→the flea and the acrobat←1.6

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They walked along the railroad tracks following the compass. el wiped her nose and looks backed. she breathed a little heavier than usual. "bel" she said grabbing on to her jacket. "yeah?" bella asked. "turn back" she said. "what?why?" mike said. "I'm tired," she said. mike sighed "look, i'm sure we're re almost there. just hold on a little longer, okay?".el stopped and looked back but kept walking.

they walked to a junkyard full of old rusty cars who have reached their prime. dustin stoped "oh no" he said. "oh, no?" lucas asked. "we're heading back home." he informed them. "what?" mike said. "seriously?" bella said. "are you sure?" lucas asked.
"yeah, i'm sure. setting sun, right there. we lopped right around." he said pointing at the sun. "and you're just realizing this now?" lucas asked. "why is this all on me?" dustin said becoming defensive.

"because you're the compass genius!" lucas yelled. "what do yours say?" he asked. "north" they all say. lucas sighs. "makes no damn sense" dustin said dumbfounded. "maybe the gate moved." mike suggested. "i don't think a gate to another dimension just moved!" bella said. "i think something else is screwing with the compasses" dustin said.

"maybe it's something here" mike said. "no, it has to be like a super magnet" dustin says. lucas turned around "it's not a magnet. she's been acting weirder than normal. if she can slam doors with her mind she can definitely screw up a compass." lucas says. "el wouldn't do that" bella tells him. "why would she even do that?" mike says.

"because she's trying to sabotage our mission. because she's a traitor!" lucas yells pointing at her. lucas slowly walks over to her. bella and mike both follow "lucas what are you doing?" mike asked. "you did it, didn't you?" he says. "you don't want us to reach the gate. you don't want us to find will." lucas says to her. "lucas, just leave her alone!" mike yells. "admit it" lucas yells.

"no" she says. "admit it!" lucas yells grabbing her arm and seeing the blood on her jacket. he pushed her arm away "fresh blood. i knew it" he yells. "lucas, come on!" bella said. "i saw her wiping her nose on the track! she was using her powers!" he yelled. "bull! that's old right el?" mike said. "god mike are you slow in the head or something?" he yelled .she started to tear up. "right el?" bella said. "it's...not...it's not safe." she said crying.

"i can see past her powers and see that she's been playing both you since the start and that fact that you defend her. you two are made for each other!" lucas yelled. "what?" mike said taken aback. "don't act dumb! we all know that you and bella have been secretly together, we're not dumb! friends don't keep secrets from each other!" he said. "you lied to both of us" lucas said. "no it's not like that" bella told him. "don't lie" he said. mike sighed  "okay it's true but do you see why we haven't told you. we were gonna do it monday but then will go missing and we got distracted" mike told him. lucas rolled his eyes "bull".

"what did i tell both of you? she's been playing us since the beginning!" lucas yelled. "that's not true. she helped us find will!" mike yelled back. "find will? where is he, then? huh? i don't see him." lucas said looking around. "yeah, you know what i mean." mike said. "no, actually i don't. just think about it mike. she could've just told us where the upside-down was right away, but she didn't.she just made us run around like headless chickens" lucas yelled. "alright, calm down!" dustin said getting in between them. "no! she used us, all of us!she helped just enough so she could get what she wants.food and a bed. shes like a stray dog." lucas told them.

"screw you,lucas!" mike said. "no!screw you, mike. you're just blind..blind because you're dating a girl who isn't grossed out by you and she actually like the weirdo. but wake up, man! wake the hell up!" lucas yelled. "she knows where will is, and now she's just letting him die in the upside down." he said. "shut up!" mike yelled. "for all we know, it's her fault." lucas said. "shut up!" mike yelled.

"we're looking for some stupid monster...but didn't you ever stop to think that maybe she's the monster?" lucas yelled pushing mike. there was pause. "i said shut up!" mike said grabbing on to lucas and pushing him. they started to fight falling to the floor. "stop!" eleven yelled. "guys come on stop!" bella yelled. "knock it off, you idiots." dustin yelled as they continued to fight. "stop it!" eleven yelled once more. "mike get off!" dustin said. lucas got on top of mike. "stop it!" eleven yelled. eleven let out this huge scream sending lucas flying off of mike into a sheet of metal rendering him unconscious.

"lucas!" bella yelled running over to him. "jesus!" dustin said also running over. mike got up and ran to him. "lucas!lucas! lucas, are you alright?" mike asked. "come on wake up" bella said shaking him. "lucas come on!" dustin said. "why would you do that ?" mike yelled at her. "mike.. don't" bell said. "come on" dustin said shaking him. eleven was crying. "what's wrong with you?" he yelled. "mike stop yelling at her and help us" bella yelled. eleven seems to go into this dissociative state. she started to sob.

"come on, wake up" dustin said. he finally came to. dustin's chuckled. mike let out this exhale. bell gave him a hug "oh good". bella let go. lucas sat up. "lucas, you okay?" mike asked. "lucas...lucas, how many fingers am i holding up? lucas how many fingers?" dustin said putting three fingers in his face. "let me see your head." mike said going to check. "get off of me!" he yelled smacking mikes hands away. "just..lucas. lucas, let me see" mike said.

lucas got up. "lucas let me see" mike said going to touch him but lucas smacked him away "get off of me!". lucas pushed past them and started to walk away. "lucas, come on." mike said going to chase after him but dustin stopped him. "let him go." he said.

"man let him go" dustin said. bella looked over to see that el wasn't there anymore. "where is el?" she asked. mike was outta breath. "mike take a deep breath." bella said. "el?" mike shouted. mike started to look around. "eleven?" dustin called out. they all started to look around but she was nowhere to be seen.

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