→suzie, do you copy?←5.1

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Bella and mike ran down the hill back into the woods until they were certain they couldn't been seen. as they stopped to catch their breath they let out a little laugh. they dropped the bags of stuff . "i can't believe we just left" she said smiling. "well i can cuz now i get to do this without hearing anyone complain" he said slowly pushing her to the tree and kissing her.

she put her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. the kiss was anything but sweet. bellas heart pounded in her chest as her knees got weaker. she could only focus on how soft he felt against her mouth. mike kept his eyes half open, sneaking a guilty peek at her every time he came back for air, just to make sure she was enjoying this as much as he was.

she parted her lips and felt him washing over like a wave of warmth. by the time mike became aware of his fingers, they had already slipped under her shirt. as they stood propped against the tree, glued to one another they found themselves in a perfect place. mike reluctantly leaned back "bella i have to tell you something". "talk later. make out now. we don't have that much time" she says pulling his shirt collar and pulling him back to her. he trailed kisses down her neck. he sucked and nibbled on her neck causing her to moan and giggle. he went back to her lips leaving her with two bright red hickeys that she was unaware of.

mikes watch beeped and they stoped to look down and see his watch said four in the afternoon. they let out a sigh. "we should get back" bella said. mike just nodded and grabbed the bags. the walked back up the hill to their friends not saying much of anything after that make out.

they saw their friends sitting down on hill waiting for them. they ran the little bit left. "hey guys. we're back" she said with smile. "find my missing piece?dustin asked. "what? oh... yeah" mike said remembering. max let out a laugh and will snorted. "what? why are you laughing?" bella said taking a seat next to her.

"tell mike to pick a better spot next time" max whispered to her then flicked her neck. bellas eyes widen in shock. "mike! why didn't you tell me?" she whispered yelled. he shrugged "i didn't even notice". she stated to blush and avoid looking at her friends.

"we need to get to building. the suns gonna set soon" dustin said unzipping the bag and dumping everything. everyone followed suit. one by one they started to put the pieces together. once dustin taped the umbrella they were ready to go. they pushed the radio up and took a step back to admire their work. they all looked worn out and sweaty.

"pretty impressive, right?" dustin said smiling. "yeah" max admitted. "now, you ready to meet my love?" dustin said taking a seat. "yeah sure" max and lucas said. they all sat around in a circle. he turned the radio and spoke into it. "suzie, this is dustin. do you copy? over" he spoke. the radio static hissed. they all shared a look. lucas crossed his arms.

"one sec. she's probably... she's still there. suzie this is dustin. do you copy? over." he said. the radio just hissed. everyone was starting to look annoyed. "i'm sure she's there. it's just—" he said. "yeah" lucas said nodding. "you know, maybe she's, like, busy or—" he continued. lucas just nodded again "yeah". "it's around dinner time. here" dustin said.

they all nodded in agreement. "suzie, do you copy? this is dustin. over" he said to the radio. the radio static hissed again. they watched as the sun set and dustin just sat there trying to talk to suzie.

soon night was upon them. bella and mike laid on the grass together cuddled up. bella was laying on mikes chest with her eyes closed. dustin repeatedly tried to call suzie but no answer. el just sat there and watched him. will had his eyes closed while laying on the grass and max and lucas laid next to each other watching the stars. "dustin, come on! she's not there" max said exhausted. "she's there, all right? she'll pick up" he said.

"maybe cerebro doesn't work" will said sitting up. "or maybe suzie doesn't exist" lucas offered. "she exist!" dustin yelled. "she's a genius and she's a hotter than phoebe cates? lucas asked. dustin nodded. "no girl is that perfect" lucas argued. max shot up "is that so?". lucas sat up "i mean...you're perfect. i mean, like, per—perfect in your own way. in your special— your own special way" lucas said stuttering trying to find the right words.

max gave him a look then chuckled "relax, i was just teasing. im obviously perfect and dustins obviously lying" she said to him. dustin looked hurt slightly. max got up "come on, don juan" she said offering her hand to lucas. he took it and they started to walk off. "where are you going?" he yelled out after them. " home" she said.

mike sat up slightly "hey bella. we should get el home" he said. she sighed "yeah i agree. it's getting late". they both got up stretching. "come on el" bella said grabbing her hand. "oh not you guys too" dustin said. "sorry dustin. she's gotta get home" mike said. the three of them walked down the hall following max and lucas. "bye dustin. bye will" el said.

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