→the weirdo on maple street←0.7

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Mike slams down yoda with a grunt." ready are you? what knows you of ready?" he mimics yodas voice. "don't mind him. but that's yoda. he can use the force to move things with his mind." she explains to the confused girl.

"like this." mike says pushing all of his toys off the table. WHOOSH. eleven gets up. "oh this is my dinosaur,rory.look, he has a speaker in his mouth so he roar." mike says oblivious to el not paying attention. she walks over to his desk looking at all of this trophy's and awards.bella follows her over as does mike. "oh these are all of our science fair trophies. we got first every year. except for last year when we got third.mr.clarke said it was totally political".

she looked longingly at a picture of the them winning and with each of them having a huge smile. everyone was so happy that day.elevens mouth dropped in shock. "what? what it is?" bella questions worried.el points to a will in the picture. "you know will?" mike asked. "did you see him? last night? on the road?" he continues. just as she's about to say something a car pulls into the driveway. mike goes to check who it is.

"it's my mom.we gotta go." mike says pulling eleven out of his room. they run downstairs just as they were almost at the bottom karen walked in. they ran right back up. "ted is that you?" she asked. "just me, mom!" he said running down the hall. "mike what are doing home?" she questions. "one second!" he yells.they get to mikes room and he slams the door shut.

he opens the closet door "in here. i'll be right back, okay?" he says. she doesn't move. "please el, you have to hide or his mom will find you." bella pleads. "we won't say anything about you. promise." mike says. "promise?" el asks." it means something you can't break.ever." mike explains. "yeah you never break a promise"bella adds. "michael?" karen calls

"please?" bella pleads again. she hesitates for a second but walks in slowly. mike slams the door shut." you stay up here and make sure she stays in the closet." he says running out of his room. everything is silent for a couple of minutes. bella starts to hear soft crying and whimpering coming from the closet.

bella approach's the closet slowly and opens it. seeing el on the floor crying with her head in her knees.she takes a seat in front of her. "oh el" she says sympathetically. mike comes in "eleven?" he says.he closes the door "is everything okay?" he asked sitting down too. she lifts her head up. there are fresh tears on her eyes. "what happened?" he asked. "umm i don't know.she was fine a couple of minutes ago but then i heard crying." bella explained.

"is everything okay?" he asks her. el nods yes. "are you sure?"bella questions. she nods  "promise.". after that everything was fine and they waited until school ended and lucas and dustin came over.

they came in and looked at them like they each had three heads.el sat on the bed with a blanket. bella sat next towards her. mike stood in front of the boys. "are you out of your mind?" lucas asked. "just listen to me." mike says. "bella are you seriously going along with this?" he asked. "lucas please just listen to him." she told him. "so you both are out of your minds!" he yells. "she knows about will." he finally says.

"what do you mean she knows about will?" dustin asked. mike walks over and picks up the picture that eleven was staring at earlier showing it to them. "she pointed at him, at his picture. she knew he was missing.i could tell." he explains. "you could tell?"lucas asked skeptically. "just think about. bella said. "it's really couldn't be a coincidence that we found her on mirkwood, the same place will disappeared. isn't that weird? " he told them. "that is weird." dustin admits.

"and she say said bad people are after her. i think these bad people are the same ones who took will. i think she knows what happened to him." he says. "then why doesn't she tell us?" lucas says frustrated. lucas walks over to el "do you know where he is?" he asked her. lucas grabs on to her shoulders getting in her face "do you know where will is?" he yells at her. bella pushes him off her. "lay off lucas. you're scaring her!" she yells at him. "she should be scared! if you know where he is, tells us!" he says. she doesn't answer.

"this is nuts. we have to take her to your mom." lucas yells."no! eleven said telling an adult would put us in danger." mike tells him. "what kind of danger?"dustin asked. "her name is eleven?" lucas asked like he was in disbelief ."we decided on el for short." bella adds. "mike, what kind of danger?" dustin asked again. "danger." mike says. he puts his fingers into a gun as eleven did and points at dustin then lucas.

lucas smacks mikes hand away from him. "no, no,no!we're going back to plan a. we're telling your mom." he yells while going for the door. he opens it but it immediately slams back closing the door making everything and everyone jump. lucas tries again only to be stopped again by the door slamming shut and locking. the boys turn around slowly looking at el. bella looked at el who's nose was now bleeding. she was standing in the middle of the room. "no" she said.

it became late and dinner was ready. everybody went downstairs to eat but no one was eating since all they could think about was this girl having powers. dustin was playing with his food. everyone was spaced out a little.it was a quiet dinner. "something wrong with the meatloaf?" karen asked finally breaking the silence.

"oh, no, i had two bologna sandwiches for lunch.i..i don't know why"dustin said smiling. lucas chuckled "me too.". "it's delicious, mommy." nancy said. "thank you sweetie" karen said smiling as well. "so, there's this special assembly thing tonight for will at the school field. barbs driving" nancy said. "why am i just now hearing about this?   she questioned.

"i thought you knew," nancy said. "i told you, i don't want you out after dark until will is found" she told nancy. "i know, i know, but it'd be super weird if i'm not there. i mean everyone's going" she said. karen sighed "just..be back by 10:00". nancy nodded. "why do you take them, too?" karen suggested. everyone all said no or nodded no.

"don't you think you should be there? for will" she says concerned. at that moment el came down the stairs that caused mike to choke on his milk.karen went to turn around but dustin banged on the table stopping her and making her gasp. "sorry, spasm." he sheepishly said. mike was covered in milk. bella was trying to hold in her laughter.lucas just looked annoyed.

holly starts to whimper and starts sinking into her chair. "is okay, holly. it's just a loud noise." karen reassured. "nice" nancy said

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