bella said tapping on to the back of her bike. she slowly walked over and got on. she held on to the shoulder of bella's jacket. they rode off.

they rode into the woods only to eventually get off their bikes and walked them. el walked with bella and mike and dustin and lucas were behind. "why did they hurt you?" she asked mike. "what?" he asked confused. she pointed to his chain. "oh that. uh i just fell at feel at recess." he lied. "mike.." bella said. "yeah?" he responded. "don't lie to her." she said. "friends tell the truth." eleven said. he sighs

"i was tripped by this mouth breather, troy, okay? he admitted. "mouth breather?" she said tilting her head a little. "you know, a dumb person, a knucklehead?" he explained. "knucklehead?" she asked confused.

"i don't know why i just didn't tell you.everyone at school knows. i just didn't want you to think i was a such a wastoid, you know. bella always defends us no matter what so she's pretty cool" he told el smiling. " "yeah i am pretty awesome but els badass" bella said smiling at el. the girls smiled at one another. el turned back to mike." mike.." she said again. "yeah?" "i understand" she said softly. "oh cool" he said.

they continued to walk down the same path for a while. by the time they get to where they're going it's already dark. el stops. "here" she says to them. "yeah we know this is where will lives." bella tells her. "hiding" she says. "no, no, this is where he lives" mike says. dustin and lucas finally catch up to the others. "he's missing from here. understand?" mike says. dustin and lucas throw their bikes down tired and out of breath.

"what are we going here?" lucas asks. "el said wills hiding here," bella tells them. "umm...no!" lucas says "i swear, if we walked all the way out here for nothing—" dustin started to say "that exactly what we did." lucas says to them. "i told y'all she don't know what the hell she was talking about!" he snaps. "el why did u bring us here?" bella asked sighing. she starts to stammer. "bella don't waste your time with her." he tells her. "what do you want to do then?" mike yells. "call the cops,  like we should have done yesterday." lucas yells back.

eleven starts to get visibly scared "we are not calling the cops!" he yells at lucas. "hey guys!" dustin sayings trying to get their attention. "what other choice do we have?" lucas asked very frustrated. "guys!" dustin yelled finally getting their attention. they stop talking and hear sirens. they see cop car speeding down the road along with an ambulance.

"will.." mike says. everyone turns around and gets on their bikes goes following the sirens. the biked so fast to keep up. they started to slow down once the cop cars stop in front of a quarry. there are several cops and ambulances and even a helicopter. they stop behind one of the fire trucks. they all looked at the water hoping not to see their best friend pulled out of the water.

they watched a body be pulled outta the water. bella's breathing started to become very heavy. "it's not will. it can't be." mike said in disbelief.  "it's will. it's really will." lucas said softly. eleven looked as she was going to cry. as soon as bella saw his body leave the water she backed away slowly. "no.no.no. it wasn't supposed to be like this." she said on the brink of tears. "its not him. he can't really be dead." she said with a single tear running down her faces.she felt her world not make sense one bit.

mike turned back. "mike?" el said going to touch his shoulder. he slapped it away and she gasped. "mike? mike what? you were supposed to help us find him alive. you said he was alive. why did u lie to us?
why did you like me? why did u lie to bella? you gave all of us false hope. what's wrong with you? what is wrong with you?" he yelled at her. they both were close to crying. "mike..." she said softly. "what?" he yelled waiting for answer but it never came. he walked towards his bike.

"mike we need to stay together" bella yelled.
"mike, come on. don't do this,man.mike.." lucas said. "mike, where are you going? mike!" dustin asked. mike got on his bike and rode away leaving dustin, eleven,bella and lucas alone. "why el? we're supposed to be friends. friends don't lie. if you knew he was dead why did you lie us?" she walking away towards her bike. "bel.." she said.  "no just..no" she said mounting her bike and riding away

"oh bella not you too!" lucas yelled after her. "bella come back!" dustin yelled. they yelled after her but it was no use she wasn't coming back.

bella's was almost home. she was a wreck. all the neon lights were a blur she sped past them. she had to wipe her tears away with her sleeve. she closed her eye for a second and lost control when she hit a rock making her fall off her bike. she caught herself before hitting her head but her hands were seriously scraped. blood started to appear. "oh god no!" she said breathing heavily. she looked at her hands not sure what to do.

the hairs on arm started to stand.she heard a low growling noise around her. she didn't know where it was coming from. "who's there?" she yelled looking at the dark woods. the bushes moved slightly making her jump. "hello? anyone there? i have a knife don't make me use it!" she yelled pulling it out of her bag. nothing seemed to happen for a second so she took that second to wipe her hands on her jeans and grab her bike. she got on and started peddling away taking glances every now and then.

she finally god home and hopped off her bike leaving it in the yard. she walked into her home hearing her television. she dropped her bag on the floor. her sister come in "bella what's wrong?" she asked. it was there when she broke.bella just started sobbing and leaned against each wall sliding down it.lori assumed the worst when she saw her sister balling her eyes out. she took a seat on the floor next to her. "will... he's.... dead." she said in between cries. "i can't believe it. he can't be. he can't be. he was my best friend." she said.

her sister put her arms around her. bella cried into her sister's arms that's night on the floor for an hour every now then sniffling. her sister shushed her and told her it would be alright. lori ran her fingers through her hair to soothe her. after about an hour bella feel asleep in loris arms. lori got up quietly picking up her sister and taking her upstairs laying her onto her bed. she took her purple glasses off and placed them on the nightstand. bella had dried tears on her face.

lori kissed her sister's forehead. "i love you bels. i'm sorry you have to go through this.ill always be here .i'm not gonna leave you bel. i hope you know." she said to her sleeping sister. lori got into bed with her sister and laid there watching her sleep.

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