→the mind flayer←4.2

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They decide on the shed and start to clean it out. everyone breaks into little groups: steve and nancy,dustin and lucas, max, mike, and bella. lori and jonathan, hopper and joyce. mike was checking under the sink while max and bella taped cardboard together. "i get why el was your mage now" max says with a small smile. mike turns around "what?". "lucas and bella. they told me all about her" she says.

"well. they shouldn't have." he says looking at bella with an annoyed look in eyes. "really? we're gonna do this?" bella says irritated. "no. whatever but just because she knows the truth, it doesn't mean you're in our party. you do know that right?" mike tells her. she loses her smile. "not true at all. once this is all over we are gonna have a vote and if he gets outvoted then you're in" bella says with a slight smile.

"thanks but who would want a stupid zoomer in your party anyway? i'm just if saying, el? she sounds like she was really awesome" she says. "yeah she was" mike says. "you guys would've totally got along. she would've loved your whole i'm a badass vibe" bella says. max laughs a little. "she was awesome until that thing took her from us" mike says closing the cabinet and standing up "just like it took bob" he says walking away. "im sorry for his behavior. once we talk i think he'll ease up on you, don't worry" bella said with a smile.

they taped and covered every part of the shed to hide their location. everyone worked putting this up as fast as they can. they covered all signs that they were still at the byers residents. they taped a chair to pole and tied will there. mike set up lights high enough so when turned on you couldn't see past it. they all crowded around him one last time before only joyce and hopper were left.

"we should talk now" bella said. "oh alright yeah" he said. bella took mike into wills room. she sat on the bed and patted the bed as well. come sit" she said. he took a seat. "i'm gonna keep it honest with you. ok look here's what's gotta change if we get back together. first you have to stop having such a huge attitude problem. i'm not sure if it's because of el or something but it has to stop. stop taking out your anger on me, max, and rest of the party. second you to have communicate with me. mike, this will be our fourth time getting back together and if this doesn't work out i'm out. you get one last shot. i care about you so much. my days are not the same with you and that scares me. the fact that a person can affect your whole day is terrifying. i really miss us the old us. you make me so happy and we can keep that but you have to do better and i'm at fault as well. i'll try to give you more space and not get to frustrated with you. i'm ready to give this a second shots cause i was promised a date to the snowball and i'm gonna hold you to that, wheeler" she says to him.

he sighs "you're right. i've been impossible to deal with. and all together a huge asshole to everyone in my life especially the person who i care so much about. i'm sorry that i hurt to the point where you felt like you had to leave this relationship. i just feel so angry for letting el go like that. i feel like it's my fault that she's not here right now. i know it truly not my fault but when i see you and max together i just get so frustrated. i hate seeing you without her and she's a constant reminder of what we lost. i'm sorry i've been such a dickhead to max. she seems really cool so i guess she can be in out party if it makes you happy. cause i really like you i can't believe i almost lost you over my attitude. and i still most definitely wanna take you to the snowball as my date. so if you'll let me i would love to be your boyfriend again" he says.

she grabs his hands and looks deep into his eyes letting out a sigh. "okay i believe you" she says breaking into a smile. he breaks into the biggest smile she's ever seen. he jumps up "really?". she nods "yes, wheeler. i'm your girlfriend again". he leans in and cups her cheeks giving her a kiss. yeah they've kissed but this one was different. if it was pure happiness and dare i even say, love. the kiss was short but they both knew what it meant. they pulled back from the kiss each with a high grin. she pulls him into a long hug "i've missed this and you so much". she looks up and plants a bunch of small kisses all over his face.

"jeez. i've missed this. i've miss holding hands. i miss our dates, i miss you walking me to class, i just missed being your girlfriend" she says in between kisses. before they can continue kissing there's a knock at the door. "guys you're up" lucas says. "we'll be right out." he says. he kisses her one more time then grabs her hands and leads her to the shed. they both take their turns saying how they met and much they care about him. hopper stands up straight "follow me".

he leads them back inside. he grabs the paper and a pencil. he takes a seat at the table. "what happened?" dustin asks. they all crowd around him. he sighs "i think he's talking, just not with words. he writes out this sequence {. . . .   •   •———-•   •}.

"What is that?" steve asks. "morse code" the party responds. "h-e-r-e." hopper spells out. "here." they all say at once. "wills still in there. he's talking to us.

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