→the bathtub←2.1

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Hopper turned off the ignition and hopped out followed by everyone else. hopper and jonathan went to get the salt while everyone went to the gym. dustin rolled the pool to the middle of the court. "this damn thing is heavy" he says out of breath. they untied the pool and tried to put it right side up. "it's upside-down" dustin says trying to flip it. "no guys it's that way" bella says "no this way" lucas said.

they spread it out only for the sides of it to fall. "how does this work?" dustin asked. "try that side." bella suggested. "son of a bitch" dustin said trying to get it to stay up. "pull it back. pull it back" lucas said. "i am!" dustin yelled frustrated. "one, two, three ." lucas counted and they pulled backward. it fell again "shit!" dustin yelled. they struggled to get it to stand up but eventually they did it. "hell yeah" bella said high fiving them.

they all met up again and filling up the pool with water. lucas put a thermometer into the water "warmer!" he shouted. "right there!" he yelled. hopper soon started cutting the bags of salt open and dumping them.dustin took an egg and put in the water. it sunk and they sighed. hopper cut more bags and dumped them in. dustin took the egg and tried again and floated this time. mike placed the super com on a desk turning it on so that there was static. el took off her shoes and socks. she took off mikes watch and handed it to him. she the goggles and put them on. joyce and bella helped her into the water.

she walked to the middle and sat down and laid back. everyone sat around the pool looking at her. the electricity started to surge and the lights went dark. she moved slightly but then completely froze. she started to breathe heavily. "what's going on?" nancy whispered. "i don't know." mike said. "is barb okay? is she okay?" nancy asked el. "gone.gone" she said slowly. nancy started to cry but lori just sat there in shock. "gone.gone!" eleven started to yell. "it's okay. it's okay" joyce said to her. joyce grabbed her hand "it's okay. we're right here. we're right here, honey" she said reassuring the girl. "don't be afraid.im right here with you." she said.

eleven took a breath and calm down. "castle byers" she said.joyce looked back at jonathan. they sat there in silence for a couple of minutes. "will?" she asked. joyce gasped "you tell him...tell him i'm coming.mom is coming". "hurry" he said through the radio sounding very weak. "okay. listen, you tell him to...to stay where he is." joyce stutters. whimpering started to come through the radio. eleven sat up scaring lucas and dustin. she threw off her goggles. "oh, okay, okay" joyce said pulling the girl in a hug. "i've got you. it's okay. i got you. i got you. i got you, honey. you did so good." she said trying to get the girl to calm down. eleven cried into her arms while everyone stared.

they got el out of the water and lucas gave her a towel. she took it and sat down wrapping it around her. lucas rubbed her back "you did good". el looked back and smiled. bella took a seat next to her with mike on the other side and dustin sat with lucas the row above them. el laid her head on bella. lucas just rubbed her back to warm her up. dustin patted her knee and lucas tried to cover her more. hopper,joyce and jonathan went out the door.

lori came back into the gym "look um me, nancy, and jonathan have to go but be safe, and please don't do anything to get us in more trouble with the government. love you" she said kissing the top of her head and running out. "hey! what are we supposed to do?" bella yelled but lori already left. bella sighed and sat back down "just great".

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