→dig dug←3.6

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      It was evening now and bella and mike has been in the byers house explaining the whole thing to joyce. joyce pacer around in circles trying to call chief hopper but getting no answers. bella watched her intently walk around trying to place yet another drawing to fit the huge puzzle that was her home now. bella turned around want to the other room where she watched mike and will talk. mike walked around will rooms while will faced the wall and talked.

"it's like...it's like i feel like what the shadow monsters feeling. see what he's seeing." he said with a blank stare. "like in the upside-down? mike said while he ran his fingers on the wall. will nodded "some of him is there.but some of him is here, too." will. "here, like in this house?" mike said looking at him. will kept staring at the wall "in this house and..." he paused trying to find the right way to say it. bella finally spoke up "in you?". he nodded again. she saw the pain on his face when he nodded. all she wanted was to okay dnd and go back to when they were all twelve years old and all they stressed about was whatever crazy story worked on next.

bella walked towards the bed taking a seat next to him. mike followed suit. "it's like...it's like he's reaching into hawkins more and more. and the more he spreads the more connected to him i feel." he said with such a pain in his voice. "and the more you see these now-memories" mike trailed along. "what was it like when you first started to notice? she asked. "at first i just felt it in the back of my head. i didn't really know it was there" he said bringing his hand his neck like he was reliving the memory. "it's like when you have a dream and you can't remember it unless you think really hard. it was like that. but know it's like now i remember. i remember all the time." will said his hands starting to shake. bella placed her hand on his. "'maybe that's good." mike said to him. "good?" he says finally looking away from the wall and looking at mike.

"just think about it, will." mike said to him. "yeah totally like some kickass spy who's on the inside" bella said with a small smile and giving his hand a squeeze. "if you know what's he seeing and feeling...maybe that's how we can stop him. maybe all of this is happening for a reason" he said looking around. will looked up at his roof "you really think so?" he asked. mike nodded "yeah. yeah, i really do". will looked around until something caught his eye; it was his drawing of the shadow monster. both mike and bella saw it and shared a look.

"what if he figures out we're spying on him? what if he spies back?" will says on the brink of tears sniffling. "he won't" mike reassured him. "how do you know? will asked them. "because we sure as hell won't let him" bella said laying her head on his shoulder. will looks at his drawing to the point where he starts to shake a little.

ms.byers come in "hey guys it's getting late so you guys should go home". bella shakes her "no we can't". mike agrees with her "no offense but we won't and can't leave". she sighs "you guys can stay but call your folks and let them know" she says walking out. they both nodded to walk out to the phone. bella grabs it dials her sisters name. it rings a couple of times before there's an answer "reid resident how may i help you?" steve said. bella opened her mouth in surprise. "you alright bella?" mike asked concerned. she nods "hi steve where's my sister?". "uh cooking. what's up?" he asks. "nothing just tell her i'm staying at the byers house tonight," she tells him. "uh alright... bye." he says. "bye harrington" she says going to hang up the phone before a "wait bella question!" steve yelled. "what?" she asks. "is...is uh nancy there?" he asks with a soft tone. bella sighs "no steve she's out with jonathan right now" she tells him. she hears him sigh "i- uh well alright. be safe" he says hanging up. she pulls the phone from her ear and places it back on the walk before handing to mike.

she watches his make his call telling his mom. she argues with him. they go back and forth for a couple of mins before he hangs up on her. he turns around "all good" he says with a fake smile. she nods "sure... wheeler. joyce comes back with blankets. "so bella you can take jonathan room and mike you can have the couch. they both nod and say  "thanks ms.byers". bella goes to the room and places the blanket down and heads to wills room. he turns around and smiles at her. "hi... i just wanted to say good night, will" she says. he nods "goodnight,bella". she walks back to the living room to see mike trying to get comfortable "night wheeler" she says. "night bels" he says. she goes back to the room and gets into bed and try's to fall asleep.

the sunlight shines through the curtains and straight into her eyes. she opens her eyes to see mike standing over here. her eyes go wide and she gasp immediately sitting up. "what the fuck, mike!" she yells. "oh i- i didn't mean to wake up" he apologizes. "what's up? is it will?" she asks throwing off the covers. mike stops her "what? no he's asleep. i just wanted to talk". she sighs and moves her feet and pats the bed "sit". he does so and looks at his feet. she goes and scoots next to him. "what's going on wheeler?" she asked. "it's been three days bella. we always get back together on the third day" he says. "i know wheeler but i still need some time. i want to be with you bu-" she says before being cut off by a kiss. she's shocked but kisses back. he grabs her cheeks and deepens the kiss making it more intense. she doesn't push him away instead she pulls him closer. they fall back into the bed mike on top of her. yeah she's had make out sheshs with mike but something about this one was different.as she kisses him her thoughts go wild. is this the right thing? of course not! he trying to get you back. if it's not right why does it feel right? you always give in on the third day! she argued with herself on why she was letting this happen.

that final thought kept replaying in her head. "no!" she said as she pulled away. she stood up "this is not happening!" she says going to head towards the door. mike jumps up and blocks her. "move mike! i mean it" she yells. "no! i won't let you give up on us" he says grabbing her hands. "i didn't give up on us, you did with your constant bossing around and being such an asshole! so what? you think you can walk in and act all sad and we make out and it'll fix all of our problems? well news flash! a kiss isn't gonna fix your shitty attitude or me or how i feel" she tells him with such pain and rage in her voice thy causes her to tear up a little. "i gave you my heart and you couldn't take care of it. so what would make it so different this time" she says pulling her hands out of his and sitting down on the bed. mike looks stunned he had no clue what to say except for "i'm sorry..". "of course you are. you always are" she says starting to cry. "please don't cry" he says taking a seat next to her.

"mike listen to me. i need an actual break. this isn't working out. us hanging out every day still acting like such good friends who never dated is so confusing so please just let me be alone. if it's meant to be i'll come back. i promise" she says getting up and wiping her tears. she walks towards the door "you promise?" he asks with a small glimmer of hope in his eyes. she nods "i may be a lot of things but a liar is not one. "where are you going? he asks. "i don't know mike but i just got to get out of here" she says looking him in eyes. he looks like he just got his heart ripped out and in a way he did but its what's best for them as people but as a couple. "please don't go. stay! we can talk this out" he pleads a tear coming down. she walked over and wipes the tear from his rosy cheek "i'm sorry i can't. not this time". she places a soft kiss on his cheek "goodbye for now ,wheeler". and with that she left the boy she loved in a room covered in pain. as she walked out the byers home she took a look back "you got this will. you are good and good always wins".

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